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Janssen and Hep C Division expansion

seriously? the last thing that works is a referral. no one ever gets hired with those. i have never heard of anyone getting in at the rep level with a referral. do your homework on compounds and hiv and make sure you know how to interview.

Most filled rep positions I've seen have been filled by referral. I've made some good cash on some of those. Thanks to the previous poster for the insight. This board is usually just a bunch of crap. Sometimes good helpful posts go through. Why are they filling these positions now if they won't have a drug till next year is my only question?

Most filled rep positions I've seen have been filled by referral. I've made some good cash on some of those. Thanks to the previous poster for the insight. This board is usually just a bunch of crap. Sometimes good helpful posts go through. Why are they filling these positions now if they won't have a drug till next year is my only question?

Next year? We are filling because filing March-April.

We would prefer to fill from within but not enough specialty experience.

Which is exactly another stupid big pharma philosophy. How many of those who will be doing the interviews came initially from primary care? They're doing fine aren't they? If your skill sets and experience are solid in pharma sales they will still be solid in pharma sales regardless of the market. The easiest recent example is the cardiology "specialty" group. Hire managers from other big pharma companies that are losing patents on blood pressure pills or whatever, they bring in their "best" brown nosing pod monkeys at large salaries and the entire group, based on their previous group "success" expects everyone else to do their work while they take credit. Meanwhile, many known, truly successful managers and reps aren't even considered, don't believe me then look at all the IM territories that are performing better than their CD "specialists". Here's another great opportunity to promote the best this company has to offer but most won't get a shot because they don't exactly meet the pie-in-the-sky criteria JOBI thinks they have to have for their team. It's myopic and silly.

Which is exactly another stupid big pharma philosophy. How many of those who will be doing the interviews came initially from primary care? They're doing fine aren't they? If your skill sets and experience are solid in pharma sales they will still be solid in pharma sales regardless of the market. The easiest recent example is the cardiology "specialty" group. Hire managers from other big pharma companies that are losing patents on blood pressure pills or whatever, they bring in their "best" brown nosing pod monkeys at large salaries and the entire group, based on their previous group "success" expects everyone else to do their work while they take credit. Meanwhile, many known, truly successful managers and reps aren't even considered, don't believe me then look at all the IM territories that are performing better than their CD "specialists". Here's another great opportunity to promote the best this company has to offer but most won't get a shot because they don't exactly meet the pie-in-the-sky criteria JOBI thinks they have to have for their team. It's myopic and silly.

Agree, that internals should be strongly considered. HOWEVER, existing relationships are also important, which allows territory to hit the ground running. Access and credibility CAN be enhanced by hiring outside IF the right person is hired.

Agree, that internals should be strongly considered. HOWEVER, existing relationships are also important, which allows territory to hit the ground running. Access and credibility CAN be enhanced by hiring outside IF the right person is hired.

I don't disagree with what you wrote but I also don't believe there is a perfect outside hire in every territory. There are amazing people already here who can be successful, why not give them a shot, it would also be good from a loyalty perspective if current reps knew there was opportunity within and they could build a solid career here. Career sales reps used to be valued, why are experience and skill sets built within the company thought of so poorly now?

I don't disagree with what you wrote but I also don't believe there is a perfect outside hire in every territory. There are amazing people already here who can be successful, why not give them a shot, it would also be good from a loyalty perspective if current reps knew there was opportunity within and they could build a solid career here. Career sales reps used to be valued, why are experience and skill sets built within the company thought of so poorly now?

politics gone wrong. promotions of non talent. butt kissing becoming valued. plus don't retain or promote anyone who threatens the weak egos now in management. long ago they backstabbed their way up so now anyone of worth is quickly passed over or eliminated. crossing over to a new division simply isn't possible at the rep level. control grasshopper. it is all about control.

Does Janssen Therapeutics still have reps or were they downsized and what remained are being moved over to this new division? Is Janssen Biotech moving people over too? My recruiter said they want these positions filled quickly.