Janssen CNS

They want robots. Stick to a script and click in an exact order on the IPad. God forbid you have a real engaging conversation. This isn’t diabetes... it’s mental health where you have in-depth conversations and there are tons of variables. It’s amazing to see how fast new leadership can drive a culture in the toilet. Out of touch and unable to relate or understand the disease state and complexity of getting a health system set up. #whatashame

Spot on! These CV robots think they are the best and are unwilling to take any advice on the needs of our accounts. All of this on top of a god awful environment to work in and the wonder why this launch is failing miserably!

The meetings look like an AARP convention. People stay because of the pension and if they don't rock the boat, they can retire with some security. That's if we even get the pension by the time we retire.

The hiring and retention of "tenured reps with relationships" is a joke. The KAM in my territory didn't have any access to accounts they claimed to have stellar relationships so they started calling on outpatient targets that were easy to see.

What a clusterfuck...lol

Yes, the KAM and KAS role are a total joke and waste of money. All they do is take credit for the SS efforts and complain that they do everything. The division won’t last long like this.

I applied for a neurosc position on the J&J Website. I received an email with a link. I will be asked 3 questionS all of which the answers will be recorded. If they like the answers I will move on. My question is WHAT ARE THOSE 3 QUESTIONS?

I applied for a neurosc position on the J&J Website. I received an email with a link. I will be asked 3 questionS all of which the answers will be recorded. If they like the answers I will move on. My question is WHAT ARE THOSE 3 QUESTIONS?
Do you have self esteem or any professional integrity whatsoever? ANSWER: Of course not, if I did I wouldn't be interviewing here.

Do you enjoy being a patsy? ANSWER: Yes, very much!

Jump. ANSWER: I didn't hear a question in there but will respond with a how high, yes sir, and may I have another?


Do you have self esteem or any professional integrity whatsoever? ANSWER: Of course not, if I did I wouldn't be interviewing here.

Do you enjoy being a patsy? ANSWER: Yes, very much!

Jump. ANSWER: I didn't hear a question in there but will respond with a how high, yes sir, and may I have another?

Hahaha professional integrity!!! If you have even a drop of integrity you will be hated in this division. If you can cheat, lie, and take advantage of your partners then come on over!

Spot on! These CV robots think they are the best and are unwilling to take any advice on the needs of our accounts. All of this on top of a god awful environment to work in and the wonder why this launch is failing miserably!

Truer words have never been spoken. Example after example of these self important CVM managers that have never accomplished anything treating long time Neuro reps as if we don’t know anything or have never launched a product. Ahh hello jack ass, we’ve launched multiple products with half the people in the field that have resulted in two one billion dollar products SUSTENNA and Trinza. Both psych providers and patients are different than you’ve ever encountered in primary care. The once storied franchise we all built is now nothing but a primary care sales force. Fortunately for the legacy reps we are all close to retirement and will be happy to leave what’s left of the ashes to you know it alls.

Truer words have never been spoken. Example after example of these self important CVM managers that have never accomplished anything treating long time Neuro reps as if we don’t know anything or have never launched a product. Ahh hello jack ass, we’ve launched multiple products with half the people in the field that have resulted in two one billion dollar products SUSTENNA and Trinza. Both psych providers and patients are different than you’ve ever encountered in primary care. The once storied franchise we all built is now nothing but a primary care sales force. Fortunately for the legacy reps we are all close to retirement and will be happy to leave what’s left of the ashes to you know it alls.

I know of at least a dozen folks that are already planning their exit.

Please leave, there are many out there who would love to take your place.

Ohh nooo. Don’t go! Can you imagine all of the business we will lose if they go??

Nope. Just you hating.
And there you have it. "Leadership" in this company, in a nutshell.

To the interviewee who posted above, don't say you haven't been warned. Good luck.

Disagree - not many of the tenured people will go anywhere - because where will they go? What relevant marketplace skill sets do they have? Not many...other than what Jansen has brainwashed them on or maybe they can take a primary job (which is what this really is).

You all think you have key substantial relationships, but you really don’t, which is the common ego-centric misconception across Jansen/CNS.

The unsuccessful launch will mostly be because of the cluster@#$& plan (or lack of) from this brand team. They literally have no clue and have created chaos and hysteria with the multiple conflicting messages and “strategies” with the NS field organization and SCG/IBG. If inbred fighting over account ownership and desperation for recognition is what they are looking for, then they nailed it. If the goal is truly to launch and grow a product, then they are failing miserably already.

What does IBG do and what value have they brought to this launch?

What does IBG do and what value have they brought to this launch?

Nobody seems to know for sure but from what I can tell, not much at all actually. My ibg guy comes around once a month to try to weasel his way into meetings that we already have set up just to say he was at the account... And...you guessed it, take credit for anything and everything that we been done.