Intelligent Devices

"Explain to me how we are supposed to hit our numbers when EVERYTHING is on back-order? We're expected to drive the number! But sorry, the products you need most are not available. Gee, I wonder if they will adjust our quota? Ridiculous".

Just wait until the supply chain gets a hold of something really complicated like this. We'll never have any available if they ever work!!!!

is this going to fall apart in the OR like your other products? or maybe because it's powered it will go flying across the I just hit the fire button...ha ha.

You are Covidien

I have to laugh when I see the word "intelligent" in a sentence with Covidien. The best at Covidien are at Covidien because they are the worst in the industry and can't get positions anywhere else. This company and the management are a joke. I am embarrassed to be with this company. Every recruiter I have talked to has said this is a huge black mark on my resume and asked why on earth I made the decision to accept the offer, unemployment would have been a better choice. I would have made more taking unemployment than I make for working for this loser company.

The only thing you'll learn there is how to use processes and procedures as a refuge for incompetence and game playing. I never worked anywhere that had managers that could come up with so many reasons not to do something. The sad part is they tout innovation yet the first thing that pops into thier heads is "why cant I do that" for everything.

The only thing you'll learn there is how to use processes and procedures as a refuge for incompetence and game playing. I never worked anywhere that had managers that could come up with so many reasons not to do something. The sad part is they tout innovation yet the first thing that pops into thier heads is "why cant I do that" for everything.

While probably not the right forum/thread for this, I have to agree that we struggle to do the smart thing while having to always concern ourselves with the "right thing" by corporate's standards. Not that we are trying to do anything unethical but in the field we need flexibilty, especially with the ever-changing market we're now in. But Covidien management, and holy shit is there a lot of management here, can't seem to do anything without getting the next level's approval first.
I'm an RM here and struggle with the day-to-day bullshit we have to face to get business done. My reps complain to me that they can't do what's right for the customer and our very own business because we can't give them what they need (either pricing, products - don't get me started on the backorders, etc.).
All of this has made it too damn hard to do our jobs. What happened to empowerment? Don't you think me and my team know our business better than the excessive layers of management in North Haven? That's a rhetorical question that will never be truly answered.
But know this, there are many of us out here trying to do the right things but are hamstrung by the constant fear of our higher-ups that can't pull the trigger.

You are Covidien.....the above apologizes for not being in the "correct thread" brainwashed to conform and doesnt even realize fit right in with the other 41,999 open minds.

Whatever happened with the Intuative agreement? seemed to have just gone away huh? big hush hush I guess Intuative took one look at our PMO group and went screaming for the hills or did we just send out the white flag and admit we cant develop our own powered platform so we sure as hell couldnt help with theirs.

Whatever happened with the Intuative agreement? seemed to have just gone away huh? big hush hush I guess Intuative took one look at our PMO group and went screaming for the hills or did we just send out the white flag and admit we cant develop our own powered platform so we sure as hell couldnt help with theirs.

Whos powered stapler will work better theirs or ours?

Who is going to buy a $5000.00 disposable stapler? One trip to the sterilizer and this thing probably will not work. Well maybe it will work if we bring the sterilizer to the device and lift it in on a cushion of air or maybe we can sell it with it's own personal valet.

Who is going to buy a $5000.00 disposable stapler? One trip to the sterilizer and this thing probably will not work. Well maybe it will work if we bring the sterilizer to the device and lift it in on a cushion of air or maybe we can sell it with it's own personal valet.

No one is...were going to replace what probably costs us 10 bucks (disposable handle and everything that's in it) worth of material with something thats 3000 dollars and were going to have to give it away. On top of that we'll have to fix all failures so we'll probably need at least 2 or 3 backups for everyone out there.....but then again "We are Covidien"

How many of the original arrogant A-Holes that started this project are still left?
Did they bow out gracefully? or were they reassigned to a more important project based on their outstanding percieved performance?

Good thing I won't have to try to sell this dog until 2013. It will be in the "limited launch" catagory for at least 2 years then hopefully it will just fade away into oblivion or a competitor that doesnt move at the speed of plate tectonics will come up with something better.

As a hardly working member of the inner core team on the Powered Platform project I'd like to thank all you hard working members of the sales team for funding this project. I can come in every day and answer questions with questions, stonewall, divert responsibility, wait, and generally not accomplish anything 99.9% of the time. All I have to do is pretend to be a team player and kiss the ass of any Director of Global whatever I run across and I'm set for life.