It’s started...

There are several HSBS positions posted?
Those are positions for accounts that will still have HSBS assigned to them. Those of us who are being let go covered accounts that won't be covered by HSBS anymore. I'm not sure why people are having such a hard time understanding this. The shocking part is we were told we would all have a job, and that is not true.

Those are positions for accounts that will still have HSBS assigned to them. Those of us who are being let go covered accounts that won't be covered by HSBS anymore. I'm not sure why people are having such a hard time understanding this. The shocking part is we were told we would all have a job, and that is not true.

I am so sorry that you were treated that way. It is interesting that the company doesn't realize that this kind of behavior causes the entire sales force to have PTSD That can't properly settle in and focus on the business. They loose so much productivity (and money) because of this lack of understanding. I wish you the very best wherever you may go.

There was no announcement. We got calls with no warning. We have 60 days to apply for open positions. Your HSBS obviously had no reason to be called because their jobs were kept. The United States is a big country. Things go on outside of your district. Don't be so sure of yourself or your position. It can happen to any of us, and it did!

There was no announcement because they want to keep things quite (so the other sales forces don’t figure out that they were lied to too.) They realigned the Regions and now they are going to redo the individual territories.

There was no announcement because they want to keep things quite (so the other sales forces don’t figure out that they were lied to too.) They realigned the Regions and now they are going to redo the individual territories.

I recently left BI. I was in leadership, had over 10 years in, and several opportunities to go inside. I noticed over the last 5 years that the company promoted less and less, favored bringing in outside talent, and treated employees more and more like they were expendable.

This type of behaviour is exactly why all the good talent is looking to leave or have left. Very sad.

I am so sorry that you were treated that way. It is interesting that the company doesn't realize that this kind of behavior causes the entire sales force to have PTSD That can't properly settle in and focus on the business. They loose so much productivity (and money) because of this lack of understanding. I wish you the very best wherever you may go.

Thank you for respectfully verbalizing my feelings too.

I understand this is a dynamic business but don’t speak of transparency, personal development and culture when you don’t live it. I am like you, I just don’t get that they do not understand what this does to the salesforce. It cost them money! We are the face of the company and often of the product to BI customers. Does this lack of trust for BI spill over to our customers? How does that translate?

Best of luck everyone!

There was no announcement because they want to keep things quite (so the other sales forces don’t figure out that they were lied to too.) They realigned the Regions and now they are going to redo the individual territories.
seriously? TBS were told they were not impacted at all. Ashfield positions have been removed and filled with company representatives - no more safety net. WHY?

I am so sorry that you were treated that way. It is interesting that the company doesn't realize that this kind of behavior causes the entire sales force to have PTSD That can't properly settle in and focus on the business. They loose so much productivity (and money) because of this lack of understanding. I wish you the very best wherever you may go.

Sadly constant transformation is causing quality representatives to look outside the organization and others to just put their head down hoping to not be noticed

Sadly constant transformation is causing quality representatives to look outside the organization and others to just put their head down hoping to not be noticed

Keep your eyes wide open when looking out there. Sometimes other companies suck too. I know a few who have escaped successfully and are happy with their moves. I know an equal or greater number who have tried and ended up even more unhappy. It's a crap shoot.

seriously? TBS were told they were not impacted at all. Ashfield positions have been removed and filled with company representatives - no more safety net. WHY?

If they didn’t tell The HSBS sales force the truth what makes you think they they would tell other sales forces everything that’s coming.

I recall hearing NO headcount reduction and HSBS would be placed in TBS positions. This occurred with CBDs, however, not so with the HSBS. I guess it was BS

They definitely said that the HSBS would be placed in positions so to assume that there will be no changes with the TBS positions would be stupid.

All they said to TBS is that there would be no changes for Oct.1. That certainly does not mean there will not be changes at another date.

True but you’re missing the point. They told the HSBS team that they would be placed, now some of them have been let go. Management has lost all credibility on the entire issue. We can’t believe what we were previously told.

True but you’re missing the point. They told the HSBS team that they would be placed, now some of them have been let go. Management has lost all credibility on the entire issue. We can’t believe what we were previously told.

I agree, but I never have trusted them. They pulled some stunts 9 years ago, that many who have been around for a while never got over. It would be nice if they would change though.

Biohaven is hiring a sales force. Quite a few former managers and directors are there now. Go work for them.

They will be launching an oral version of a CGRPi; amongst other items in their pipeline. That should help all the unhappy BI people with their headaches.