If you see towards the end I thanked RB. I didn't mess my life up, I got addicted to my pain medication from a car accident when I was hit by a drunk driver. I do take fault that I took it too far, my doctor switched me to it for chronic pain as well, I've had the same doctor for five years. Still head a consulting company for energy services, wife of 15 years and three beautiful kids as well. Never been to jail....Get off your high horse I am sure you've made a mistake in your life.
I never knocked RB I only knocked some dumb strategies that were used in protection of the patent. Naloxone is factually inactive, and the films do not deter kids from accidental ingestion, people who don't hide and lock up their medication are at fault for that! Telling doctors not to prescribe subutex or generics in fear of DEA involvement, complete BS. Not saying all of you did that but some certainly have! Tell me I am wrong because I am sooooo right. Yo
No problem with the company whatsoever, truly grateful they came out with it, just not completely happy with how they've acted the past few years that all.
And seriously. What have you done to better my life? Unless you were the scientist that created it in the 50s or 60s or made the executive decision to bring in bupe than you haven't done anything except do your job. True humility is when you do for people that which you'll never be recognized for.