Is Fanapt a bust?

Bunch of useless novices in EH managing it - it is doomed big time.

Elizabeth Johnson - what a perfect example of fake, friendly, useless, liar, ugly, non-experienced, who the hell hired her, poor representation for the spanish, brainless, fat, affirmative action at its best Wench!!! What the hell are we gonna do with this type of management team???

Let's not get personal. Let's just relay the facts as other posters have done. No coverage on med part d, no coverage on most state formularies, no coverage on managed medicaid, one indication for schizophrenia and patients with schizo have NO JOBS, a product that cost 500 dollars a month, the eighth product in its class on the market, no maintennance indication, qtc warning, moderate weight gain, no studies for the sales to use, no budget for speaker programs - well, no resources. Jayson and Lisa, please just call the regional accounts managers and give them some of the heat you are giving the sales force. You can't get $500.00 out of a patient on SSI disability! or do you want us to sell out of indication! Back off!

You are either a complete asshole or you do not know how to read a clinical trial. My guess is, BOTH!

Oh Yah, Your right I'm not use to reading a study conducted in Iceland. Its truly hard to understand how over paid study sites, abusing the data and then cleaned up in house can get anything right?!! Read a study is like reading "The National Inquirer". Its all bullshit!!! Does it work first hand? How effective? How Much? Study this new hire ass wipe!

Would it be to much to ask for Pilla when giving her delusional expectations on sales over voice mail for her to be able to actually read her own prepared statement.

Why not try just speaking off the cuff and from the heart? Its really not that tough.

For those of us who arent Yankees and have an IQ over 70 that is.

Elizabeth Johnson - what a perfect example of fake, friendly, useless, liar, ugly, non-experienced, who the hell hired her, poor representation for the spanish, brainless, fat, affirmative action at its best Wench!!! What the hell are we gonna do with this type of management team???

This post is right.

At least in the N.East are, we sure can't count on this RD to assist us! She's really a piece of ....... ! We'll facts has it she bailed from the Roche Company just before getting pushed out, landed by chance a Director position in training at Novartis without experience. It shows!! Then moved into RD with Xolair where she road the coat tales of an already successful division and drove it into the ground. Proof, ask any Xolair East Rep!! Then cowardly jumped to Fanapt where she though she could make a difference! WOW wishful thinking. PLEASE Joe Jiminez : Fire this dud!!! She lives with her Mother and has never been married. Does this surprise you, look at her... She dreadful!!!

I don't know if fanapt is a bust, but you should see the bust on our fanapt rep. That beouch is houwt! All natural, none of that fakeness. Makes me want to make a baby but have some other dude pay for it

Fanapt reps are old - at least 40 plus. I find your discription to be completely false.

That's because Liz Johnson want to feel young. Seriously she pushes her DM to make hires they would otherwise passed on. I just saw her this past week in NY City for the Town Hall Bullsh%! and she was kissing ass. She better with poor results like we have. You know, all those posts about her are mostly true, except for the one about her being skinny!

What A joke, I m out as soon as I find new drug, class, etc...

Commission program for Fanapt. Paid per script and there are no scripts in the US so Novartis does not have to pay out any bonus to any of the reps. Dollars/script vary from state to state and territory to territory. Based on commission, reps are ranked. What is interesting is that in states with medicaid coverage, the dollar pay out per script is higher than in states with no medicaid coverage. Go figure. Get ready to get screwed. Bend over. So much for fairness Novartis. And at the end of the year how can you base performance on commission earnings when the playing field is not level? Is the Extavia commission program worse? At least those reps get paid the same amount no matter where you are. For most Fanapt territories the commission rate per script is over $100 which is better than the poor MS reps. So much for customer focus when you know that if you don't sell this product to whatever poor slob will use it, you will not get paid. Of course, Novartis does not want us to say what the commision rate is so let's blow the lid off the secrecy - just tell if you have medicaid coverage in your state and give us a ball park of what your commission rate is per script - no exact figures but let's be "transparent" - why all the secrets? Maybe the system is just not right?

Commission program for Fanapt. Paid per script and there are no scripts in the US so Novartis does not have to pay out any bonus to any of the reps. Dollars/script vary from state to state and territory to territory. Based on commission, reps are ranked. What is interesting is that in states with medicaid coverage, the dollar pay out per script is higher than in states with no medicaid coverage. Go figure. Get ready to get screwed. Bend over. So much for fairness Novartis. And at the end of the year how can you base performance on commission earnings when the playing field is not level? Is the Extavia commission program worse? At least those reps get paid the same amount no matter where you are. For most Fanapt territories the commission rate per script is over $100 which is better than the poor MS reps. So much for customer focus when you know that if you don't sell this product to whatever poor slob will use it, you will not get paid. Of course, Novartis does not want us to say what the commision rate is so let's blow the lid off the secrecy - just tell if you have medicaid coverage in your state and give us a ball park of what your commission rate is per script - no exact figures but let's be "transparent" - why all the secrets? Maybe the system is just not right?

The pay rate is not the same? I smell a law suit.

Finally... I caught the sarcasm just didn't post it.
Some people are just not ready to admit this drug will be a dog
My friend sells Abilify which is the market leader and to compete with a drug that has 8 indications and great coverage will be very tough.

Fanapt is the worst launch in History. Instead of blaming us poor sales reps why not look to the idiots responsible, i.e. Lisa Pilla and our foolish Brand Team Leader Michael Braun. Does anyone know how much these idiots get paid? Don't worry Michael Braun will be sure to place the blame on us Sales Reps for his failure.

Could marketing do their job and get some good press?!? What the ___? Why is every review in handbooks, academic presentations, blogs, and even the medical letter mediocre to negative!?! What is marketings job? Thanks Novartis!

Fanapt is the worst launch in History. Instead of blaming us poor sales reps why not look to the idiots responsible, i.e. Lisa Pilla and our foolish Brand Team Leader Michael Braun. Does anyone know how much these idiots get paid? Don't worry Michael Braun will be sure to place the blame on us Sales Reps for his failure.

Michael Braun and Lisa Pilla will laugh all the way to the bank while Fanapt dies a slow death. Where did Novartis find Michael Braun. How in the world did he get to be Brand Team director? Novartis please help us and get a real Marketing Person to save Fanapt.

Michael Braun and Lisa Pilla will laugh all the way to the bank while Fanapt dies a slow death. Where did Novartis find Michael Braun. How in the world did he get to be Brand Team director? Novartis please help us and get a real Marketing Person to save Fanapt.

Braun is a MAJOR tool. So is Tsai. Pilla outghta bust them BOTH for being asswipes.

Michael Braun and Lisa Pilla will laugh all the way to the bank while Fanapt dies a slow death. Where did Novartis find Michael Braun. How in the world did he get to be Brand Team director? Novartis please help us and get a real Marketing Person to save Fanapt.

Lets hope its really slow. Let's hope other products will carry us. We all know we can't stand alone.

Braun is a MAJOR tool. So is Tsai. Pilla outghta bust them BOTH for being asswipes.

You obviously don't have a clue about the EH team, you moron. Pilla is not going to survive this and is the one directing from above. They just inserted someone on board to keep close tabs on her. Stop your useless name dropping and go out and sell what is actually a good drug.

Michael Braun and Lisa Pilla will laugh all the way to the bank while Fanapt dies a slow death. Where did Novartis find Michael Braun. How in the world did he get to be Brand Team director? Novartis please help us and get a real Marketing Person to save Fanapt.

With Lisa Pilla and Michael Braun in charge we will all end up like the poor soles on the Titantic. Please get us some good leaders who care about sales.