Intarcia Therapeutics

After Bayer discontinued the DUROS pump in prostate cancer (now called MEDICI by Intarcia)

LEXINGTON, Mass., Dec. 20 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- Indevus Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (Nasdaq: IDEV) today commented on the announcement by Bayer Healthcare that they would discontinue marketing their product Viadur(R) (leuprolide acetate DUROS implant), which is indicated for the palliative treatment of advanced prostate cancer. As a result of this announcement, Indevus' product VANTAS(R) (histrelin implant) will be the only 12-month implant for the palliative treatment of advanced prostate cancer. Indevus remains committed to providing patients and physicians effective options for the treatment of advanced prostate cancer.

Vantas®. Vantas® (histrelin acetate) was launched in the U.S. in November 2004. Vantas® is a soft, flexible 12-month hydrogel implant based on our hydrogel polymer technology that delivers histrelin acetate, a GnRH agonist and is indicated for the palliative treatment of advanced prostate cancer. Net sales of Vantas® were $13.2 million, $17.5 million and $19.0 million for the years ended December 31, 2013, 2012 and 2011, respectively, primarily in the U.S.

Too funny sales go down every year

ITCA 650 (aka DUROS for diabetes) is America's next $20 million dollar product - change the name, change the hype, but its the same old reality

that dog dont hunt

Based on your response it appears you are either drunk or just can't spell. Again the Bayer analogy is apples and oranges. Totally a different situation. Go back to the bottle. We will be focused on changing the market. I will pray for your healing.

Based on YOUR response, you just don't get it; you vapid, humorless, arrogant prick.

They have plenty of cash. ipo coming once they have their jcode in 2019 and have established sales.

Oh really then why has Kurt Graves and his minions busy trying to raise more $$$ in last 6 months whilst in the verge of possible down rounds? Word on the street has it that they way underestimated go alone commercialization strategy not to mention Hayweird becoming way beyond money pit? I mean what's the deal with un-publicized hiring freeze anyway?

As for IPO in 2019 - LOL - yeah right after the disastrous launch in 2018 (BIG if), huh? Funny even the bitotech companies with drugs in Ph I or II can float shares but...

Another sophmoric pharma rep response. Go schedule another lunch and put on your brown UPS suit and deliver samples. I bet your best opening line is, can I check your sample closet?

Based on YOUR response, you just don't get it; you vapid, humorless, arrogant prick. And fine job of representing that Intarcia is full of pricks.

After Bayer discontinued the DUROS pump in prostate cancer (now called MEDICI by Intarcia)

Too funny sales go down every year

ITCA 650 (aka DUROS for diabetes) is America's next $20 million dollar product - change the name, change the hype, but its the same old reality

that dog dont hunt

We learn history so as not to repeat it, right? Diabetes and prostate cancer markets are similar in that there are tons of cheap and effective treatment options. It will be interesting when Teva launches Byetta the 1st generic exenatide - same drug as DUROS ITCA this Oct. Pricks in Intarcia thinks they can charge 30X more for same drug delivered differently?

Jesus and Mary - Teva is tomorrow

New York (June 23, 2016, 3:24 PM EDT) -- Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd. will be able to market a generic version of AstraZeneca’s diabetes drug Byetta by October 2017, according to a patent infringement settlement filed Thursday in Delaware federal court.
Astrazeneca and its subsidiary Amylin Pharmaceuticals had accused the Israeli drugmaker of infringing seven of their patents when filing an abbreviated new drug application with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration in October 2014, before the patents expired. Under the settlement, Teva agreed to hold off until October 15, 2017, unless authorized by the patent holder.

Jesus and Mary - Teva is tomorrow

New York (June 23, 2016, 3:24 PM EDT) -- Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd. will be able to market a generic version of AstraZeneca’s diabetes drug Byetta by October 2017, according to a patent infringement settlement filed Thursday in Delaware federal court.
Astrazeneca and its subsidiary Amylin Pharmaceuticals had accused the Israeli drugmaker of infringing seven of their patents when filing an abbreviated new drug application with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration in October 2014, before the patents expired. Under the settlement, Teva agreed to hold off until October 15, 2017, unless authorized by the patent holder.

The generic price of Byetta does not change the flaws with the product. Compliance which leads to lower hospital admissions is what matters. The MCO's will more than likely expect a patient to fail treatment on generic Byetta prior to getting ITCA 650 but that is an easy work around. Millions of patients have already failed and patient compliance will be a simple pre-authorization issue. All procedures require pre-authorization anyway so this is nothing new. Don't be scared of competition.

The generic price of Byetta does not change the flaws with the product. Compliance which leads to lower hospital admissions is what matters. The MCO's will more than likely expect a patient to fail treatment on generic Byetta prior to getting ITCA 650 but that is an easy work around. Millions of patients have already failed and patient compliance will be a simple pre-authorization issue. All procedures require pre-authorization anyway so this is nothing new. Don't be scared of competition.

Bla bla bla.same old song and dance...

It's all bout COST, get it? I reckon Teva's twice daily Byetta exenatide will cost bout $500 to $1k per year vs. $5k for weekly GLP-1 vs. $30k to $60k for ITCA (5 surgeries and 3 ITCAs for 1st year). Granted twice daily Byetta shots suck and valid points on pt compliance. Wild card is how much docs can get for the minor surgeries from the MCOs with multiple pre-athorizations. It's not slam dunk and odds are against Intarcia.

