Over 50 with 20 Years in Pharma

Please thank your friends/lobbyists on K street. You would not exist without their money and advocacy.

You are HIGHLY overpaid for your duties.

Some basic sales functions that do not exist in pharma Oncology/Rare Disease or PC

Whatever you say chief. Do the job and then comment on how easy it is.

Closing quarters
Create pipelines
Handle customers who do not pay for services.

A majority of pharma reps could not meet the expectation or hours of a GrubHub driver.

I know you are good at scheduling/ordering lunches and quoting a company sponsored study.

Good luck to all impacted.

Over 50 with 20 years experience = 1st in line to be laid off.

Well, 40 here and I was so it doesn’t have anything to do with rankings/performance sometimes. It didn’t help me with the recent layoffs. Good luck to all. Glad I came to NVS, but so happy to be out. All the people that come back to the company after a few years is crazy…its true every 18-24mos its a reorg/downsizing.

I think the point to all this as well as what the original OP was trying to convey was, make as much money as you can before the age of 50, invest wisely, maximize your 401K the best you can and don't appear to be a job hopper every 2-3 years. If a layoff happens while in your 50's as opposed to being in your young 30's / early 40's, interviewing against younger lesser compensated talent always goes against the 20 year pharma veteran who is seen as an over priced career rep with nothing left in the tank. It's all about perception.
I didn’t write this post but I am over 50 and never thought I would the day where I would be somewhat of a Pharma dinosaur. To all the younger ones - save your money and invest well! It’s no fun dragging the bag as you age