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Diversity my ass

Our company will fall on the backs of exec leaders that are roles they can;t do. Then these execs vacate these roles in worse shape than when they entered them. With frequent changes in leaders, no one is ever at fault, right?

And not only hire 29 year old white women with absolutely no experience as directors, but brag about the girls club you've created too.

Why are white men always the villain in all the compliance training we do? If you don't pay attention to the video and need to guess on the quiz, always guess the white. That's who HR says is guilty.

And not only hire 29 year old white women with absolutely no experience as directors, but brag about the girls club you've created too.

so very true. They set up the DEI groups but you’ll notice when actual work needs done, it’s not them. Don’t seem to see them landscaping HQ or doing custodial work or handling the wiring or plumbing.

I could give a rat's ass about the race of any executive. They could be a polka dotted alien from Venus for all I care. I want the most qualified candidate who can get results. Putting people in positions because of their race to fill some DEI quota is simply racism. Put the most qualified candidate in the role period. Diversifying simply to meet a particular gender or racial quota is a recipe for bankruptcy and failure.

You have the luxury of giving or not giving a rat’s ass because for…oh let’s see… EVER, people who probably look like you have held 90% of executive positions and STILL do. Your assumption and the assumptions of the racists you quote about DEI are racist at their core. It’s easy to blame an attempt at a solution to right a wrong. Especially when your kind don’t acknowledge that there is a problem to begin with or recognize inequity. And, it’s telling that you ASSume that non-diverse hires ARE qualified and diverse hires are not. Especially, since you and other losers don’t offer any solutions. Do you even believe the bs you see on fox, then regurgitate? Who would choose to hire someone I qualified? NOBODY! Unless… they were trying to sabotage initiatives to say “see, they aren’t even qualified?”

Have you compared the educational and business accomplishments of the “DEI” boogie men? Rhetorical. We know you haven’t. Do you understand or even care about unconscious bias that all people have and how it contributes to inequity? Also rhetorical. Most of the underrepresented folks who eventually, occasionally land an executive role have CONSISTENTLY OUTPERFORMED traditional white male executives AND have more education than them AND YOU!!

How can you say, just hire the best person? That has never happened. I’m sure you believe that the minorities who have been passed over for promotion, cheated out of their opportunities, belongings and generational wealth for decades and centuries didn’t earn opportunities given to less qualified white men and should just get over it, regardless. And to suggest that, by your comment indicates you are happy with some people remaining in a permanent underclass.

YOU are a HUGE part of the problem. No research. No empathy. No self-reflection or self awareness.
. I’m sure you’ve convinced yourself you don’t see color too. Read a book or STFU

Why are you so focused on skin color? Focus on who has the most qualifications. Who has the experience. Who can get the job done. Promoting anybody based on skin color is the definition of racism. Simply putting a brown, white, black, yellow or green person in a position simply because they have a particular skin tone is childish and foolish.

are you just stupid or dishonest AND stupid?

You have the luxury of giving or not giving a rat’s ass because for…oh let’s see… EVER, people who probably look like you have held 90% of executive positions and STILL do. Your assumption and the assumptions of the racists you quote about DEI are racist at their core. It’s easy to blame an attempt at a solution to right a wrong. Especially when your kind don’t acknowledge that there is a problem to begin with or recognize inequity. And, it’s telling that you ASSume that non-diverse hires ARE qualified and diverse hires are not. Especially, since you and other losers don’t offer any solutions. Do you even believe the bs you see on fox, then regurgitate? Who would choose to hire someone I qualified? NOBODY! Unless… they were trying to sabotage initiatives to say “see, they aren’t even qualified?”

Have you compared the educational and business accomplishments of the “DEI” boogie men? Rhetorical. We know you haven’t. Do you understand or even care about unconscious bias that all people have and how it contributes to inequity? Also rhetorical. Most of the underrepresented folks who eventually, occasionally land an executive role have CONSISTENTLY OUTPERFORMED traditional white male executives AND have more education than them AND YOU!!

How can you say, just hire the best person? That has never happened. I’m sure you believe that the minorities who have been passed over for promotion, cheated out of their opportunities, belongings and generational wealth for decades and centuries didn’t earn opportunities given to less qualified white men and should just get over it, regardless. And to suggest that, by your comment indicates you are happy with some people remaining in a permanent underclass.

YOU are a HUGE part of the problem. No research. No empathy. No self-reflection or self awareness.

