Intelligent Devices

if that were true i would hate to see what our worst people are working on

This project is moving at the speed of a dead mule! As soon as the s--- hits the fan the covidien rats will start pointing fingers and scurrying usual. That's why the original project leader was "promoted" off the project....his buddies wanted to save him the embaressment. The PMO group should get 3 stars for this one!!!! They'll all be patting each other on the back for this great accomplishment...meanwhile forgetting all about the original launch date of April 2010.

This project is moving at the speed of a dead mule! As soon as the s--- hits the fan the covidien rats will start pointing fingers and scurrying usual. That's why the original project leader was "promoted" off the project....his buddies wanted to save him the embaressment. The PMO group should get 3 stars for this one!!!! They'll all be patting each other on the back for this great accomplishment...meanwhile forgetting all about the original launch date of April 2010.

This product better be able to be sold as a cost savings initiative or its sunk!

This product better be able to be sold as a cost savings initiative or its sunk!

Cost savings??? What a joke...with a 2k+ material cost and we'll be lucky if it works twice before it has to be sent back for "refurbishment"........way too delcate to be handled by hospital staff. It will be a money pit for us. PMI knew exactly where this product was going...that's why they sold it to idiots like us.

Cost savings??? What a joke...with a 2k+ material cost and we'll be lucky if it works twice before it has to be sent back for "refurbishment"........way too delcate to be handled by hospital staff. It will be a money pit for us. PMI knew exactly where this product was going...that's why they sold it to idiots like us.

I dont even see a need in the market for this product. Somebody clue me in, is there a group of surgeons screaming for a powered contour?

Don't go wishing for something you don't really want. When it is released, you'll have an unrealistic quota assigned to it and will spend a ton of time pushing this to surgeons who may use it on rare occassion, but more importantly, an OR admin who won't pay for it.

Don't go wishing for something you don't really want. When it is released, you'll have an unrealistic quota assigned to it and will spend a ton of time pushing this to surgeons who may use it on rare occassion, but more importantly, an OR admin who won't pay for it.

Hopefully this product will stay where it is in the endless vortex of R&D, Advanced Sourcing and the PMO Group. With these 3 disfunctional groups on it it will never be launched.

Hopefully this product will stay where it is in the endless vortex of R&D, Advanced Sourcing and the PMO Group. With these 3 disfunctional groups on it it will never be launched.

Please leave the PMO group out of these posts. It's the Advanced Sourcing and R & D Group that is holding this up. This has to get released soon we've already covered 400,000 sq ft of wall space with our master project chart. I think once the tail end reaches the front in a gigantic loop of the building the project is finished.

We are just facilitators, we have no impact, we have no responsibilities, leave us alone.
OOPS I think I just made a case for firing us all.....never mind.

If You Understand the Power of 42,000 Open Minds....You are Covidien...
and an idiot. Slogan sounds like a bunch of dead people with their heads split open.
Burning about as bright as a 60 watt bulb I think. I'd get another job but I dont think I could find anything that has lower expectations....perception is all that matters around here, not actual performance.

PMO launch date?

"At Covidien, we develop products and technologies designed to enable healthcare institutions to achieve clinical excellence while simultaneously meeting healthcare economic goals," said Dr. Richard Toselli, Chief Medical Officer, Surgical Devices, Covidien. "The iDrive system is a reusable platform that can safely and reliably serve the needs of patients, while improving operating room inventory management efficiencies and reducing medical waste generated from disposable products."

What a joke......we develope products.....who are we kidding we buy other companies products because we're not capable of developing our own...then we ruin them.

I cant wait until the first one comes back that doesnt work. It's going to be like turning the lights on in a roomfull of cockroaches...everyone will be scurrying for some place to hide.

"At Covidien, we develop products and technologies designed to enable healthcare institutions to achieve clinical excellence while simultaneously meeting healthcare economic goals," said Dr. Richard Toselli, Chief Medical Officer, Surgical Devices, Covidien. "The iDrive system is a reusable platform that can safely and reliably serve the needs of patients, while improving operating room inventory management efficiencies and reducing medical waste generated from disposable products."

What a joke......we develope products.....who are we kidding we buy other companies products because we're not capable of developing our own...then we ruin them.

"reducing medical waste generated from disposable products" our own products for example. Brilliant only we could come up with something like this. Dont mention that the energy it took to make this "intelligent device" (electronics, battery...ect) probably created more waste and pollution that our disposable devices......duh.

LAUNCHED-----at only 20mil each. Never ever let these out of the salesman's sight. They may get broken! and then what, back to the old drawing board for another 15 months.

yes I can see it now...Announcement- Covidien initiates new market strategy to eliminate Covidien generated medical waste by steering customers to competitiors products. Shouldnt be too difficult for 42,000 open minds to accomplish.

Duet looks cool, but not all surgeons are believers in butressing...I am sure you are aware of the literature against it's use. I think it is a nice advancement, though, and when I was selling staples, I couldn't understand why there wasn't a load/device with the butress already applied. It is a nice advancement.

I am just not sure that it is the silver bullet to prevent bleeding/dehiscence. It does mean that the staple has to pass through, and form around more/thicker tissue. Are you seeing more misfires/malformed staples? How does it work in very thick tissue (eg: bariatric surgery?) Not saying it isn't the solution, I just don't know.

Has Covidien continued to develop a stapler for the DaVinci per the PMI licensing agreement?

Covidien couldnt develop a poloroid picture.