Is it going to be you? Ways to tell......


1) If you are MCL, there are no vacancies on your side, and you don't cover metro area one of you will be let go. It is likely to come down to how your DSM ranked you as to which. If you cover a metro area and or have overlapping territories and there are vacancies then you have a chance. ** Also, new "AZ Learn" modules recently released for MCL PSS's for Vimovo competitive products. Did you receive? If not and partner did = can not be good.
2) MCR with diabetes products and good rating OR MCR with diabetes slot open = good shape.
3) No secret. MCLO with good rating = safe.
4) CNS: If no vacancies. With CNSO and both CNS MT partners it depends highly on territory. If not a metro area and Overlay ranked high = time for both CNS MT partners to worry unless openings in territory or other sides of company.
5) DSM's: much more subjective. Depends on too many factors to analyze. District size, geography, rating, vacancies on either CNS, MCR, MCL, and even PSS positions.

Obviously, a great deal of uncertainty no matter where you are. I do not claim to know it all and I'm sure my post will be followed by cursing rants from the CP trolls. However, there are many people like myself who are going to examine the possibilities and prepare themselves and their careers around this unfortunate setback.

Good analysis, except you forget that there are fewer BMS territories nationwide than AZ microterritories. MCRs with diabetes products will be competing for fewer slots than are currently filled by that selling team. This will translate into a much more significant reduction from that selling team. When the leftover diabetes reps are then looked at against the MCR Crestor-only rep for the Crestor primary rep slot, they will only be slotted if the Crestor-only rep ranks poorly.

Good workup...and thanks.

As for CNSO, I wonder just how bog of an area they would let one overlay have. And I wonder if there is no CNSO if one of the CNS reps will take Vimovo responsibility.

OP here, Additionally........

Many DSM's, from the MCR side especially, moved over to CVAS several months ago. AZ has an astronomical number of MCR DSM openings that have been frozen for quite some time. So cangrats to those DSM's and PSS's who had the forethought to move to CVAS! In retrospect you were either very lucky or very smart to have saw something like this coming!
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1) If you are MCL, there are no vacancies on your side, and you don't cover metro area one of you will be let go. It is likely to come down to how your DSM ranked you as to which. If you cover a metro area and or have overlapping territories and there are vacancies then you have a chance. ** Also, new "AZ Learn" modules recently released for MCL PSS's for Vimovo competitive products. Did you receive? If not and partner did = can not be good.
2) MCR with diabetes products and good rating OR MCR with diabetes slot open = good shape.
3) No secret. MCLO with good rating = safe.
4) CNS: If no vacancies. With CNSO and both CNS MT partners it depends highly on territory. If not a metro area and Overlay ranked high = time for both CNS MT partners to worry unless openings in territory or other sides of company.
5) DSM's: much more subjective. Depends on too many factors to analyze. District size, geography, rating, vacancies on either CNS, MCR, MCL, and even PSS positions.

Obviously, a great deal of uncertainty no matter where you are. I do not claim to know it all and I'm sure my post will be followed by cursing rants from the CP trolls. However, there are many people like myself who are going to examine the possibilities and prepare themselves and their careers around this unfortunate setback.

Good points. However, what about the stupid RSS positions they hired for late last year? I understood the program has been dissolved. One would think because they are cheaper (benefits wise, salary, etc.) it would be a no-brainer. We also know AZ doesn't always take the no brainer approach. We have one in my area in Southern CA. I'd be interested to know if they would occupy a position.

If You think there is a correlation between non-required Vimovo training and being a lay off Target then your an idiot. OP lost all validity after that one statement.