Racist moron. I’m sure you’ve convinced yourself you don’t see color too. Read a book or STFU

How is this racist tirade still up when other comments have been pulled? And what do you mean by “you people”. You sound racist and are probably a treat to work/deal with

Well, it’s easier to name unqualified white male executives than any minorities. If you look at some data. Companies led by minorities will have much better results, prob because it’s much harder to get the job if you’re a minority and need to do more to prove yourself.

Data is racist. Ignore that the pool of black and latino MBAs with a STEM background from a real school. Even if it’s less than 1%, we should hire at least 30-40% black and latino chief officers.

Let’s see how DEI fills the airline pilots and eye surgeons with non-existent black females.

Existence of racial bias has been shown in multiple studies. If the racial bias didn't exist against people of color then there would have been somewhat proportional representation of people of color in director and above level. When you believe that all these white men and women made it to the top because they were more qualified then you are showing your racial bias by discounting merit in the people of color. Look around yourself and you will see white males being promoted despite being unqualified in the name of development opportunity while a person of color can be denied promotion even after meeting all listed qualifications by saying the job description is wrong.
Vast majority here do acknowledge that we don't have the most competent people in decision making leadership roles. Most of them are white so if merit was the sole criteria then how did they get there? Definitely not due to DEI

You have the luxury of giving or not giving a rat’s ass because for…oh let’s see… EVER, people who probably look like you have held 90% of executive positions and STILL do. Your assumption and the assumptions of the racists you quote about DEI are racist at their core. It’s easy to blame an attempt at a solution to right a wrong. Especially when your kind don’t acknowledge that there is a problem to begin with or recognize inequity. And, it’s telling that you ASSume that non-diverse hires ARE qualified and diverse hires are not. Especially, since you and other losers don’t offer any solutions. Do you even believe the bs you see on fox, then regurgitate? Who would choose to hire someone I qualified? NOBODY! Unless… they were trying to sabotage initiatives to say “see, they aren’t even qualified?”

Have you compared the educational and business accomplishments of the “DEI” boogie men? Rhetorical. We know you haven’t. Do you understand or even care about unconscious bias that all people have and how it contributes to inequity? Also rhetorical. Most of the underrepresented folks who eventually, occasionally land an executive role have CONSISTENTLY OUTPERFORMED traditional white male executives AND have more education than them AND YOU!!

How can you say, just hire the best person? That has never happened. I’m sure you believe that the minorities who have been passed over for promotion, cheated out of their opportunities, belongings and generational wealth for decades and centuries didn’t earn opportunities given to less qualified white men and should just get over it, regardless. And to suggest that, by your comment indicates you are happy with some people remaining in a permanent underclass.

YOU are a HUGE part of the problem. No research. No empathy. No self-reflection or self awareness.

Racist moron. I’m sure you’ve convinced yourself you don’t see color too. Read a book or STFU

Ma’am, this is a Wendy’s

Existence of racial bias has been shown in multiple studies. If the racial bias didn't exist against people of color then there would have been somewhat proportional representation of people of color in director and above level. When you believe that all these white men and women made it to the top because they were more qualified then you are showing your racial bias by discounting merit in the people of color. Look around yourself and you will see white males being promoted despite being unqualified in the name of development opportunity while a person of color can be denied promotion even after meeting all listed qualifications by saying the job description is wrong.
Vast majority here do acknowledge that we don't have the most competent people in decision making leadership roles. Most of them are white so if merit was the sole criteria then how did they get there? Definitely not due to DEI
the reason you will never get ahead is because of this attitude...meanwhile Nigerians, Columbians, Koreans come to this country and bust their ass and make it and excel...they don't take the easy way out which is to blame the YT....you are damaged and will not move forward until you leave the past...don't forget it....but leave it behind...the YT living now owe you nothing...

...there would have been somewhat proportional representation of people of color in director and above level...

There is so much variation in the human population this would only be achievable by forcing equality of outcome. This is also an unsubstantiated claim, at best an assumption that you have no way to validate.

Fortunately for you... this is precisely what all the DEI-hards are claiming they want to do.

There is so much variation in the human population this would only be achievable by forcing equality of outcome. This is also an unsubstantiated claim, at best an assumption that you have no way to validate.

Fortunately for you... this is precisely what all the DEI-hards are claiming they want to do.

Oh look, now the racist is hiding behind his big words. Thanks for making my point

the reason you will never get ahead is because of this attitude...meanwhile Nigerians, Columbians, Koreans come to this country and bust their ass and make it and excel...they don't take the easy way out which is to blame the YT....you are damaged and will not move forward until you leave the past...don't forget it....but leave it behind...the YT living now owe you nothing...

This…right here…is why DEI is needed.