Interviews with managers

Yes, but Rare Disease reps also cover 4+ states and never see their family because they travel 80%.

Territories at Acadia are what, 3 hr drive max? Ok yes, its not Rare Disease money, but if you've got a wife and kids, making $120 and actually seeing them is a good deal.

Why do you anonymously keep trying to justify taking the job on here? Nobody cares. Do you not have family/friends to discuss it with? You looking for love in all the wrong places. LMAO.. If 120 floats your boat go for it. Who cares!

True specialty reps, rare disease reps would NEVER even consider a job with a 120 base unless their current job was high risk for a reorg.

We are still waiting on this list of companies paying over $135k base. Lmfao Lolololol
GD you’ve had 2 days to list all these magical companies and you still haven’t named a single one.
It’s just so obvious Acadia didn’t move you forward and you’re woke AF bwwaahahahahaaa

OK so your shit doesn’t stink, ass face fuck you you dumb motherfucker I’ll take the coin that I can get and frankly with bonus structures being variable and the environment being what it is I feel very confident that a 120 salary with the bonus structure in place will be more than your shit ass face will.

I bet you vote for Biden

We are still waiting on this list of companies paying over $135k base. Lmfao Lolololol
GD you’ve had 2 days to list all these magical companies and you still haven’t named a single one.
It’s just so obvious Acadia didn’t move you forward and you’re woke AF bwwaahahahahaaa

1st off there is no “we” it’s YOU! You are the only one out there seeking anonymous approval and support to take Acadia job for 120. If you want to make yourself feel good about the offer by believing that 120 is as good as it gets for a specialty job you just go right on and keep believing that. I got nothing to prove to some dumb ass clown looking for anonymous moral support on here during a job search. I’m not knocking others on here, I’m knocking you for attempting to use this site for job advice and salary survey info.
To others every pharma job offers value to somebody. Acadia has value to break into specialty sales or for someone out of work. One final time for the dumb ass breath dude, Acadia is NOT a job for a tenured specialty rep doing well in their current job. Geeeeez nobody raises their hand to take a pay cut.

What's this 4 states and 3 hour nonsense? No one is driving anywhere right now. Offices do not want to see reps. Many hospitals will probably never allow access again. You're jobs are non-essential. Market share does just fine without you dropping off Starbucks for scripts. Many of you will actually have to start working for a living.

What's this 4 states and 3 hour nonsense? No one is driving anywhere right now. Offices do not want to see reps. Many hospitals will probably never allow access again. You're jobs are non-essential. Market share does just fine without you dropping off Starbucks for scripts. Many of you will actually have to start working for a living.

Sorry you sell a useless me too drug. I currently sell a drug with orphan status and I’m still in offices every day, in a state in the top 5 for infection rates. I actually do work and get people who would otherwise die medication that keeps them alive. Some of us actually do work bud. Sorry you feel useless.

Sorry you sell a useless me too drug. I currently sell a drug with orphan status and I’m still in offices every day, in a state in the top 5 for infection rates. I actually do work and get people who would otherwise die medication that keeps them alive. Some of us actually do work bud. Sorry you feel useless.
You pitch a message from the Brand Team. You don't sell. You're a walking and talking advertisement.

1st off there is no “we” it’s YOU! You are the only one out there seeking anonymous approval and support to take Acadia job for 120. If you want to make yourself feel good about the offer by believing that 120 is as good as it gets for a specialty job you just go right on and keep believing that. I got nothing to prove to some dumb ass clown looking for anonymous moral support on here during a job search. I’m not knocking others on here, I’m knocking you for attempting to use this site for job advice and salary survey info.
To others every pharma job offers value to somebody. Acadia has value to break into specialty sales or for someone out of work. One final time for the dumb ass breath dude, Acadia is NOT a job for a tenured specialty rep doing well in their current job. Geeeeez nobody raises their hand to take a pay cut.

Look sugar tits

I’ve seen you try to bend this argument 100 times.
Again :
* Acadia is offfering $135k base
* Most specialty companies outside of Oncology only offer $120-$125k bass
* Why can’t you name a single company that’s paying more than $135k ?
* lmaoooo lololo. You work fir such a good company making so much bank yet visit the Acadia board to argue base salary...ummmm year ok. Right. You’re an obvious reject that didn’t get moved forward in the interview abd are rustled AF.

