Intelligent Devices

Is it true that if this device clamps down fires and doesnt open I'm supposed to click my heels 3 times and say "theres no place like home" "theres no place like home" "theres no place like home"

These are going to be made in parking space 23 at the new innovation center parking garage at valleylab. Shouldnt take more than a couple hours to double 2010's production to 10 for 2011.

These are going to be made in parking space 23 at the new innovation center parking garage at valleylab. Shouldnt take more than a couple hours to double 2010's production to 10 for 2011.

HR here..... the search is already underway for a Diretor of Lean Manufacturing/Parking Lot Attendant for this. Valet and focused factory experience a must.

Troll here...(LOL)
I get the fact that fancy handles are not a true upgrade on old technology and also that a surgical stapler that is too delicate and too expensive to justify the cost of will only cause more drama with regard to dealing with the OR admin and surgeons who don't really give a damn but...

If there is an overhead reduction because of a failed launch, how many team members do you plan to lose due to attrition and future lay off?

Troll here...(LOL)
I get the fact that fancy handles are not a true upgrade on old technology and also that a surgical stapler that is too delicate and too expensive to justify the cost of will only cause more drama with regard to dealing with the OR admin and surgeons who don't really give a damn but...

If there is an overhead reduction because of a failed launch, how many team members do you plan to lose due to attrition and future lay off?

This launch has already failed considering the original date was April 2010. We just keep patting ourselves on the back on how well were doing dealing with all the imagined problems that we've dreamed up.....meanwhile we do our usual BS......change the color of the battery and added a metal ring? what an improvement!!!!! We have a guy heading this up whos claim to fame is he was in the Air Force?....jeez just who you want running this!!! They really know how to crank a project out on time and within budget huh? He also is thrilled that the components are just as complex as aircraft dont you try making them less complex and more cost effective. This is why this project is doomed , big company mentality will kill innovation and speed every time. Everyone is paralyzed with fear and cant do a thing.

we wont lose anyone....we'll all get promoted because the perception is we're doing a fantastic job. this device is so complex we just make up what if problems and management cant figure it out.

I'm marketing guru for intelligent devices. We copied word for word what the company we purchased used for marketing so I've spent the last 16 months playing farmland...
I am Covidien.

Covidien will lead the evolution of the intelligent surgical tools category by advancing innovative products that improve patient outcomes, reduce costs and offer environmentally-friendly benefits.

OK how is this product going to reduce costs?

Are we going to supply a solar charging station with each one of these for our evironmentally friendly benefits?

Too many male midgets on the marketing team. The lead male midget has done a great job kissing up in all of his low visibility support roles, he is in over his head now! When the shit hits the fan RC will find an owner, and it wont be one of his direct reports. Timing is everything - if this project had imploded earlier this year, RC would have blamed it on Phil and Pat, you see RC just takes the pulse of SF, KC, and JL and if they are down on someone then thats where you know it is safe to throw the blame...look what happened to think SR is an upgrade? The other RC touted SR as the 2nd coming and SF, KC, and JL bought in big time, so RC brings him onto the global team, cause he's the guy with the juice. I hear that's not working out so prediction, SR will end up on the JL higher thinking team, responsible for nothing, within 6 months, pushed aside but with protection