Is a DUI an automatic firing?

I just experienced this a year ago. I got pulled over and the cops were dirty and LIED and it cost me 6K. Yes, you do have to report it to your Dm or you will most likely be fired. it is in most pharma companies handbooks. YOu are doing yourself no favors. What they did to me was put me on "probation" so to speak until I was found not guilty. Nice. Guilty until found not guilty. I had to sign something stating I was not elgible for bonus or awards trips until matter was resolved with a not guilty. I got a breathalyzer put in my family car, but they give you a waiver for a company vehicle, which I had to send in to HR. So, I had to carry this waiver, so if I got pulled over for anything I could show the cops that I was authorized to use company car during working hours with no breathalyzer. After wasting the money to get it installed, pay the $75 a month to get it montired, - yes, I did get off. You MUST hire an attorney, or you are screwed like nobody's business. The state is making money and paying cops bonuses for convictions and for just being on DUI duty. In my case, I was not drunk. As the judge saw the video tape, I was not swerving, (which was in police report), I stopped normally (they stated in report I stopped, drove a 100 feet then slammed on my brakes) I handed over drivers license registration normally- walked normally (oh they stated on report that I FELL OUT OF THE CAR!)They deliberately did the eye test incorrectly- they want you to fail so they can take you in) So my lawyer was able to show judge how the cop's finger was so far above my head I didn't have a prayer in passing that test- then they said in report that I failed a portable breathalyzer test- (one, not admissable in court- it just gives them reason to take you in) and guess what? Not only did I NOT take a portable test, it was NOT on the video! The cop testifying that got to see the audio had to backtrack and said "oh, we did that at the station! " Really? Where I did the actual breathalyzer? Funny! Then the other cop comes in , did not see video, told the court how I was one of the drunkest people he had ever seen, falling all over the street, oh, and yes, according to him did the breathalyzer at the scence (hmmmm- if you could only have seen the judges' face when he gave such an entirely different account. Oh, and let's see, they harrassed me in the car-... cussed me out (I am a single MOm- had 2 little kids at home with a sitter- and they were up waiting for me....wanted to know if I could call sitter) NO! They had to sit there til midnight wondering if Mommy got killed in a car accident... and did you know the "audio" was mysteriously unable to be obtained because it was damaged.... (gee do you think the police heard it, and certaintly did not want that to be heard in court?) The judge was again, flustered, asked how in the world the "audio" was broken, as it is imperative it works.. oh, the officer said, he was driving in the "canine" unit that night for DUI duty>>>>LIE! And let's see, yes I did take the breathalyzer (it is much worse for you if you don't- refusal can get your license taken away for a year) and I got one blow that was below the limit and the others were "inconclusive". So the cop was improperly trained (he had just been trained the month before ) and gave me a false refusal and DUI over not getting 3 conclusive blows under the limit. So, I went through hell for 4 months, out 6K I will never get back, had to blow in the embarrasing Smart start, and i was innocent. Yes, I had some drinks at a 4 hour party, but I was not drunk. And it was proven I was not drunk. Also, in many states, including mine, they have new laws as of 2009 that DUI is on your record for life... (very harsh) it is not expungable, and you cannot reduce charges to reckless driving either. I would have been so screwed- no license- (no ability to work) no job, plus the money for the fines, the probation, and when you do get your license back it will be 3 times your regular premium for several years. it is one of the worst things that can happen to you. What is worse, is the state is not worried about drunk drivers killing others, they are more worried about making more money, which is sad. So, hiring a lawyer is a MUST. I now have a different perspective on the police, who are supposed to protect us, and here they are, trying to ruin single Mom's life all for their own personal gain. NOt to mention the life of my children. They could care less. After 2 hours of hell at the police station (and conventienly- no cameras so they can cuss you out, shove you, whatever, because there is no recourse- the cop THREW my Iphone at me and hit me in the head with it. I went to the station the next day and spoke with the Sargeant, with my 2 small children in tow, and told him of the abuse... He was overly nice, gave my kids a tour of the station, kissed our booties... I could sue them. My lawyer said I would win but the cost of it would equal the award so why go to the trouble..... I am stunned at how dirty some cops can be. I hope they got in BIG trouble, as the police chief was at the hearing and witnessed for himself his own officers tell 2 very different stories.... they didn't even get the color of my car right! Amazing............... tell your DM, hire a lawyer- check your state laws- it can be a lifetime of hell

