Iroko Project

I was told this will be a phased in process for the interviews. Each manger has 6-12 reps they are interviewing for ; therefore they will do all the phone interviews for one territory and then move on the interview everyone for the next territory. Most are doing initial phone interviews of 1 hour in duration with 6 or 7 individuals per territory. This will occur from this past Mondau through the rest of August.

As a 40 year pharmaceutical rep, I feel sorry for you jerks who sound like fools. If you don't like this profession or Ventiv just get the ### out. I have had 6 different projects with Ventiv and they have been very good to me.

Won't be an easy sell, or a glamorous position by any means.. These are not "pain mgmt" products, and they'll have difficulty attracting true pain sales reps at these salaries.. Diclo is voltaren ( think voltaren gel, which is compounded by 100+ pharmacies across the country)Primary care, and a very difficult sell in primary care along with indo, which is nothing more than a fancy aspirin.. Approvals should not be a problem - coverage will be next to impossible, and $0 copay cards are a definite must. Good luck to all.. New DMs are still actively looking. This is primary care - at best.

The new DMs are mostly douche bags...and YES they hired me. And i am still looking

Has anyone on the rep side of things heard more about the interviews or even had real phone interview yet? I have one set up but seems like things are moving slow so far. Just curious if anyone knows the schedule of events for interviews and if anyone has any input as to what they are looking for in a background.

Had phone IV, face to faces will be in September (do not have one scheduled yet). Sounds like they will identify THE candidate and make offers in October to start in November. It is loooongg and sloooowww!

Has anyone on the rep side of things heard more about the interviews or even had real phone interview yet? I have one set up but seems like things are moving slow so far. Just curious if anyone knows the schedule of events for interviews and if anyone has any input as to what they are looking for in a background.

Some information regarding the schedule was posted earlier. It seems pretty accurate as it is similar to what the hiring DM told me.