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Is Diversity anti White Male?

White women are next in line to be blatantly discriminated against. It’s been ok to do to Straight, White male’s for quite sometime now - welcome to the club

So true. White, straight males are vilified on a daily basis. Now, they are doing the same thing to white women, especially those over 40. There is a lot of power in stating the truth and not being ashamed. They try to shame us all, and make us hold our heads down. Well I’m not doing it. Not anymore. Stick up for yourselves. Regardless of what they’ve told you, you have rights too!

Most White people agree that “diversity recruiting/hiring” is sad and pathetic. White women are experiencing the same thing. Constantly being passed over, regardless of successes and experience, for less credentialed, minority females. It’s getting old. What is really interesting is that minorities in leadership positions tend to always hire people from their particular ethnic group, regardless of minimal experience. Inherent racism. People of Color privilege? But that’s okay - and even celebrated. Do these “people of color” (such a fancy title) really think we are that stupid? We are not. What doesn’t kill us makes us stronger. The truth isn’t racist. It’s the truth.

“What is really interesting is that minorities in leadership positions tend to always hire people from their particular ethnic group, regardless of minimal experience”

What in the Tom, Dick, Bob, Jim, Steve, are you talking about?! Look around the Pharma Industry. Hell look around any Fortune 500 company or any major company. “We are looking for a certain fit for our culture.” I bet you are, John...Good Old Boy automatically means qualified?

Most White people agree that “diversity recruiting/hiring” is sad and pathetic. White women are experiencing the same thing. Constantly being passed over, regardless of successes and experience, for less credentialed, minority females. It’s getting old. What is really interesting is that minorities in leadership positions tend to always hire people from their particular ethnic group, regardless of minimal experience. Inherent racism. People of Color privilege? But that’s okay - and even celebrated. Do these “people of color” (such a fancy title) really think we are that stupid? We are not. What doesn’t kill us makes us stronger. The truth isn’t racist. It’s the truth.

If your a straight, white, male and not making over 150k, you must have really messed up at some point in life.

For the person who wants to send browns and gays and blacks and whateverT back... I will take 10 hard working brown folks over a thousand white American millennials any day of the week. Our kids in this country are pussies and entitled as fuck and you know it. It may even be your kid. Daddy help me get a job! Daddy that black kid is smarter than me! Daddy why didn’t I get a mew car!? Daddy I can’t take a summer job I am special! So sick of that shit. Oh and I am white by the way and a republican so fuck all to whatever dumb response you are gonna have. Bring me people who want to work, don’t give a shit who they are. Leave your personal life at the door and get to work. Be so skilled race doesn’t matter. Oh and before you try to ask, I have made a ton of money in pharma/ device. I could buy my kids brand brand new bmws every year, they drive what they can afford from their jobs in manual labor as young adults. America is full of sloth and entitled assholes on both sides. STFU and go to work!

If your a straight, white, male and not making over 150k, you must have really messed up at some point in life.
If your a minority and haven’t taken advantage of your free college, and therefore been able to literally cherry pick your job and then become unfireable, no matter how poorly you do, your a failure.

Lighten up Francis. First of all, minorities are now the global majority, Second, being a "minority" does not entitle one to a free education. Are you not aware of the mountain of student debt?? Third - cherry pick jobs? Maybe you forgot the sarc note. Fourth - "unfireable"? Doubt you have ever seen this once. Fifth, get some facts and get a life Francis. Free your mind and your ass will follow.

Lighten up Francis. First of all, minorities are now the global majority, Second, being a "minority" does not entitle one to a free education. Are you not aware of the mountain of student debt?? Third - cherry pick jobs? Maybe you forgot the sarc note. Fourth - "unfireable"? Doubt you have ever seen this once. Fifth, get some facts and get a life Francis. Free your mind and your ass will follow.

If Bob can’t close the deal in a Panel Interview, with Tim, Dick, and Bill asking the questions, something is really wrong with Bob. There’s no reason Bob should be making less than 150k in any career.

QUOTA’S are real - in college and in pharma. If that was not true, why would the term “diversity recruiter” even exist.

Truth. They even have quotas in Grad School. I thought the playing field was “equal” once everyone had their BA/BS. So embarrassing for the people who keep denying the obvious anti-White agenda.

You are using your truth as a crutch. Companies are about making money and will not take or keep someone who cannot do the job because then THEY lose productivity which translates into losing Money. Do what I have done - kick ass with your job and then no one can doubt that you are the best hire decision or best worker. Outperform your competition and stop the complaining.

Truth. They even have quotas in Grad School. I thought the playing field was “equal” once everyone had their BA/BS. So embarrassing for the people who keep denying the obvious anti-White agenda.

I was shocked in college when I was taking my real exam and minorities had an “Affirmative Action” exam handed out by my professors.