Intarcia Therapeutics

Bout time the sh*t hit the fan. Its like everyone in Seaport is like the place for promotions. The real people are here. It takes a tentacle and porpoise-based company to bring forth a deceptively simple solution. Seaport is where we live not in CA.

All right you KG lovers - what’s up with the fake college degrees ? Pump boi likes to claim multiple schools and multiple degrees. KG changes his story in different interviews about his alleged degree from Hillsdale School For Right Wing Religious Fanatics. So man up Pump boi lovers - is KG actually a college graduate ?

I think in his heart KG knows that if he had wanted to he could have really gone to Harvard and been top of his class. Since Novartis sponsored him to go to an Executive course at Harvard, he rightfully considers himself an alumni. In his own mind there is no controversy. He should have been a Harvard student, and since he spent 72 hours on the business school campus it is just as if he was. Is that confusing to anyone?

So a massacare in hayweird while the Boston mafia is still going strong. Fat design fuck is still around and getting paid richly. Piece of shit JS and minions still around. HR expanding.Medical, manufacturing, cmc being let go. Did Hillsdale teach this strategy or Harvard?

So a massacare in hayweird while the Boston mafia is still going strong. Fat design fuck is still around and getting paid richly. Piece of shit JS and minions still around. HR expanding.Medical, manufacturing, cmc being let go. Did Hillsdale teach this strategy or Harvard?

How many people are getting the pink slips in Hayward?

Fortune September 2016

Diabetes “Unicorn” Raises Final VC Round Before IPO

“We,re deep into conversations about the second tranche, and I wouldn’t be talking about it if we weren’t going to get it”

That should bring the company through at least the first year of commercialization, with no additional equity financing expected until a IPO at the end of 2018. unlike most VC-backed companies, Intarcia is maximizing value by having its lead candidate on the market before going public.

The real innovation, says Graves, is the technology that was used to stabilize exenatide for a prolonged period. If the company can clear the FDA's high hurdle on diabetes drugs, he adds, their product will have a guaranteed niche among the large group of patients who have trouble staying compliant with their treatment regimen.

Beginning in 1986, George Zimmer narrated and appeared in many of the Men's Wearhouse television commercials, usually closing with the company slogan: "You're going to like the way you look. I guarantee it." In 2016, the slogan was adopted by Intarcia to describe Graves "guaranteed" market for the unapproved magic pump.

Instead, the huge new round consisting of $160 million in equity capital and $50 million in debt gives Intarcia cash to fund Phase III trials on ITCA-650, while maintaining full rights to a compound for which Graves says the regulatory risk is “as close to zero” as any project he’s encountered. Five institutional investors, including hedge fund operator The Baupost Group, debt specialist Farallon Capital management, multinational fund manager Fidelity Investments, and two other unnamed East Coast-based funds, joined existing backers New Enterprise Associates, New Leaf Venture Partners, and Venrock in the round.

Did he mean "as close to zero" chance of approval ?

It's almost April 1 isn't that the resubmission date ?

Maybe Everyone Wanted to Be Fooled by Theranos
The biotech innovations that Elizabeth Holmes claimed her company had made sounded too good to be true. So why did it take quite so long for people to realize they really were?

Motley Fool Staff

Ha Ha Ha billion dollar pump Obvious bull shit

Just keep belivin'

The real innovation, says Graves, is the technology that was used to stabilize exenatide for a prolonged period. If the company can clear the FDA's high hurdle on diabetes drugs, he adds, their product will have a guaranteed niche among the large group of patients who have trouble staying compliant with their treatment regimen.

Beginning in 1986, George Zimmer narrated and appeared in many of the Men's Wearhouse television commercials, usually closing with the company slogan: "You're going to like the way you look. I guarantee it." In 2016, the slogan was adopted by Intarcia to describe Graves "guaranteed" market for the unapproved magic pump.

The real innovation, says Graves, is the technology that was used to stabilize exenatide for a prolonged period. If the company can clear the FDA's high hurdle on diabetes drugs, he adds, their product will have a guaranteed niche among the large group of patients who have trouble staying compliant with their treatment regimen.

Beginning in 1986, George Zimmer narrated and appeared in many of the Men's Wearhouse television commercials, usually closing with the company slogan: "You're going to like the way you look. I guarantee it." In 2016, the slogan was adopted by Intarcia to describe Graves "guaranteed" market for the unapproved magic pump.

LOL KG really said that? Guess he is a magician too in addition of being a charlatan and pumper boi?

April Fools Day - the annual salute to anyone who invested in Intarcia. Come on. So you lost money. it’s A Joke.

Guaranteed no regulatory risk new once a year blockbuster magic pump from KG the pump boi

Breaking news!

Intarcia will disrupt the Type 2 diabetes with early approval of the infamous once a year implant technology. FDA was so impressed that it decided to ignore the pitiful Hayward plant and pump that fails stability and sterility thanks to counterpoints made by KG and his sidekick JS. Long live ITCA! :D

not like delay is unexpected check out Xconomy Luke Timmerman 2010

“Intarcia could be in position to file its new drug application with the FDA by the end of 2012, and to potentially introduce its product to the market by the end of 2013 or early 2014, Graves says.”

He says a lot of things that don’t come true


Hey Graves is it 2013-2014 yet ? You talk a big game but deliver shit. Where’s the first quarter resubmission you promised ?

how did that resubmission go chump ? Rats are fleeing the ship.. seed corn are defecting..even Novartis minions are running away

Resubmission delayed till April 1 2019.

What will the ULT gang do when they run out of cash (AKA OPM - other people's money) by end of this year? Maybe short term bridge loan of some kind with very high interest rate with worthless keys hanging in Boston HQ as collateral? Of course the ULT members won't pitch in a dime as they know this POS is sinking.