Investigation of team building event at IEM!


They are free to do whatever they want, for crying out loud! Unless they took customers or unless a manager coherced people to go, there should not be an issue if it was done during after hours.

But do, keep us informed. Because if Pfixer tries to pfire these people, I know a lawyer who would take this case on in a heart beat.

Hostile work environment. I felt coerced to go by my counter parts and I didn't want to be a pariah. I felt so dirty afterwards. This was an IEM dinner event and I feel so bad now.

I can hear it now. You should hear the HR rump rangers and the crap they say. BUt no one can call them on the carpet. They are the true kings er queens of retaliation. Was it a gay club? Then it would be ok.

I was at the dinner, but did not go. Nobody was forced to go, but it was during an IEM. I say the company has every right to investigate and hold people accountable.

I was at the dinner, but did not go. Nobody was forced to go, but it was during an IEM. I say the company has every right to investigate and hold people accountable.

Are you kidding me? People have the right to do what they want after work, as long as they don't break the law or include customers. Now if it was a manager involved, it may be a different story because some reps would feel intimidated to go, even if they didn't want to.
If Pfizer comes down on these people, then this just reinforces that reps are working overtime during these meetings.

If the company is paying for you to stay overnight and your expenses you are on company time. Policies are in place for a reason. They should have gone to an adult club on their own time - when they are not at a Pfizer function. Poor judgment.

If the company is paying for you to stay overnight and your expenses you are on company time. Policies are in place for a reason. They should have gone to an adult club on their own time - when they are not at a Pfizer function. Poor judgment.

It was on their own time! Post Pfizer meeting. People in this country are so dreadfully uptight! What is the big deal? I think the reps should call the overtime lawyers, if Pfizer expects people to be at Pfizer's ever beacon call 24/7 during a meeting.

People really have gone off the deep end. Pfizer has employees, not indentured servants. The minute they start telling people what do to on their own time is when peoples' rights as private citizens are being infringed upon. The people running this company should have learned that in law school. They cover that during the first week

When an event is outside of agenda scheduled events and off-property it is not a company event - period. Ask more questions of the lawyers, than give answers and nail them down on the logic and policy. there is none!

What about all the "hook ups" after the adjournment of sales meetings? Is Pfizer going to start regulating those as well?

A manager once told me that one reason why they make reps have room mates is to avoid "hook ups". Doesn't stop it from happening. I had a roomate bring her hookup back to the room once and heard them getting it on in the bathroom. The stair wells were also a popular place.

What about all the "hook ups" after the adjournment of sales meetings? Is Pfizer going to start regulating those as well?

A manager once told me that one reason why they make reps have room mates is to avoid "hook ups". Doesn't stop it from happening. I had a roomate bring her hookup back to the room once and heard them getting it on in the bathroom. The stair wells were also a popular place.

G8Y Sex happens all the time at Pfizer IEMs now between roommates. It's all part of the HR social design plan.

Here's the problem, I really understand both sides of this story, but at the end of the day why on a night that you are at an IE would you bother to go to one of those types of places. You have a lot of other nights you can do this. Why bother, its an odd choice and although I am not sure how I feel about HR becoming part of your business, I also think as adults with good paying jobs, perhaps you should have thought before you went to a place like this during a Pfizer IE.

LIve and learn, but if I were you all I would learn from this experience and think was that really worth the trouble you are all having now?