Is it true OCEAN done in September?

With the latest numbers coming in. It's over in Sept. if not sooner. Can't you hear all the positive information coming out about the contract being extended? The reason why is because we will continue to hear cricketts until they decide to start giving excuses or hope that they are having discussions about extending it. More downsizing to come with AZ and think that means more CSA's and less people who actually sell to the doctors. Sorry CSA's but when all you are hired to do is get a sig. who needs someone who can sell.

AZ rep here. My Ocean rep is great! His hard work allows me to skate each and every day! I mean this guy works his ass off!! I think it's fair because of my tenure. I hope they don't cancel your contract! I NEED this guy!!

If the contract is not extended, it's not because it makes the most business sense or because we haven't done a great job... It'll be because AZ is kind of in a mess right now and has bigger things to worry about. They're going to realize there are way too many reps with Crestor and they're also going to see a greater impact of generic Lipitor. OCEAN is easiest to cut. We may be more cost-effective than their direct reps, but the CSAs are more cost-effective than us. They can cut us and even some more of their direct reps and still be fine.

My biggest question is when will they let us know and will their be ANY cushion or will be out in the field 'til the very last day?

My guess is we will know about half way thru Sept. if we are lucky. You can start to guess for yourself if there is no news communicated to us. Yes, Az has big problems ahead of them and will probably cut deeper. Who would have ever thought that is better to be a CSA than anything else for job security. Sorry, to snap CSA's but nothing more than true sample droppers. Future for Ocean looks bleak, Start to polish up the resume before national conference call is announced.

My guess is we will know about half way thru Sept. if we are lucky. You can start to guess for yourself if there is no news communicated to us. Yes, Az has big problems ahead of them and will probably cut deeper. Who would have ever thought that is better to be a CSA than anything else for job security. Sorry, to snap CSA's but nothing more than true sample droppers. Future for Ocean looks bleak, Start to polish up the resume before national conference call is announced.

It all hinges on metrics and new rx growth with Crestor. Anyone know how Ocean is doing with nrxs nationally? Reliable sales data is lacking and there has been little or no communication to the field from upper management. It's a guessing game at this point.

POA talk is first of many hopes in making us think contract has a chance of getting extended. Sorry to say it's only a carrot to keep you workng until the end of Sept. Then boom boom boom out go the lights. You have been warned.

Don't be alarmed but here is your information on COBRA. We were hoping for an extention but unfortunatly that won't be the case. If you don't know what COBRA is google it. Sorry but company is trying it best to survive. I am speaking of AZ surviving, if you had any doubt. Too many reps pushing the same thing (Crestor) to see if we really were making a difference. Bad, Bad, Bad.

Remember, AZ giving Publicis 90 days notice does not mean reps are given 90 days notice. The decision on this thing could be made today and we are done July 30. I hope it goes through Sept and beyond, but I know anything is possible and I would like to know ASAP to make plans.

Remember, AZ giving Publicis 90 days notice does not mean reps are given 90 days notice. The decision on this thing could be made today and we are done July 30. I hope it goes through Sept and beyond, but I know anything is possible and I would like to know ASAP to make plans.

It all hinges on new rxs for Crestor.

It all hinges on new rxs for Crestor.

Haven't seen data lately... Entire market was down and numbers were questionable... I believe most of us are doing our best and I'm in a district that was doing really well... If we don't hear too much about the contract come June though, not to mention receive an IC payout, it's going to get very frustrating.

Haven't seen data lately... Entire market was down and numbers were questionable... I believe most of us are doing our best and I'm in a district that was doing really well... If we don't hear too much about the contract come June though, not to mention receive an IC payout, it's going to get very frustrating.

Last sales data even showed generic statins down. This is puzzling. What are the chances of the Crestor/Ocean contract being renewed for another year? Is another AZ layoff looming.