I worked there very recently. It is awful. The training does not prepare you for the field at all. In training nobody ever talks about the issues you will find::no insurance coverage for meds, no doctor support because nobody has ever heard of this company, no way to even see a doctor unless you buy a huge lunch. Then you get to wait about 3 to 4 weeks for reimbursement for that lunch. Mgmnt is clueless. A rep I spoke to during training said about 100 reps had come and gone During his 7 years. Run from this company. Branded generics. It is AWEFUL!![/
every think closely about the post you're replying to? Op is anonymous! Could be one true Lazy Berk! You take your time and spell things out for someone who quite likely is collecting some type of paid research on our market- they know they'd get crickets if they asked us in person about our reason for expansion, training, etc...why be so free with sharing publicly here?