I just experienced this a year ago. I got pulled over and the cops were dirty and LIED and it cost me 6K. Yes, you do have to report it to your Dm or you will most likely be fired. it is in most pharma companies handbooks. YOu are doing yourself no favors. What they did to me was put me on "probation" so to speak until I was found not guilty. Nice. Guilty until found not guilty. I had to sign something stating I was not elgible for bonus or awards trips until matter was resolved with a not guilty. I got a breathalyzer put in my family car, but they give you a waiver for a company vehicle, which I had to send in to HR. So, I had to carry this waiver, so if I got pulled over for anything I could show the cops that I was authorized to use company car during working hours with no breathalyzer. After wasting the money to get it installed, pay the $75 a month to get it montired, - yes, I did get off. You MUST hire an attorney, or you are screwed like nobody's business. The state is making money and paying cops bonuses for convictions and for just being on DUI duty. In my case, I was not drunk. As the judge saw the video tape, I was not swerving, (which was in police report), I stopped normally (they stated in report I stopped, drove a 100 feet then slammed on my brakes) I handed over drivers license registration normally- walked normally (oh they stated on report that I FELL OUT OF THE CAR!)They deliberately did the eye test incorrectly- they want you to fail so they can take you in) So my lawyer was able to show judge how the cop's finger was so far above my head I didn't have a prayer in passing that test- then they said in report that I failed a portable breathalyzer test- (one, not admissable in court- it just gives them reason to take you in) and guess what? Not only did I NOT take a portable test, it was NOT on the video! The cop testifying that got to see the audio had to backtrack and said "oh, we did that at the station! " Really? Where I did the actual breathalyzer? Funny! Then the other cop comes in , did not see video, told the court how I was one of the drunkest people he had ever seen, falling all over the street, oh, and yes, according to him did the breathalyzer at the scence (hmmmm- if you could only have seen the judges' face when he gave such an entirely different account. Oh, and let's see, they harrassed me in the car-... cussed me out (I am a single MOm- had 2 little kids at home with a sitter- and they were up waiting for me....wanted to know if I could call sitter) NO! They had to sit there til midnight wondering if Mommy got killed in a car accident... and did you know the "audio" was mysteriously unable to be obtained because it was damaged.... (gee do you think the police heard it, and certaintly did not want that to be heard in court?) The judge was again, flustered, asked how in the world the "audio" was broken, as it is imperative it works.. oh, the officer said, he was driving in the "canine" unit that night for DUI duty>>>>LIE! And let's see, yes I did take the breathalyzer (it is much worse for you if you don't- refusal can get your license taken away for a year) and I got one blow that was below the limit and the others were "inconclusive". So the cop was improperly trained (he had just been trained the month before ) and gave me a false refusal and DUI over not getting 3 conclusive blows under the limit. So, I went through hell for 4 months, out 6K I will never get back, had to blow in the embarrasing Smart start, and i was innocent. Yes, I had some drinks at a 4 hour party, but I was not drunk. And it was proven I was not drunk. Also, in many states, including mine, they have new laws as of 2009 that DUI is on your record for life... (very harsh) it is not expungable, and you cannot reduce charges to reckless driving either. I would have been so screwed- no license- (no ability to work) no job, plus the money for the fines, the probation, and when you do get your license back it will be 3 times your regular premium for several years. it is one of the worst things that can happen to you. What is worse, is the state is not worried about drunk drivers killing others, they are more worried about making more money, which is sad. So, hiring a lawyer is a MUST. I now have a different perspective on the police, who are supposed to protect us, and here they are, trying to ruin single Mom's life all for their own personal gain. NOt to mention the life of my children. They could care less. After 2 hours of hell at the police station (and conventienly- no cameras so they can cuss you out, shove you, whatever, because there is no recourse- the cop THREW my Iphone at me and hit me in the head with it. I went to the station the next day and spoke with the Sargeant, with my 2 small children in tow, and told him of the abuse... He was overly nice, gave my kids a tour of the station, kissed our booties... I could sue them. My lawyer said I would win but the cost of it would equal the award so why go to the trouble..... I am stunned at how dirty some cops can be. I hope they got in BIG trouble, as the police chief was at the hearing and witnessed for himself his own officers tell 2 very different stories.... they didn't even get the color of my car right! Amazing............... tell your DM, hire a lawyer- check your state laws- it can be a lifetime of hell

Most cops are scums. They are looking in alleys to "get you". I tried to get off on mine, and I couldn't. No attorney in my state could get me off. In some states you can and in others, it's impossible. It is still on my record after many years. I made a stupid mistake, and I learned from it. The cop that stopped me was waiting and hiding.

Most cops are scums. They are looking in alleys to "get you". I tried to get off on mine, and I couldn't. No attorney in my state could get me off. In some states you can and in others, it's impossible. It is still on my record after many years. I made a stupid mistake, and I learned from it. The cop that stopped me was waiting and hiding.

