J&J Vaccine Mandate

Vaccine mandates are the solution, if the issue is how to keep the pandemic going through the mid-term elections.

Bloomberg) -- Israel, once a front-runner in the global race to move on from Covid-19, is now one of the world’s biggest pandemic hot spots.

The country that was once predicted to be the first to vaccinate its entire population had the highest per-capita caseload of anywhere in the week through Sept. 4, according to figures compiled by Johns Hopkins University.

Vaccine mandates are the solution, if the issue is how to keep the pandemic going through the mid-term elections.

Bloomberg) -- Israel, once a front-runner in the global race to move on from Covid-19, is now one of the

The country that was once predicted to be the first to vaccinate its entire population had the highest per-capita caseload of anywhere in the week through Sept. 4, according to figures compiled by Johns Hopkins University.
This issue is well documented. Once Israeli adults fell safe, they took their families on vacations outside of their little country and their children brought it back.

Before the end of the decade the government will tell you what kind of car you can buy, how many miles a month you can drive, how big a house you can buy, how much money you can earn, and where you can and cannot live. Maybe then it will impact you.
You sound like such a positive person. I am sure EVERYONE just loves being around such a sniveling whiner.

Yes it's unfortunately the NORM and it should n't be. We shouldn't be forced. I will tell you that it's difficult to get a medical exception. It's going to be easier to get a religious exemption. You must google to find the proper wording to use.

I work for another company, and I did get a religious exemption. It wasn't easy. I tried initially with the fetal tissues from abortions, but they came back and said that Pfizer and Moderna don't use them, but I've read they do. anyway, that didn't work.
I continued with filing for religious exemption and it did work. Weekly covid tests, and if I go to home office have to show a negative test too.

I won't get the jab no matter what. I am leaving soon anyway, but at least it is when I want to leave.

There is no unemployment from what I've read for refusing employer-mandated vaccines, and there is no severance from what I've heard from reps at most companies if not all.




Good for you!

I'm not getting it either! No way

90% of the tough talking anti vaxers will do the math on being jobless or employment outside of JNJ versus getting an ouchie and cave.
The fact that nearly overnight, people like you seem happy about families losing their employment and worse is really scary. As a society we are really close to loading them all on trains again, and the public will again be OK with it. You know, because of 'the science'.

The question is will they get the J&J shot?

I got the shots so it kind of doesn’t really impact me.

It’s definitely an overreach by the Government, but I can see Biden’s point.

I can't see Biden's point at all.

It's a total overreach by the Govt. and they are not giving you all of the facts. They are changing facts around in so many ways to support their narrative.

Don't get weekly shots. they contain ethylene oxide, Not good to put IN your mouth.

Return to office 10/8….. We really have to wear masks all day every day for 8 hours? Why if it’s mandated that everyone is vaxxed or get the boot. Anyone else think this contradicts being vaccinated?

I can't see Biden's point at all.

It's a total overreach by the Govt. and they are not giving you all of the facts. They are changing facts around in so many ways to support their narrative.

Don't get weekly shots. they contain ethylene oxide, Not good to put IN your mouth.

Blah, Blah, Blah! The liberals are taking away my rights! My body, my choice!

Shut up! You are an at will employee of a private company. If you don't want to meet a job requirement, you have the "freedom" to get another job!

This pandemic is lasting a lot longer in the US because of idiots, who won't get vaccinated. I love the fact that these idiots are the one's dying in ICUs. There is no cure for stupid!

Blah, Blah, Blah! The liberals are taking away my rights! My body, my choice!

Shut up! You are an at will employee of a private company. If you don't want to meet a job requirement, you have the "freedom" to get another job!

This pandemic is lasting a lot longer in the US because of idiots, who won't get vaccinated. I love the fact that these idiots are the one's dying in ICUs. There is no cure for stupid!

Blah, Blah, Blah! The liberals are taking away my rights! My body, my choice!

Shut up! You are an at will employee of a private company. If you don't want to meet a job requirement, you have the "freedom" to get another job!

This pandemic is lasting a lot longer in the US because of idiots, who won't get vaccinated. I love the fact that these idiots are the one's dying in ICUs. There is no cure for stupid!

When people make comments like this.,,, shaking my head. Why aren’t they vaccinating all the people crossing the border.