IT Project Nightmare

IF…this is for real, it will not be the first time. Regardless, the LabCorp system is way better than the fragmented Quest system, where one reference lab cannot connect with another.

IF…this is for real, it will not be the first time.

All too real. I worked a 13 hr shift last night and didn't run a single specimen or release a single result. My boss called me and told me I had to come in tonight and work because all last night's work is still waiting. Still no reporting but supposedly accessioning and the instrument interfaces are finally up.

It's the first time it's been this bad. It went down Friday at 1 pm and it's almost 12:30 am Sunday so coming up on 36 hrs down with not a single result reported anywhere in the company. For a stupid hardware problem? My rinky dink department has a disaster recovery plan for every damn thing, why doesn't IT?

Worked 14 hours Friday and came in on my day off for 16 hours Saturday into Sunday trying to sort out the mess at my lab. I've never seen anything quite like in my years with the company. Next week will be a nightmare for sales reps, customer service and specimen management folks.

It is crazy - the entire mainframe was out!

LabCorp’s state-of-the-art regional laboratories are unified under a single Laboratory Information System (LIS) with standardized testing platforms and quality assurance procedures. Each regional laboratory manages a broad menu of testing in addition to direct referrals to the company’s premier Specialty Testing Group laboratories. Like no other laboratory in the country, LabCorp provides clients with local accessibility, a consistent, nation-wide service platform, and the long-term reliability clients expect from a primary reference laboratory.

So, big deal, we lost power of a weekend. We're up now.

I love that response. Very typical of Labcrap. Who cares ...

The people who had to delay surgery due to delayed pre-op testing.

The residents in nursing homes who had to go to the hospital.

The patients who had to up or lower their Coumadin and possibly fell because they were dizzy. Maybe they even bled out...

The patients waiting for transplants that couldn't get one. They can just wait for the next person to die and have another organ match available.

You are a turd.

So, big deal, we lost power of a weekend. We're up now.
Typical sociopathic manager. I hope it wasn't your kid's specimen that went bad on the bench while IT while we did not work for 48 hours. Or your stat vancomycin that had a 36 hr tat because our IT has no disaster recovery plan.

I guess I have the wrong attitude to work here. I'd fit in better if I was all "hey I got 20 hours of OT this weekend and I didn't even have to work! Win!!!1!!"