Intelligent Devices

From intuitive posts...lights out cov

Keep chirping. You know absolutely nothing about the ISRG stapler---and for good reason. You haven't seen the design, you know nothing about the head to head testing. All I can tell you is this: Don't underestimate the efficacy and impact this product is going to have on your business. Or follow the same path as everyone else who discounted ISRG and is now paying the price. At $500 per share, they can pay the best and brightest engineers. And they do. Stay tuned.

They are and have been actively hiring USSC / USS / TYC / COV to develop the staplers. Lots of good people heading to Cali.

ex us surgical ...yes.

the only stapling innovation since tyco took over is new handles and packaging. COV can't even buy innovation and launch it.

This is exacerbated by the fact that COV thinks not only that it can organically innovate, but also that it is a leader in ground-breaking new product development.

maybe true except about the cov hiring...non competes in force and nothing but losers or new college grads left. thats why cov powered stapler doesn't work nor will it ever work.

Heck if the Chinese can make a functional stapler, what makes you think the engineers at Intuitive can't. COV will be caught between low cost imports and high tech robotic surgery/stapling.

Heck if the Chinese can make a functional stapler, what makes you think the engineers at Intuitive can't. COV will be caught between low cost imports and high tech robotic surgery/stapling.

whats really funny is some moron at cov actually thinks the only reason intuitive was able to come up with a stapler is because they stole cov engineers...cov new product development and the project management office are a joke they spend 95% of their time blaming each other for not being able to get things done on their way to pissing away 100+ mil and 2 1/2 years on a powered stapler

David Green, where are you??? The folks in North Haven need you more than ever.

I left the company over a year ago, worried too much that the blinking lights on the RALC would cause in epileptic seizure in either the surgeon or the other folks at the table. Has that happened yet?

And yes, COV screwed themselves when they decided to become at complete odds with Intuitive. What a bonehead move that was; even JNJ partners with Intuitive now!

maybe true except about the cov hiring...non competes in force and nothing but losers or new college grads left. thats why cov powered stapler doesn't work nor will it ever work.

There are plenty of USS people outside of their non competes - side steps to other companies and at least one VP waiting out his non compete at home before starting at Isurg.

David Green, where are you??? The folks in North Haven need you more than ever.

I left the company over a year ago, worried too much that the blinking lights on the RALC would cause in epileptic seizure in either the surgeon or the other folks at the table. Has that happened yet?

And yes, COV screwed themselves when they decided to become at complete odds with Intuitive. What a bonehead move that was; even JNJ partners with Intuitive now!

COV actually believes they're better than everyone else!!!!!

COV actually believes they're better than everyone else!!!!!

We are better arent we? Best reps, 5 yrs and older; Best endo staplers, rest are commodities, Best I.P. - maybe a stretch on that one. Anyway I would rather work for cov, than JJ or Applied and I aint babysitting gyns all day for less money at ISRG.

Ya, it's BS but we bought them for the tech, not that product. They are trying to make some type of return before the powered EGIA comes out. At least that product looks solid.

Solid as Jello...powered disaster.....waste of resources and cash to try and figure out why the product doesn't work. It didn't work when you bought it and tightening up some tolerances certainly wasn't going to change that. The product itself is the problem you boneheads and it will NEVER work no matter how far out you push the launch date.

Worst company ever. Horrible management.
Sales Admin steals your commissions. Hell they don't even compute
Your commissions correctly and when you question it
They tell you to try the math a different way.

Bunch of thieves with no respect for the sales reps at Covidien EBD.

Do not interview with Covidien.