They have plenty of cash. ipo coming once they have their jcode in 2019 and have established sales.

Hmmm, just in time for ITCA patent expiring. If you succeed then expect onslaught of generic ITCA but my gut tells me you will flame out as good luck in educating the masses. I'd say repeat of Exubera AKA biggest flop with this:

"Finally, insurers and NICE were underwhelmed by Exubera's cost effectiveness, noting that it was no more effective than existing treatments despite the higher price."

They have plenty of cash. ipo coming once they have their jcode in 2019 and have established sales.

Hmmm, just in time for ITCA patent expiring. If you succeed then expect onslaught of generic ITCA but my gut tells me you will flame out as good luck in educating the masses. I'd say repeat of Exubera AKA biggest flop with this:

"After less than two years, the inhaled insulin product captured just 1 percent of the insulin market--despite heavy advertising.

Finally, insurers and NICE were underwhelmed by Exubera's cost effectiveness, noting that it was no more effective than existing treatments despite the higher price."

Hmmm, just in time for ITCA patent expiring. If you succeed then expect onslaught of generic ITCA but my gut tells me you will flame out as good luck in educating the masses. I'd say repeat of Exubera AKA biggest flop with this:

"After less than two years, the inhaled insulin product captured just 1 percent of the insulin market--despite heavy advertising.

Finally, insurers and NICE were underwhelmed by Exubera's cost effectiveness, noting that it was no more effective than existing treatments despite the higher price."

Another apples and oranges comparison...inhaled insulin which was the size of a tennis can to carry around wasn't very convenient at all. ITCA patent not expiring either for some time.

that is stupid - exubera only competed in the insulin segment. ITCA 650 is for every segment of diabetes. giant difference in who will use the products. No way TEVA will be successful Bayetta injections are disliked by patients and physicians. We know that patients and physicians want a cure for poor compliance and that once a year ITCA is the way to go.

that is stupid - exubera only competed in the insulin segment. ITCA 650 is for every segment of diabetes. giant difference in who will use the products. No way TEVA will be successful Bayetta injections are disliked by patients and physicians. We know that patients and physicians want a cure for poor compliance and that once a year ITCA is the way to go.

Stop lying as there is no once a year ITCA! 1st year requires 3 implants in all 3-month starter, 6-month and 9-month the longest dose thereafter as well as each time interval implant requires 2 surgeries.

As OP said you too will flunk for the same reason as Exebura with minuscule market share and sky high cost for same drug:

"After less than two years, the inhaled insulin product captured just 1 percent of the insulin market--despite heavy advertising.

Finally, insurers and NICE were underwhelmed by Exubera's cost effectiveness, noting that it was no more effective than existing treatments despite the higher price."

Another apples and oranges comparison...inhaled insulin which was the size of a tennis can to carry around wasn't very convenient at all. ITCA patent not expiring either for some time.

OK genius - so what year is ITCA DUROS patent expiring (my calculation says 2019 based on filing year 1999) and why do pricks at Intarcia get so squirmish and weaselly when asked bout patent expiration dates?

STOP IT !! We are preventing AIDS and Bill Gates cried when he heard about how cool our shit is

WHO urges action against HIV drug resistance threat
News release

20 JULY 2017 | GENEVA - WHO alerts countries to the increasing trend of resistance to HIV drugs detailed in a report based on national surveys conducted in several countries. The Organization warns that this growing threat could undermine global progress in treating and preventing HIV infection if early and effective action is not taken.

The WHO HIV drug resistance report 2017 shows that in 6 of the 11 countries surveyed in Africa, Asia and Latin America, over 10% of people starting antiretroviral therapy had a strain of HIV that was resistant to some of the most widely used HIV medicines. Once the threshold of 10% has been reached, WHO recommends those countries urgently review their HIV treatment programmes.

Intarcia surgical implant will prevent AIDS !! CURE !!


STOP IT !! We are preventing AIDS and Bill Gates cried when he heard about how cool our shit is

Intarcia surgical implant will prevent AIDS !! CURE !!


Golly gee, that's funny cos Intarcia has not even started Ph I clinical trial study to treat let alone prevent or cure AIDS (yeah right) yet and that's a FACT jack per Spewing more fantasies? Man you guys are getting real desperate...

OK genius - so what year is ITCA DUROS patent expiring (my calculation says 2019 based on filing year 1999) and why do pricks at Intarcia get so squirmish and weaselly when asked bout patent expiration dates?

Here is why it doesn't matter. Just because a device patent expires doesn't mean it is easy to develop something in the device, produce the device, do the studies to use the device etc. It takes hundreds of millions of dollars to produce these products and complete the trials. Again, it doesn't matter.

OK genius - so what year is ITCA DUROS patent expiring (my calculation says 2019 based on filing year 1999) and why do pricks at Intarcia get so squirmish and weaselly when asked bout patent expiration dates?

Just wondering why you keep bashing? Are you still upset you were passed up for a job you really really wanted and now all you can do is bash? There are a lot of products that people said would never make it or work and have changed our society. Those without a vision bash. Those that think it might not work but have no skins in the game would never come on here to bash. So either you are upset you didn't get a job, are a scared competitor,, you are just a miserable person who has nothing better to do.

Those that want to be at Intarcia will either succeed amazingly or go down hard swinging. Either way they will be better for the experience. Pioneers are not afraid of a challenge. Losers bash and complain.