It will probably come down to a coin flip. If it is for the extention then AZ will say 2 out of three. No numbers, no info from managment about extention, no new products, no good news = bad news. Just how long can AZ or Publicis expect to keep moral up when everybody is wondering if it all is to end in Sept. If it stays quiet thru June, I am assuming it's over. Make your calls to get that extra hundred bucks or whatever the metric says, hope for a bonus or plan to come into place sometime. Clean up the resume, it's time to move on. It's like a bag of shit that sits in the corner. Everybody can smell it, some can even see it, but people continue to walk into the room and ask what is that smell. Management in it's absence of leadership and transparence asks what are you talking about? Everyday it's the same stuff different day. 16 weeks and counting...