Intarcia Therapeutics

As much as I don't care for the persistent basher(s), likely got dumped during the hiring process, the responses from insiders have been pretty hollow BS and can't address the cons dug up by the bashers.

Seen too many of these hoopla and next big thing/disruption BS by the small biotechs before. They have 2 huge hurdles of FDA approval and hopes of MCOs getting around to footing the bill for the exorbitantly priced treatment compared to lot of existing cheaper treatment options. I tend to agree with the bashers that if any Intarcia will capture small market share and hell of road ahead to educate and worse sell.

Caveat Emptor!

As much as I don't care for the persistent basher(s), likely got dumped during the hiring process, the responses from insiders have been pretty hollow BS and can't address the cons dug up by the bashers.

Seen too many of these hoopla and next big thing/disruption BS by the small biotechs before. They have 2 huge hurdles of FDA approval and hopes of MCOs getting around to footing the bill for the exorbitantly priced treatment compared to lot of existing cheaper treatment options. I tend to agree with the bashers that if any Intarcia will capture small market share and hell of road ahead to educate and worse sell.

Caveat Emptor!

The FDA is the FDA and approval is in their hands. Next is your claim about MCO's. That has already been handled. Many people never thought MCO's would cover Harvoni at $85,000 but they did because it is cheaper than a liver transplant. Same can be said for ITCA650. It's cheaper to put in a product that guarantees compliance which will reduce hospitalizations. MCO's want hospitalizations reduced and this will nearly guarantee it. Not hard to understand but keep bashing...

The FDA is the FDA and approval is in their hands. Next is your claim about MCO's. That has already been handled. Many people never thought MCO's would cover Harvoni at $85,000 but they did because it is cheaper than a liver transplant. Same can be said for ITCA650. It's cheaper to put in a product that guarantees compliance which will reduce hospitalizations. MCO's want hospitalizations reduced and this will nearly guarantee it. Not hard to understand but keep bashing...

Unfair and dumb comparison, drama queen.

Gilead's Harvoni CURED Hep C pal. Get it cured, once and for all, and not every Hep C pts need liver transplants (rather exceptional cases). Granted some MCOs will pay for ITCA for those pts with history of emergency room admissions but not all and you won't even get 1% of the market 2 to 3 years into launch.

Unfair and dumb comparison, drama queen.

Gilead's Harvoni CURED Hep C pal. Get it cured, once and for all, and not every Hep C pts need liver transplants (rather exceptional cases). Granted some MCOs will pay for ITCA for those pts with history of emergency room admissions but not all and you won't even get 1% of the market 2 to 3 years into launch.

That's where your lack of knowledge into MCO's shows. Once the patient has an emergency visit it is too late. They have just lost the savings opportunity. The first patients to get ITCA 650 may well be those with a past history of hospitalizations but once it is shown to reduce hospitalizations everyone will be allowed to get it without that kind of history. The weak minded mock what they do not understand. No go drop off some samples...

Unfair and dumb comparison, drama queen.

Gilead's Harvoni CURED Hep C pal. Get it cured, once and for all, and not every Hep C pts need liver transplants (rather exceptional cases). Granted some MCOs will pay for ITCA for those pts with history of emergency room admissions but not all and you won't even get 1% of the market 2 to 3 years into launch.
1% is a billion dollars. I think we will take that.

The FDA is the FDA and approval is in their hands. Next is your claim about MCO's. That has already been handled. Many people never thought MCO's would cover Harvoni at $85,000 but they did because it is cheaper than a liver transplant. Same can be said for ITCA650. It's cheaper to put in a product that guarantees compliance which will reduce hospitalizations. MCO's want hospitalizations reduced and this will nearly guarantee it. Not hard to understand but keep bashing...

I guess if you keep repeating it, it will come true? With biosim Lantus available from two companies, PBMs and large payers will dictate a massive chunk of this newly commoditized business, either Yay or Nay. The competitive backtalk against your product will be massive. Thats no small thing. Those Novo and Lilly reps can be little bee-otches! And trust me, we haven't even gotten to discussing the challenges that will be faced by convincing the sedentary tostadas and fried chicken and pizza and hog maw eatin' low health literacy denizens of diabetes hot spots.

1% is a billion dollars. I think we will take that.

Dream on. Do the simple math: $500 to $1k for generic Teva Byetta vs. $5k for weekly GLP-1 vs. $90k for ITCA (5 surgeries and 3 ITCAs for 1st year). Lest we forget ya think the big pharma gang of four Liliy, Sanofi, Novo, AstraZeneca and host of others will play 2nd fiddle? You arrogant pricks will be more than humbled.

PS - how's them money raisin doin? VCs OK with down-rounds?

Dream on. Do the simple math: $500 to $1k for generic Teva Byetta vs. $5k for weekly GLP-1 vs. $90k for ITCA (5 surgeries and 3 ITCAs for 1st year). Lest we forget ya think the big pharma gang of four Liliy, Sanofi, Novo, AstraZeneca and host of others will play 2nd fiddle? You arrogant pricks will be more than humbled.

PS - how's them money raisin doin? VCs OK with down-rounds?

Don't know where you are coming up with $90k for 15 minute implant but ok Mr. know it all. We are talking about a local, then small incision, then a bandaid. That will not be an $18k charge per minor incision. You big pharma rejects are so scared it is funny. Keep posting though it shows how really scared you are. Oh and funding...over $800 mil in bank I think we are just fine. Again, don't you have some sample to drop off and a lunch to schedule? Don't forget your brown UPS suit.

