Is narcissism this rampant at all pharma companies?


I've been here for a couple of years and am astonished at the amount of narcissistic reps here. Take a look at one of the other threads about saving Xmillion $.

Are all pharma companies like this? The one I came from was very small and the people were great. Too bad the company was taken over and I was laid off.

What I wouldn't give to go back to that environment instead of having to deal with every NVS rep crying me, me, look at me!


I've been here for a couple of years and am astonished at the amount of narcissistic reps here. Take a look at one of the other threads about saving Xmillion $.

Are all pharma companies like this? The one I came from was very small and the people were great. Too bad the company was taken over and I was laid off.

What I wouldn't give to go back to that environment instead of having to deal with every NVS rep crying me, me, look at me!

What is narcissistic about wanting to retire comfortable with a few million dollars saved? 5M should be your goal. Some say 3M. But, at the end of the day if you’ve worked in this industry with nothing to show for it, it’s on you. Everything is set up to achieve at least 2M.

Smaller companies have totally different culture and that’s what I’ve learned from coming here. Was sold on the culture in my division that upper leadership (beyond my abl) was supporting and stood by “unbossed” culture to make business decisions. Unfortunately, that has not been the experience.

OMG! This thread is so spot on. Everyone I've worked with here only thinks of themselves. No teamwork in the CRM division at all.

Accurate. CRM is flailing right now. Abls trying to justify jobs, territories/areas are too small, not enough targets, huge sales force bumping into each other. But we all keep nodding our heads...

Accurate. CRM is flailing right now. Abls trying to justify jobs, territories/areas are too small, not enough targets, huge sales force bumping into each other. But we all keep nodding our heads...

When you take into account the size of that product along with the number of reps- well we should realistically cut about 50% of the sales force. Just not needed or could be do with contract reps which are cheaper. Facts.

Accurate. CRM is flailing right now. Abls trying to justify jobs, territories/areas are too small, not enough targets, huge sales force bumping into each other. But we all keep nodding our heads...

Clueless ABL’s wanting to get into the field, irregardless of how inappropriate that is right now. All because they have a job to do blah blah blah. Office staff and physicians have very little time now to deal with anything other than Covid and keeping a business running. Having a manager there only makes the situation more unrealistic and uncomfortable. Learn how to think for a change.

Or have an abl who gets it and while has a job to do understands the business side/customers and doesn’t demand you go to accounts that will ultimately hurt business. Thank goodness my abl gets it-but I’m not not in CRM division either.

Obviously, they don’t care about what negative impact their useless presence will cause. They care about nothing but themselves, kissing their RD’s butt, and justifying their existence to corporate. Fear is the prevailing theme here.

The reality is that many (not all) of our associates in cardio need a little babysitting. Once we started micromanaging the product it actually started performing. Its just facts. Its our most entry level job for a sales rep and you can easily tell when working with/ interacting with the reps.

It’s that way everywhere you go in pharma. Hire the right people, actually trust them, and treat them like adults. Don’t blame the majority for piss poor hiring practices.

This can be true except when you have territories under performing so you have to be micro to see what the issue is when others in same area/region are demonstrating results. It all comes down to the bottom rolls from the top...

I've been here for a couple of years and am astonished at the amount of narcissistic reps here. Take a look at one of the other threads about saving Xmillion $.

Are all pharma companies like this? The one I came from was very small and the people were great. Too bad the company was taken over and I was laid off.

What I wouldn't give to go back to that environment instead of having to deal with every NVS rep crying me, me, look at me!

NVS is the worst company I've ever seen regarding narcissism. Bar none!

This can be true except when you have territories under performing so you have to be micro to see what the issue is when others in same area/region are demonstrating results. It all comes down to the bottom rolls from the top...

Sales trends in territories are cyclical. Ups and downs are part of the nature of the job. Hire good people and let them do their jobs. Trust and respect for professionalism are sadly lacking in abundance here.

Going to get lucky here.. the word narcissism is thrown around to easily.. being jerks or nasty is just that not narcissism.. people act selfish yes, but true narcissism is different... Novartis shows a strong environment of not caring or letting people act badly. While as a corporation they have to follow rules I see too many people get away with bad behavior. However I also know of a specific manager who shows real narcissist tendencies which is malignant. On the surface she was nice but her prespective on what is owed to her is clearly skewed. The rest of the group are just jerks

Here's the definition of narcissism:

  • selfishness, involving a sense of entitlement, a lack of empathy, and a need for admiration, as characterizing a personality type.
More Novartians than I care to count almost desperately need admiration; almost all have a tremendous sense of entitlement and this IS characteristic of their personality type.

Don't think it could be any clearer.