Is it normal that DM's told their reps to go into the field today and make calls after they delivered the you've been kept news?
Massacre in N and MW and W but South very little. Guess they know where the rxes come from.
Is it normal that DM's told their reps to go into the field today and make calls after they delivered the you've been kept news?
Wow, finally getting some info and man, did you guys fuck up big time!! Way to go exec team. You really kept some lazy workers and let some really good ones go....Hope this comes around to bite you in the ass!
Tri/State area, Long Island, Queens, Brooklyn, Manhattan got DEMOLISHED
It was a mix from what I observed. Most stayed home.
The 10% number speaks to the total number off employess. If you look at the number of reps its 30-40%
No it's not dummy. It's 15% tops of the reps. We had 3 people let to in our entire region of 100 people. The 15% was always a national number, not on a local basis. For all you people that always complained about access and you don't make a difference in you territory, well today the company is telling you, "you know I agree with you--- see ya"
RECRUITER HERE: Hey guys and gals please answer the call from your local recruiter. WE HAVE THE JOBS ! There's more layoffs coming so even if you survived this week there's a massive one coming again.
Kept my job and that is all that matters! Sorry about those who were let go. i will forward any messages or job listings!
Enough with the bashing already. Some of us that were let go were appreciative to have a job- and didn't complain about access or make excuses. In addition, there were many kept that haven't been working for years. If you have a job, appreciate it and stop lecturing those who don't. I know several trustworthy and hardworking people who have been let go.