Judge rules that Whistleblower lawsuit goes forward

The whistleblowers fixed all that. No more pens, notepads, mugs, models of the heart and all those other incredibly unfair and influential tools of the trade. Thank you whistleblowers, you have really made a difference while lining your own pockets. Congrats!

It still shocks me the number of Kool Aid drinkers still supporting Novartis. After the massive lay offs, unfavorable court rulings and negative tv reports still many feel Novartis can do no wrong. We don't live in the 1960's where our parents worked for the same company their entire careers and the company was loyal. You and I are just a number, the court rules against Novartis for a reason and these TV reports have some truth or Novartis would sue them. The long time employees are Kool Aid drunk for sticking up for Novartis. Reality is this a paycheck and we all swallow our pride and compromise our personal ethics for this paycheck.

It still shocks me the number of Kool Aid drinkers still supporting Novartis. After the massive lay offs, unfavorable court rulings and negative tv reports still many feel Novartis can do no wrong. We don't live in the 1960's where our parents worked for the same company their entire careers and the company was loyal. You and I are just a number, the court rules against Novartis for a reason and these TV reports have some truth or Novartis would sue them. The long time employees are Kool Aid drunk for sticking up for Novartis. Reality is this a paycheck and we all swallow our pride and compromise our personal ethics for this paycheck.


Reaching for the light beyond
We will rise through the dark again

Or the idiot judge who awarded smokers millions because nobody knew smoking was bad for their health. Or that hot coffee will will hard-boil your nuts when spilled.

Just because you know that smoking is bad for you doesn't justify the tobacco compnaies marketing cigs to children or manipulating the content to make them more addictive. You are a moron sir.

Have you ever noticed that, what passes for the modern conservative philosophy is what most of us out grew in highschool?

Quite the opposite. Modern day liberalism and the entitlement mentality of cradle to grave paternalism is what most people outgrew soon after grade school..

We are all victims of freedom.... Government, please save us. Because the history of government shows they only want what is best for us.

Whistleblowers are American Heroes!! They are helping stop fraud. If their claims are wrong they won't win. Your argument sucks and you sound like an uneducated fool.

More great American litigation:

(Oct. 8, 2014) – Customers who purchased a Red Bull drink between 2002 and Oct. 3, 2014 are owed $10 cash or $15 in Red Bull products, according to a settlement the company agreed to last month.

Who knew Red Bull didn't actually give you wings???

Quite the opposite. Modern day liberalism and the entitlement mentality of cradle to grave paternalism is what most people outgrew soon after grade school..

We are all victims of freedom.... Government, please save us. Because the history of government shows they only want what is best for us.

Conservatives are the ones who loves them some entitlements "Keep your govt heads off of my Medicare!"

All conservatives employer provided healthcare insurance is govt subsidized and the mortgages on their homes are subsidized.

Conservatives are the ones who loves them some entitlements "Keep your govt heads off of my Medicare!"

All conservatives employer provided healthcare insurance is govt subsidized and the mortgages on their homes are subsidized.

You morons keep insisting that working and getting a tax-break on healthcare is a subsidy. Ok, let's play your MORONIC GAME. When government subsidizes something, you get more of it. Do we want more people working with healthcare, or do we want more do-nothing bums on the street with no incentive to work?

It still shocks me the number of Kool Aid drinkers still supporting Novartis. After the massive lay offs, unfavorable court rulings and negative tv reports still many feel Novartis can do no wrong. We don't live in the 1960's where our parents worked for the same company their entire careers and the company was loyal. You and I are just a number, the court rules against Novartis for a reason and these TV reports have some truth or Novartis would sue them. The long time employees are Kool Aid drunk for sticking up for Novartis. Reality is this a paycheck and we all swallow our pride and compromise our personal ethics for this paycheck.

Does anyone know what ever happened with the Long Island lawsuit? Is it settled

Dismissed , move along

Good try leadership.

Here is the information to look up yourself. This lawsuit appears to be alive and ongoing.

The brand new annual report just came out last week and it is listed. Go to Novartis.com and click on investors. Pull up the entire annual report - 274 pages. This is not the media release. Scroll down to page 217 it lists all the lawsuits. They try to bury these is the financial data section. It is eye opening what is ongoing

Good try leadership.

Here is the information to look up yourself. This lawsuit appears to be alive and ongoing.

The brand new annual report just came out last week and it is listed. Go to Novartis.com and click on investors. Pull up the entire annual report - 274 pages. This is not the media release. Scroll down to page 217 it lists all the lawsuits. They try to bury these is the financial data section. It is eye opening what is ongoing

I was shocked at the list. I had no idea there was that many lawsuits outstanding especially US.

Good try leadership.

Here is the information to look up yourself. This lawsuit appears to be alive and ongoing.

The brand new annual report just came out last week and it is listed. Go to Novartis.com and click on investors. Pull up the entire annual report - 274 pages. This is not the media release. Scroll down to page 217 it lists all the lawsuits. They try to bury these is the financial data section. It is eye opening what is ongoing

Very "Eye Opening" Indeed!
Something coming that WILL be material to the bottom line, but will be difficult to predict how much or how little, as it will be tried in the court of public opinion.

Can't put enough monies aside to deal with what is coming your way Basel in the next short months.

The bell that has taken years to create is finished and it tolls for the!
I'm calling it the "Liberty Bell!"