A medical device rep is not posting on cafepharna sample boy. What time will you be bringing lunch to my office today?

You are a toolbag ahole. I sell medical devices and work yes up to 80 hrs a week, including weekends. Our products have tangible impact on patients and materially improve their lives. You sell chemical mixtures that addict patients and have little material impact in any, over natural cures.

I make a lot of $$ and have the psychic reward of seeing my products improve lives. What do you do but fake calls and make ride alongs for sex in the company car??

You are a toolbag ahole. I sell medical devices and work yes up to 80 hrs a week, including weekends. Our products have tangible impact on patients and materially improve their lives. You sell chemical mixtures that addict patients and have little material impact in any, over natural cures.

I make a lot of $$ and have the psychic reward of seeing my products improve lives. What do you do but fake calls and make ride alongs for sex in the company car??

Amen brother!

You are a toolbag ahole. I sell medical devices and work yes up to 80 hrs a week, including weekends. Our products have tangible impact on patients and materially improve their lives. You sell chemical mixtures that addict patients and have little material impact in any, over natural cures.

I make a lot of $$ and have the psychic reward of seeing my products improve lives. What do you do but fake calls and make ride alongs for sex in the company car??

WELL AINT YOU SPECIAL???? You want a friggin plaque douchebag?

You are a toolbag ahole. I sell medical devices and work yes up to 80 hrs a week, including weekends. Our products have tangible impact on patients and materially improve their lives. You sell chemical mixtures that addict patients and have little material impact in any, over natural cures.

I make a lot of $$ and have the psychic reward of seeing my products improve lives. What do you do but fake calls and make ride alongs for sex in the company car??

Improve lived jeez us you are a wet behind the ears new by. Let me guess 18 months or less?

Listen I have been at this a long time. If you stick it out a long time you'll realize the only thing that matters is the how large the deposit into your bank account is.

Nothing else. Concentrating on that koombya shit will get you out on the street looking for your old pharma gig again.

True. Device isn't what its cracked up to be with GPO contracts, IDNs, and purchasing departments involved. The best jobs are the biotech buy and bill injectables. No sampling, mostly hospital visits, some networking, and great QOL.

ive heard that injectables is the market to be selling in and /or oral and topical

You are a toolbag ahole. I sell medical devices and work yes up to 80 hrs a week, including weekends. Our products have tangible impact on patients and materially improve their lives. You sell chemical mixtures that addict patients and have little material impact in any, over natural cures.

I make a lot of $$ and have the psychic reward of seeing my products improve lives. What do you do but fake calls and make ride alongs for sex in the company car??

Couldn't have said it better. This post is spot on and is expresses my feelings about the Forest toolbaggers.

You are a toolbag ahole. I sell medical devices and work yes up to 80 hrs a week, including weekends. Our products have tangible impact on patients and materially improve their lives. You sell chemical mixtures that addict patients and have little material impact in any, over natural cures.

I make a lot of $$ and have the psychic reward of seeing my products improve lives. What do you do but fake calls and make ride alongs for sex in the company car??

WTF is a "psychic" reward? Idiot....

Working 80 hours is different from being on call 80 hours. sorry you have to curb your drinking. Several people in spine and brain device make 200K-300K and have actual work six hours out of the week in the OR. The rest is taking trips to get one doctor on board(often times with shady kickbacks). Device is corrupt but if you get one Doc then you are set. Anything medical is a cushy job so don't hate or take either for granted. Direct to consumer ads could replace pharma reps like a robot with a laser pointer could replace anyone in device (sounds ridiculous to both).

Working 80 hours is different from being on call 80 hours. sorry you have to curb your drinking. Several people in spine and brain device make 200K-300K and have actual work six hours out of the week in the OR. The rest is taking trips to get one doctor on board(often times with shady kickbacks). Device is corrupt but if you get one Doc then you are set. Anything medical is a cushy job so don't hate or take either for granted. Direct to consumer ads could replace pharma reps like a robot with a laser pointer could replace anyone in device (sounds ridiculous to both).

Device sales Rep leaving hospital and finally going home. Yes I make big bucks but work long hours.......

Obviously the maturity level of this holier than though device rep is on par with a high school jock Forest rep. I get psychic rewards when I tell you to go stick your nuts in a blender.