Bro you’re maxed TF out lololol

“Heck in the past few years there’s many specialty jobs that only go $120-125k. Don’t get me wrong, there’s def some spec jobs that go up to $135k but most are at the $120k range“

Acadia has 2 salary buckets. 120 and 135. There is nothing to argue here. Maybe you consider these good coin for yourself if so jump in. Stop trying to anonymously justify that this salary is as good as it gets for specialty sales. Acadia jobs are good entry level specialty comp ranges or for any specialty rep that’s unemployed. No current specialty rep in good standing is leaving their job for 120 or 135. That’s reality and there is nothing to spin. Move on ass breath. Only a loser biatch uses CP as their job research tool anyway.

Not the person you’re beefing with but maybe that person is under paid in their current job and makes below the typical specialty salary range. Big pharma specialty pay is generally lower than start ups, mid size pharma and definitely rare disease.

Not the person you’re beefing with but maybe that person is under paid in their current job and makes below the typical specialty salary range. Big pharma specialty pay is generally lower than start ups, mid size pharma and definitely rare disease.

I make $80k and I’m at a pure specialty company. So yeah, $120k is a massive pay raise.

“Heck in the past few years there’s many specialty jobs that only go $120-125k. Don’t get me wrong, there’s def some spec jobs that go up to $135k but most are at the $120k range“

Acadia has 2 salary buckets. 120 and 135. There is nothing to argue here. Maybe you consider these good coin for yourself if so jump in. Stop trying to anonymously justify that this salary is as good as it gets for specialty sales. Acadia jobs are good entry level specialty comp ranges or for any specialty rep that’s unemployed. No current specialty rep in good standing is leaving their job for 120 or 135. That’s reality and there is nothing to spin. Move on ass breath. Only a loser biatch uses CP as their job research tool anyway.

Again....most specialty jobs pay $120-$125.
Again make a list of all these good companies that pay more. You can’t lmaooo. Lololol
Acadia offered me $135k. You definitely 100% aren’t getting that at most specialty companies.

And here you wanted to be hired at Acadia but didn’t get moved forward so you thought you’d come to the Acadia board...

Sorry not sorry you couldn’t get an offer

Sorry you sell a useless me too drug. I currently sell a drug with orphan status and I’m still in offices every day, in a state in the top 5 for infection rates. I actually do work and get people who would otherwise die medication that keeps them alive. Some of us actually do work bud. Sorry you feel useless.

Nah, you're still dropping off Starbucks to get signatures for samples and looking like a douchebag doing it. Patients hate you. You're a free sample delivery person not a salesperson. Nice try though fuckface.

Again....most specialty jobs pay $120-$125.
Again make a list of all these good companies that pay more. You can’t lmaooo. Lololol
Acadia offered me $135k. You definitely 100% aren’t getting that at most specialty companies.

And here you wanted to be hired at Acadia but didn’t get moved forward so you thought you’d come to the Acadia board...

Sorry not sorry you couldn’t get an offer

Wait so let me guess the initial 120 offer you mentioned on an early post that your were hoping for was now bumped up to 135 once they realized how awesome you were. Ok pal you are a total anonymous shit bagger. All you do is expose your dumb ass abilities on here. Your self assumptions are entertaining and make you a total ass clown. . You keep believing That nobody makes over 125 and that 135 is best of the best. Little do know reps turned down pursuing these Acadia gigs once they heard the 135 cap from mixed talent. Good day ass breath. Lmfao at you!!!

Nah, you're still dropping off Starbucks to get signatures for samples and looking like a douchebag doing it. Patients hate you. You're a free sample delivery person not a salesperson. Nice try though fuckface.

Who hurt you as a child? Seriously don’t understand why anyone thinks this is an appropriate way to talk. And I say this as a veteran who saw combat.

Are you ok? Do you need to hug it out? Dad yelled at you a lot and smelled like cheap bourbon? It’s ok bud, let it out. Let it out.