Is anyone worried?

That and throw in the fact that the film tastes so bad, according to a lot of patients and the Zubsolv reps, that a kid that gets into it is likely to spit it out. Let's be real here. A lot of adults can't get into a film package, even after instruction. Doctors, nurses, counselors, I've seen them all struggle to get into the film packaging. Sure the patients can use scissors, but unless they are complete idiots and leave an open film pouch in reach of their kids, there's a much lower chance of a child getting into a film package.

Blister packs is answer - no pill bottles - crazy

Your package rating against pediatric exposure is the same as a prescription bottle. F2
Keep drinking the kookaid, it makes you guys look intelligent.

Ooh, the F1 vs F2 talk. Are you a Zubsolv rep? Because you all love to tout the whole "F1" thing with your crappy product. Never mind the fact that the designations are basically the same. But don't let facts get in the way of a good sales pitch.

Here's one reason why we went to film.[\URL]

Blister packs is answer - no pill bottles - crazy

Blister packs are the way to go! Unless your product is a tablet that can be crushed and snorted directly from the blister pack. Hell, Orexo made it easier for people to abuse buprenorphine! All they have to do now is crush it in the blister pack and "sniff". Wow. didn't think that one through, eh? Kinda hard to snort a film. I know it isn't foolproof by any means, Zubsolv might as well come with instructions that say "PLEASE ABUSE ME, I MAKE IT EASY"

That and throw in the fact that the film tastes so bad, according to a lot of patients and the Zubsolv reps, that a kid that gets into it is likely to spit it out. Let's be real here. A lot of adults can't get into a film package, even after instruction. Doctors, nurses, counselors, I've seen them all struggle to get into the film packaging. Sure the patients can use scissors, but unless they are complete idiots and leave an open film pouch in reach of their kids, there's a much lower chance of a child getting into a film package.

Then let's be real, real here. The only reason for the film/packaging is patent protection. FDA didn't buy this "safety" advancement. Oh, and it's easier to abuse than the tabs.

Just trying to be real here.

Guy gets addicted, fucks his life up.
Guy gets help from a company that took a huge risk getting into and creating a treatment no one else is willing to touch.
Guy bitches about company.

You're welcome.

Whoever wrote this is a complete idiot. RB didn't take a "huge risk" and they "create a treatment." Did you read the NYT article? The government paid for all the Suboxone research and the government passed laws and funded the creation of office based Suboxone treatment. RB was just along for the ride.

If you see towards the end I thanked RB. I didn't mess my life up, I got addicted to my pain medication from a car accident when I was hit by a drunk driver. I do take fault that I took it too far, my doctor switched me to it for chronic pain as well, I've had the same doctor for five years. Still head a consulting company for energy services, wife of 15 years and three beautiful kids as well. Never been to jail....Get off your high horse I am sure you've made a mistake in your life.

I never knocked RB I only knocked some dumb strategies that were used in protection of the patent. Naloxone is factually inactive, and the films do not deter kids from accidental ingestion, people who don't hide and lock up their medication are at fault for that! Telling doctors not to prescribe subutex or generics in fear of DEA involvement, complete BS. Not saying all of you did that but some certainly have! Tell me I am wrong because I am sooooo right. Yo

No problem with the company whatsoever, truly grateful they came out with it, just not completely happy with how they've acted the past few years that all.

And seriously. What have you done to better my life? Unless you were the scientist that created it in the 50s or 60s or made the executive decision to bring in bupe than you haven't done anything except do your job. True humility is when you do for people that which you'll never be recognized for.

Whoever wrote this is an awesome person, and speaks the truth!

Its amusing how seldom the truth is told on this site and the stuff mentioned is BS. The most miserable sad and desperate people are on CP and love to tell lies. This is why I rarely read this site. It sickens me how unethical people can be. This site does
not portray RB in the least.

Its amusing how seldom the truth is told on this site and the stuff mentioned is BS. The most miserable sad and desperate people are on CP and love to tell lies. This is why I rarely read this site. It sickens me how unethical people can be. This site does
not portray RB in the least.

Really, do tell how RB should be portrayed? You do realize why we were raided, correct? The OIG does not show up to have BDay parties with the staff. These are serious allergations that will have a negative impact on us all - and that is how we will be portrayed going forward.

This was not a widespread situation. Most have tried to do the right thing and have been advocates for patients all the way. Many lives have been saved. So unfortunate a greedy few can tarnish the name. I believe the good will outweigh the bad.

This was not a widespread situation. Most have tried to do the right thing and have been advocates for patients all the way. Many lives have been saved. So unfortunate a greedy few can tarnish the name. I believe the good will outweigh the bad.

I've seen on some posts references to "a greedy few" what are you exactly saying and meaning?

Lost 3% Film share in 2 weeks. All due to CVS Caremark. Generics up 3%. Biggest managed care org. in my territory? Take a guess. Don't feed us a line of "it's only 15% of the business" BS at the meetings when we're getting killed out here. And for every doctor willing to fight the denials, there are 10 that are too busy, don't care enough, or just get frustrated with the runaround from Caremark that they give up.

So, I'll fight the good fight, but eventually water will find its level and I'll lose whatever % of REAL WORLD business that is Caremark to generics. GET. IT. FIXED.

Lost 3% Film share in 2 weeks. All due to CVS Caremark. Generics up 3%. Biggest managed care org. in my territory? Take a guess. Don't feed us a line of "it's only 15% of the business" BS at the meetings when we're getting killed out here. And for every doctor willing to fight the denials, there are 10 that are too busy, don't care enough, or just get frustrated with the runaround from Caremark that they give up.

So, I'll fight the good fight, but eventually water will find its level and I'll lose whatever % of REAL WORLD business that is Caremark to generics. GET. IT. FIXED.

Want some cheese with that whine? Go out and get some new business! That's what we do!

Want some cheese with that whine? Go out and get some new business! That's what we do!

You make it sound soooo easy. Do you know the reputation Suboxone has in my state? Combined with the new regulations on painkillers? I know Suboxone isn't a painkiller but lots of doctors lump it in with the others. And they don't want to touch it. The bad Suboxone docs have ruined it for the good ones. So, newbie, please teach me how it's done, because I'd love to have docs beating down my door to get certified.