Dream on. Do the simple math: $500 to $1k for generic Teva Byetta vs. $5k for weekly GLP-1 vs. $90k for ITCA (5 surgeries and 3 ITCAs for 1st year). Lest we forget ya think the big pharma gang of four Liliy, Sanofi, Novo, AstraZeneca and host of others will play 2nd fiddle? You arrogant pricks will be more than humbled.

PS - how's them money raisin doin? VCs OK with down-rounds?
Will you two sixth grade bitches please stop? EVERY time a new product comes out, some kool aid drinking flag - waver takes to CP and predicts world domination, based on slides they saw medical affairs present at pre-launch. And then, some competitor comes on to talk shit. "How y'all gonna handle the fact that the PENIL trial shows 6% increase in Pancreatic cancers, bitch?"

These juvenile pissing matches are an embarrassment.

Will you two sixth grade bitches please stop? EVERY time a new product comes out, some kool aid drinking flag - waver takes to CP and predicts world domination, based on slides they saw medical affairs present at pre-launch. And then, some competitor comes on to talk shit. "How y'all gonna handle the fact that the PENIL trial shows 6% increase in Pancreatic cancers, bitch?"

These juvenile pissing matches are an embarrassment.

I am new to this dog fight. What is funny is the negative guy keeps comparing pharma prices and it is obvious he knows nothing about how managed care companies make their decisions. All in-office procedures require a "pre-authorization" not prior authorization like a pharma drug at the pharmacy. Companies that do buy & bill or use specialty pharmacy all have HUBs which handle this pre-authorization process. ALL procedures will come with some parameters that must be met before the procedure can happen. Most likely with ITCA650 it will be prior failure to the other exenatides. That is a simple thing to demonstrate like failed compliance or inconsistent A1C reduction. Then it will be approved. The negative guy is pulling numbers out of his ass for surgery prices. I have worked in managed care for buy and bill companies for 20 years and this product getting covered is a no brainer for the MCO's. Plus Medicare is a guaranteed reimbursement which the negative guy completely does not understand. Medicare patients alone will make Intarcia hundreds of millions.

ha ha ha ha ha - funny stuff

so ITCA prevents hospitalizations as compared to Bydureon and Bayetta ? Please refer us to the published study that proves that point

Gee total silence - oh that's right no actual evidence - if you say it and stamp your tiny little feet that it must be so

Whatever, dude. Personally, few things would make me happier than to see hospitals come to their senses regarding ITCA650, but I see no sign of it happening anytime soon. Even if they wanted to, there is still the matter of justifying the big bucks they shelled out to bring it in.

AstraZeneca's monopoly is the reason it's so expensive as a comparision. If and when a viable competition comes to market, or economic factors dictate a potential reduction in procedural costs, they will just start discounting Bydureon to placate their customers. It ain't going away.

I have worked in managed care for buy and bill companies for 20 years and this product getting covered is a no brainer for the MCO's. Plus Medicare is a guaranteed reimbursement which the negative guy completely does not understand. Medicare patients alone will make Intarcia hundreds of millions.

More pipe dreams from Intarcia insider chump. Yeah right "Medicare is guaranteed reimbursement"? That's 1 of the funniest thing I heard in a long time.

PS - STOP lying bout having worked for MCOs for 20 yrs dude.

Don't know where you are coming up with $90k for 15 minute implant but ok Mr. know it all. We are talking about a local, then small incision, then a bandaid. That will not be an $18k charge per minor incision. You big pharma rejects are so scared it is funny. Keep posting though it shows how really scared you are. Oh and funding...over $800 mil in bank I think we are just fine. Again, don't you have some sample to drop off and a lunch to schedule? Don't forget your brown UPS suit.

Why is Kurt and his minions doing the road shows to raise more money if they really have $800 mil in the bank which cannot be verified cos Intarcia is a private company. OK raised $800 mil over 20 yrs - good - how much has been spent? Also why is Kurt clamping down on the spending in Hayweird and impose "unofficial" hiring freeze?

Why did at least 2 VCs sell their shares to naive Chinese investors last year? Word on the street is that some VCs revolted and demanded to bail and Kurt even considered IPO to placate them but found dumb Chinese money? Inquiring minds want to know.

More pipe dreams from Intarcia insider chump. Yeah right "Medicare is guaranteed reimbursement"? That's 1 of the funniest thing I heard in a long time.

PS - STOP lying bout having worked for MCOs for 20 yrs dude.

So please educate me then on how Medicare reimbursement is not guaranteed? You see I have been in managed care for 20 years and know Medicare reimbursement inside and out. Medicare will reimburse the product at ASP plus 6% and yes this is guaranteed. On top of that they will cover the procedure. All of this is mandated by law. Go educate yourself little pharma person. Better yet, go find another company to bash because we will be too busy changing the market. Go deliver another sandwich loser...

its all reformulated crap that will never be launched right b/c of the poor decisions already made. Only one positive person sounds like posting here. Ya'll better really dig deep into the market access piece because this shit will be a royal butt buss of a drug.

Is a meet and greet following a final interview typical for the Intarcia interview? An offer has not yet been made so I am confused. Does Intarcia make offers face to face?
For what position? Rare for any company to give offer in person. Heard they r holding back offers due to uncertainty related to FDA approval?

For what position? Rare for any company to give offer in person. Heard they r holding back offers due to uncertainty related to FDA approval?

If they dont make offers by early next week they are going to lose all of their top candidates. This has taken months already and the patience is running thin. They have the money to hire and wait. Cost of doing business.