
Well at least if you don't make any money on your stock options you can apply for a job writing articles or maybe your own column at the NYT, Wall St Journal or Washington Post. You speak/write very eloquently and have fantastic grammar. You sound JUST LIKE the person who I should be taking advice from on these types of important issues. Thanks!

I read what that person wrote just fine. They are right. Please tell me the name of a "rich" sales rep walking around from stock options on a company less than 3 yrs post commercialization of its 1st drug.

You my friend total dumbass. I guess that person's grammatical so bad that all that lingo probably over your head sample dropping boy. Keep plugging away in primary care. Leave specialty sales to the big boys.
I read what that person wrote just fine. They are right. Please tell me the name of a "rich" sales rep walking around from stock options on a company less than 3 yrs post commercialization of its 1st drug.

You my friend total dumb ass. I guess that person's grammatical so bad that all that lingo probably over your head sample dropping boy. Keep plugging away in primary care. Leave specialty sales to the big boys.

Dear Mr Master of the Obvious,

Speaking about dumbasses.... Its a known fact you will not get "rich" on stock options ANYWHERE these days at a rep level. these companies are researched and analyzed so in-depth it is extremely difficult to hit it big at a rep level since it is already placed in the stock price very very early.

In the very rare instance you happen to hit it rich it will not be life changing early retirement money. Maybe help with a second house money but the opportunity you and Charles Dickens above are referring to doesn't exist nowadays anywhere idiot.

Now, go run along and "sell" or "call on" your "customers" and make your 8-10 calls a day and ordering your next lunch with the window witch. Let the real analysis and strategy take place with the intellects.
base pay for reps 90 to 115k
options only 500

lol good luck. shitty job. I'm at big pharma and make more than that in base. also got thousands of shares.

Looks like company gonna get some real winners lol you get what you pay for
primary care reps here is your chance
base pay for reps 90 to 115k
options only 500

lol good luck. shitty job. I'm at big pharma and make more than that in base. also got thousands of shares.

Looks like company gonna get some real winners lol you get what you pay for
primary care reps here is your chance

This will be as good as a job as management allows. This will be a slam dunk in ipf as ots obviously the only show on the market. Upper management will dictate how performance is measured. I would look closely at how the territories are carved out. Census will be the one of the biggest insicators of how the territories perform.
base pay for reps 90 to 115k
options only 500

lol good luck. shitty job. I'm at big pharma and make more than that in base. also got thousands of shares.

Looks like company gonna get some real winners lol you get what you pay for
primary care reps here is your chance

That base range seems low. Are you sure thats the range?
This will be as good as a job as management allows. This will be a slam dunk in ipf as ots obviously the only show on the market. Upper management will dictate how performance is measured. I would look closely at how the territories are carved out. Census will be the one of the biggest insicators of how the territories perform.

-long term efficacy on this drug is so so
-BI coming out with their drug which has some advantages over intermune
-BI bigger company many more resources and already heavily entrenches in the Resp world
-Base salary is slightly above avg here
-Intermune could be easily acquired by any small med or large company
-Intermune has hired leadership with 0 Respiratory back ground. Big mistake in the long run if no buy out. Wait and see.
-long term efficacy on this drug is so so
-BI coming out with their drug which has some advantages over intermune
-BI bigger company many more resources and already heavily entrenches in the Resp world
-Base salary is slightly above avg here
-Intermune could be easily acquired by any small med or large company
-Intermune has hired leadership with 0 Respiratory back ground. Big mistake in the long run if no buy out. Wait and see.

Great points. I was contacted a few months ago for internal position in S.F. Never interviewed for a few reasons.
1. BI's drug is going to be really good
2. I had heard, being cheap on equity. Again never IV'd but I do know somebody in company currently.
3. The sales targets are astronomical. Not sure if they think they are selling the 1st bottle of water or a drug. That really scared me off.
4. 100% they are for sale. The risk of being out of work for 6 mos. plus, if company sold,which is a definite possibility in pharma, is not in my risk tolerance right now.

I just thought the risk and lack of financial benefits far outweighed what I currently have. So yes, for me, the grass was not greener on the other side.
If you dont make in excess of 200K+ in equity via rsu's or options then I wouldnt step near this company.
Taking a chance being unemployed for a great length does not appeal to most.

Look, they are for sale. The only company who can afford to buy them is big pharma type company. They will give you the ole management BS that they are not for sales. Ask any investment company following the company.
Everybody knows they want to be sold!!!

So what happens when bought out? That my friend is the crap shoot. Do they then give it to an existing pharma division within their company to promote and dump the sales force at Intermune?

Very much a possibility because they will probably be paying their own much less.

Basically, anybody who works at Intermune as a rep has to understand that they are being used for short term gains while there is NO guaranteed security blanket for the reps.
If you are currently employed stay away as this will be a short term gain and then guess what? You will need to find another job, which isn't easy in this economy. Pharma is a dead industry. Think twice before you make the jump. Tim seems like a nice enough guy but the folks he hired to head up the east & west are questionable. Especially the chick in the east as she comes from a marketing background.
The guy is the west took a demotion from a VP level at Genentech to be an RD at a one product start-up? What does that tell you about him or the future here? No thanks. This looks like a hot mess about to explode.
The guy is the west took a demotion from a VP level at Genentech to be an RD at a one product start-up? What does that tell you about him or the future here? No thanks. This looks like a hot mess about to explode.

Told my buddy who sells a CF drug. This is the classic leading the pigs to slaughterhouse move by Intermune.
Who in their right freakin mind who touch this bad boy. Rumors Gilead may buy Intermune before approval. No thank you.

Any reps they hire basically being used to show they have a sales force in tact. Funny thing, once sold it will be the reps as always getting screwed.

Bad Bad Bad situation for any prospective rep.
Heck I'm unemployed anyhow so great opp for me.
Hell no I wouldnt jump for this company if I had a FT job, are you nuts? Unemployment is not fun trust me. Been looking for 6 mos. and only 1 interview.
I wish I was in your guys' situation just to have a job. Heck, maybe one of you dummies will leave your job in the Pittsburgh area for this gig. If you do, please come back here and post what company because I'll gladly take Stability for years, then a quick "hit n run"
why publicly vent all this shit. Competitors love eves dropping here. Paid for CI firm trolls love profiting off it even more. Easy free assistance to their work. They need help pretending to look like they know the market.
Heck I'm unemployed anyhow so great opp for me.
Hell no I wouldnt jump for this company if I had a FT job, are you nuts? Unemployment is not fun trust me. Been looking for 6 mos. and only 1 interview.
I wish I was in your guys' situation just to have a job. Heck, maybe one of you dummies will leave your job in the Pittsburgh area for this gig. If you do, please come back here and post what company because I'll gladly take Stability for years, then a quick "hit n run"

The old reverse psychology trick here. Just say you want the Intermune job already and stop trying to get others NOT to pursue it. Geez.
The old reverse psychology trick here. Just say you want the Intermune job already and stop trying to get others NOT to pursue it. Geez.

Really? lol
You don't think they will get sold and reps left out to dry? Amazing how brain washed big pharma reps are when management tells them everything is fine.

I look out for myself because nobody else will. Good Luck. Unemployment benefits are only 6 months buddy. You gonna need every day
Really? lol
You don't think they will get sold and reps left out to dry? Amazing how brain washed big pharma reps are when management tells them everything is fine.

I look out for myself because nobody else will. Good Luck. Unemployment benefits are only 6 months buddy. You gonna need every day

Depends on who's doing the buying. Most likely the saleforce will be retained. However, If Actelion, Gilead, UT or Bayer buys Intermune then the sales team will be screwed.