A mistake? You drank and you drove. Thank god you didn't kill yourself or others. This was a conscience decision on your part. My best friend from high school was killed at age 18 from some God Damn drunk who made a "mistake" as you say. I hope you learned from this and never do it again. To blame the policeman for "waiting and hiding" is so immature. I'm sorry but I have zero sympathy for you.

A mistake? You drank and you drove. Thank god you didn't kill yourself or others. This was a conscience decision on your part. My best friend from high school was killed at age 18 from some God Damn drunk who made a "mistake" as you say. I hope you learned from this and never do it again. To blame the policeman for "waiting and hiding" is so immature. I'm sorry but I have zero sympathy for you.

People get killed in automobiles daily. For you to harsh out on a drunk is understandable, and part of America's current problem that everybody here feels entitled to a certain lifestyle like they deserve it.

Our lives are gifts from God. There is an afterlife. It is tragic that you lost a friend, but for you to condemn and damn the person driving the other car shows your attitude of superiority. I hope you are judged more mercifully when your time comes for judgment than you judge others, but the Master and Creator has informed us that, "as we judge, so shall we be judged."

He also commanded us not to take His Name in vain.

People get killed in automobiles daily. For you to harsh out on a drunk is understandable, and part of America's current problem that everybody here feels entitled to a certain lifestyle like they deserve it.

Our lives are gifts from God. There is an afterlife. It is tragic that you lost a friend, but for you to condemn and damn the person driving the other car shows your attitude of superiority. I hope you are judged more mercifully when your time comes for judgment than you judge others, but the Master and Creator has informed us that, "as we judge, so shall we be judged."

He also commanded us not to take His Name in vain.

I agree with the poster who had no sympathy for the drunk driver. He lost a good friend. You claim there is an afterlife so that makes it ok? You justify his or her actions by saying people are killed in autos daily? You say he or she has an attitude of superiority yet you lay your religious beliefs on him or her. I think the poster was saying if you drink and drive prepare to face the consequences of your actions.

I agree with the poster who had no sympathy for the drunk driver. He lost a good friend. You claim there is an afterlife so that makes it ok? You justify his or her actions by saying people are killed in autos daily? You say he or she has an attitude of superiority yet you lay your religious beliefs on him or her. I think the poster was saying if you drink and drive prepare to face the consequences of your actions.

AGAIN, here is the question? Have you or the other "condemning" posters EVER had one drink and driven? YES is the answer!

A mistake? You drank and you drove. Thank god you didn't kill yourself or others. This was a conscience decision on your part. My best friend from high school was killed at age 18 from some God Damn drunk who made a "mistake" as you say. I hope you learned from this and never do it again. To blame the policeman for "waiting and hiding" is so immature. I'm sorry but I have zero sympathy for you.

Have you ever had any drinks and driven? Answer the question TRUTHFULLY! You are not the one to pass judgment. God is.

AGAIN, here is the question? Have you or the other "condemning" posters EVER had one drink and driven? YES is the answer!

AGAIN. The answer is NO! NO! NO! FUCKING NO!

maybe it has to do with the fact that as a youngster I had to deal with the death of a fmaily member to one of your "innocent drunks"

get it through your think FUCKING head!! You are an asshole if you have one sip of drink and then drive


AGAIN. The answer is NO! NO! NO! FUCKING NO!

maybe it has to do with the fact that as a youngster I had to deal with the death of a fmaily member to one of your "innocent drunks"

get it through your think FUCKING head!! You are an asshole if you have one sip of drink and then drive


Certainly there are things you do that are an offense, yet you demand perfect living from others as far as it comes to drinking and driving, claiming one sip is too much. By your standard, most of us out here are "assholes." I think that makes you a hypocrite.

It doesn't make the tragedy that happened "OK" because there's an afterlife and I never made that claim, but that we live in an imperfect world and are imperfect people. You too. You're so caught up in your own life's events -- (It's all about YOU) that you can't see a bigger picture. Plus, it wasn't a child of yours, it was a friend.

You are the kind of person who would end up endorsing a law for cutting someone's hand off for stealing a piece of candy, if it happened to you, despite the fact that you've probably stolen things yourself in your past, and will again. Your ego won't let you see anything except its own POV due to your anger and self inflation. It's a cover for feelings of inferiority that you should get in touch with.

When I was younger I used to drink and drive very fast. Frequently. I remember some years ago we had regional meetings where all would drive to a restaurant and leave fairly inebriated in company cars. Eventually it went to a designated driver with one drink and finally no drink recommended (although in reality that probably does not happen too frequently). Over the years the consequences on drunk driving have stiffened considerably. I can\'t recall the last time I drove drunk. But that being said, I thank the Lord I never hit anyone when I did.

