IT Project Nightmare

Many of IT's "productivity", "turn around time", and "volume" reports were formatted long ago by people long gone. These reports are in many (if not most) cases inaccurate and do not include new tests, etc. and as a result many cases "fall through the cracks". If you try to get a straight answer regarding these discrepancies, you'll be double-talked to death in "tech speak" and be labeled as a trouble maker. Ironically, people's jobs depend on this arcane data mining and billing. But the stock keeps climbing so all is well.

This thread is really dumb. Every company I've ever worked for has 3-4 different systems that they use to run the company. Each serves a purpose. Some are old and some are new. You just upgrade where you can and keep moving. That's how it is. Businesses can't afford to constantly buy whole new systems. It us an endless struggle for all large corporations.

This thread is really dumb. Every company I've ever worked for has 3-4 different systems that they use to run the company. Each serves a purpose. Some are old and some are new. You just upgrade where you can and keep moving. That's how it is. Businesses can't afford to constantly buy whole new systems. It us an endless struggle for all large corporations.

Sorry about the typo. Meant to say: it is an endless struggle.