Is a DUI an automatic firing?

awww...i feel so bad for your friend. Can I introduce you to my friend? She is 19, she'll be 19 forever. See, she was stupid too. She was walking down the street one day. Stupid her. She stepped into a crosswalk because the right of way was hers. Whoops! A "just stupid" drunk ran her over and killed her. Now her parents live with wondering what life would have been like if their own child was able to finish school, get marrried, have kids, etc.

So let's have empathy for those "just being stupid" drinkers.

Oh yeah....and fuck you asshole!

Ok-maybe I shouldn't have send empathy-I just know some people make mistakes in life. I'm not saying it's right or that I condone it. That doesn't mean the person who posted this is an alcoholic. Have you EVER , EVER driven with any alcohol in you? Let's face the and the others who were so rude HAVE and you know it. You were LUCKY and did not get caught. It's stupid and let's hope O/P learned from a stupid mistake.

No automatic firing as alcoholism is a disease so as long as you are willing to go to treatment and use a breath analyzer mechanism in your car you'll still have a job. They cant fire you for a disability. Enjoy your short term disability getting clean and sober. BTW Your DUI should have been reported within 24 hours to your manager. In the end, if your manager wants to can you he/she will find another reason to do so.

Not reporting even a ticket/ accident within 24 hours to manager and 800 number is an offense that they can terminate you for

compliance says you have 24 hours to inform BOTH your DSM & Corp of ANY traffic citation.
They tried to assign me extra points & a higher risk category claiming I had not notified HQ. I had the proof to back me up and it was settled!
Being settled doesnt matter, you must report it or you will be assigned double the points and receive a written warning. I just had to do it to a PSS

You ARE in a higher risk category, you moron! You got a DUI whether or not you informed AZ or not.

Thankfully, rule of US goverment law still trumps AsstraZeneca. Yes I know Brennan the Boob thinks he is above the law.

No I'm not really a moron! I only got a speeding tix with mine. I was only trying to inform the OP that he/she had to let dsm/hq know w/in 24 hrs. I don't drink so I don't risk dui, YOU MORON!
blow me man juice breath

Not reporting even a ticket/ accident within 24 hours to manager and 800 number is an offense that they can terminate you for

"At will" employee means they don't need a reason to terminate you. Kind of like a relationship between a boyfriend and girlfriend -- there's no obligation on either party to keep the thing going. How would you feel if you gave notice that you're quitting and were told, "No, you can't?"

so many of you are such self-righteous jerks. One d.u.i. does not make you an alcoholic. It does make you to have a stupid mistake and you should never do it again. Every one of you who posted on this, more than likely, could have been unlucky as the O/P was and gotten caught. It is as simple as that. Most people who get one d.u.i. are not alcoholics and they were just stupid and got caught. Getting caught is the word. Any of us who have ever had a few drinks could have gotten caught. This whole aa stuff is so lame as the O/P probably isn't an alcoholic anyway. So get off your high horse and have some empathy. I have empathy for people who get one as they are just stupid and need to learn a valuable lesson which I know a friend of mine did. He got caught--is not an alcoholic and he is very remorseful and learned a valuable lesson. And, you can't get it off your record=--in most states for 10 years no matter what you pay an attorney. I know in Texas you can't. He tried to-he was willing to pay anything--no go. good luck to o/p and don't do it again!!!!

It is not about being a self righteous jerk or not having empathy. You are correct one offense does NOT make one an alcoholic BUT going to treatment will protect your job as alcoholism is considered a disease. The point is to claim alcoholism and you will be legally protected.

It is not about being a self righteous jerk or not having empathy. You are correct one offense does NOT make one an alcoholic BUT going to treatment will protect your job as alcoholism is considered a disease. The point is to claim alcoholism and you will be legally protected.

It doesn't mean the person is an alcoholic if they got a dui. I don't know how many times people have to say that. the person is an idiot and made a very mad mistake. It may not be something that has ever happened before.

95% of the time it is pretty much an automatic. Loss of license = not able to do the job = termination. you have to be able to produce a license to work and the timing and getting it back is not in your favor. If you get one, report a violation but get an attorney to get it reduced. The company can't find out what the true arrest was for until it's gone to court, just expect to pay good money to get it knocked down.

95% of the time it is pretty much an automatic. Loss of license = not able to do the job = termination. you have to be able to produce a license to work and the timing and getting it back is not in your favor. If you get one, report a violation but get an attorney to get it reduced. The company can't find out what the true arrest was for until it's gone to court, just expect to pay good money to get it knocked down.

good luck trying to get it reversed. In many states now, it's on your record for 10 years or forever and no attorney can get you off of it even if you are willing to pay.

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