Back in the 80's in Tampa...our district went out to dinner and my Boss drove his car...he got drunk and wanted to drive back to the hotel...I got the keys and drove, I had no drinks that night and my boss was hanging out the moon roof and yelling like a jerk, we got pulled over and the cop did his best to try to place my boss behind the wheel...the fact that other reps were following us and would not let him lie, we got a warning, about hanging out the moon roof. Guess who got a big raise...ME!!

Certainly there are things you do that are an offense, yet you demand perfect living from others as far as it comes to drinking and driving, claiming one sip is too much. By your standard, most of us out here are "assholes." I think that makes you a hypocrite.

It doesn't make the tragedy that happened "OK" because there's an afterlife and I never made that claim, but that we live in an imperfect world and are imperfect people. You too. You're so caught up in your own life's events -- (It's all about YOU) that you can't see a bigger picture. Plus, it wasn't a child of yours, it was a friend.

You are the kind of person who would end up endorsing a law for cutting someone's hand off for stealing a piece of candy, if it happened to you, despite the fact that you've probably stolen things yourself in your past, and will again. Your ego won't let you see anything except its own POV due to your anger and self inflation. It's a cover for feelings of inferiority that you should get in touch with.

Wow! You are crowned the biggest Asshole EVER! So let me get this straight, my parent is killed by a drunk driver and it's all about ME????? Sorry if that got me kind of "caught up in life's events". I can not even wrap my head around your insane ramblings that make so sense at all. Even for a cafe pharma post, this one is way out there. I can no longer participate in this discussion because I am afraid my head will explode by the sheer amazement in your retarded logic. I will just say that you are the assyist of holes I have ever encountered on here. Congrats!

Wow! You are crowned the biggest Asshole EVER! So let me get this straight, my parent is killed by a drunk driver and it's all about ME????? Sorry if that got me kind of "caught up in life's events". I can not even wrap my head around your insane ramblings that make so sense at all. Even for a cafe pharma post, this one is way out there. I can no longer participate in this discussion because I am afraid my head will explode by the sheer amazement in your retarded logic. I will just say that you are the assyist of holes I have ever encountered on here. Congrats!

Here's what you wrote:

"A mistake? You drank and you drove. Thank god you didn't kill yourself or others. This was a conscience decision on your part. My best friend from high school was killed at age 18 from some God Damn drunk who made a "mistake" as you say. I hope you learned from this and never do it again. To blame the policeman for "waiting and hiding" is so immature. I'm sorry but I have zero sympathy for you."

First it was your best friend, now you claim it was a parent. Which was it? Both?

I think you're lying your ass off, and it was neither. But just for sake of argument with a lying, argumentative jackass with no insight into anything other than your own short-term selfish interests, how'd you like it if someone's lie led to another person's demise... and that person was your best friend from high school, or your parent, or both. Would you argue that should make the rest of the world change and there be laws that lying can be an offense punishable by death?

Glad you've run off. Go find another place to try to look smart, hopefully no one will put you in the place deep down you know you belong. Live the lie. Hey, you make 80 grand as a pharma rep, right? You're a success!

The drunk driving bastard is a menace plain and simple! AZ should fire his drunk ass before he kills someone. Anyway, it's very likely he will be laid off next year like a lot of the rest of us.

The drunk driving bastard is a menace plain and simple! AZ should fire his drunk ass before he kills someone. Anyway, it's very likely he will be laid off next year like a lot of the rest of us.

I would bet close to 100% that you have had a drink or two and driven.

I would bet most on this thread have. It's not right at all, and I don't condone it, but I doubt anyone or very few haven't. So stop with your self righteous spiel.

The drunk driving bastard is a menace plain and simple! AZ should fire his drunk ass before he kills someone. Anyway, it's very likely he will be laid off next year like a lot of the rest of us.

Yes, I have driven and had a drink or two, BUT I was not drunk and dangerous like this shit head, AND I did not get a DUI. No forgiveness, fire them!! Alcoholic!

I was upfront after I was stoped at a checkpoint and my blood alcohol level was a. 09. The next nine months with the pharma company I was with was a nightmare. My manager, counterparts and my regional VP were very supportive, but HR was very difficult to work with. I lost my company car, over 15k in bonuses, 20k in stock options and most of my 401k that I had to take out when I took a 60% pay cut when I finally lost my job. 5 years later I finally bounce back financially with a different industry, so there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Keep your head up and don't let this incident bring you down.

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