In hospital nurse reps

The nurse reps have been a flop just like the product.
Brilliant!! The only people less respected than drug reps are nurses who leave their profession to become drug reps. Does anyone in Wilmington bother to ask for an opinion from people in the sales force who actually have a clue? Can you imagine the conversation between a charge nurse and a drug rep who used to be a nurse? Someone who is actually helping to save lives everyday and someone who traded all of that for a laptop and a company car.

Brilliant!! The only people less respected than drug reps are nurses who leave their profession to become drug reps. Does anyone in Wilmington bother to ask for an opinion from people in the sales force who actually have a clue? Can you imagine the conversation between a charge nurse and a drug rep who used to be a nurse? Someone who is actually helping to save lives everyday and someone who traded all of that for a laptop and a company car.

Sort of. MIne just keeps saying: "I am a nurse, like you and not selling anything!" LMAO!!! I should try that. Does anyone really think our customers are this stupid? Oh, wait; AZ does! The problem with B is the same as all chicken shit pharma companies that design trials so that they know they'll hit their end point. I am not going to say much more, but this job is so fucking stupid and drug companies are NOT our buddies! They are in business to sell a product even push its need or create need. On another note, the nurses do understand what it is like to be a nurse, which is helpful in sales but once a nurse crosses over, they are a rep and no longer a nurse.

Brilliant!! The only people less respected than drug reps are nurses who leave their profession to become drug reps. Does anyone in Wilmington bother to ask for an opinion from people in the sales force who actually have a clue? Can you imagine the conversation between a charge nurse and a drug rep who used to be a nurse? Someone who is actually helping to save lives everyday and someone who traded all of that for a laptop and a company car.

Yes, HQ is so very interested in the opinion of someone who can barely work 3 hours a day and hates their job... We are a marketing instrument. The sooner you realize this, the better off you will be. Sales is no longer the hub that connects all the spokes of the wheel together.. We are just a spoke now, a tool, a part of the overall marketing formula. Take your 125k, car, full match 401k, free meals, and one day a month ride with your shitty manager and piss off.

Now that's what I'm taking about-- my goal is to spend more time with my kids--- I just interviewed for the " transitional nurse"
for brilinta -- are you one of those or a sales rep?

Actually most nurses that find out you were a nurse it strikes up conversation and access. it better than talking to some fuckwad that knows the disease process bc he read it in a book. They want to get out of nursing like you want to geto out of pharma. Does it translate into sales often not always. Been to a few COE w other nurses

My advice to the nurses is to get out of AZ. It isn't a company that understands the inherent altruism in nursing. The nurses will be relegated to sales access tools with no clinical autonomy. What a shame that this has become the new flavor of the month at AZ. Someone had to come up with something new for AZLT to pacify the flogging Brilinta sales. It will be over soon.

I could see nurses or pharmacists becoming the future of pharma. They carry better credibility, although SOV is still the model at AZ so it probably won't start here.
Again, spoken by someone who doesn't know shit about sales. Nurses and Doctors resent the hell out of nurses who leave nursing to go into what they consider, flim flam snake oil business. They think our job is a total joke and wouldn't see any of us except they need our samples. They hate Pharmacists turned drug rep because they don't want to be lectured to about something they think they either already know or don't give two shits about.

Again, spoken by someone who doesn't know shit about sales. Nurses and Doctors resent the hell out of nurses who leave nursing to go into what they consider, flim flam snake oil business. They think our job is a total joke and wouldn't see any of us except they need our samples. They hate Pharmacists turned drug rep because they don't want to be lectured to about something they think they either already know or don't give two shits about.

I have no idea why doctors see us at all anymore aside from the samples. I would not have lunch with either of my partners or me for that matter. My team is the most stuck-up, ill-tempered, two faced, backstabbers on the planet. Two of them could not talk medicine if their lives literally depended on it. It is laughable as they just spout the company Kool Aid as if "teaching" the doctor something he does not know. OMG! I could throw up as they swish through the next IPad screen with their perfect nails, flipping their perfect hair on their perfect long legs. LOL

I have no idea why doctors see us at all anymore aside from the samples. I would not have lunch with either of my partners or me for that matter. My team is the most stuck-up, ill-tempered, two faced, backstabbers on the planet. Two of them could not talk medicine if their lives literally depended on it. It is laughable as they just spout the company Kool Aid as if "teaching" the doctor something he does not know. OMG! I could throw up as they swish through the next IPad screen with their perfect nails, flipping their perfect hair on their perfect long legs. LOL

Perfect nails, perfect hair, perfect long legs... stop in anytime, I'd like to see those reps!

SOme nurses and doctors resent nurses and pharmd who went to pharma, Most dont. Some care about your credentails others dont give a shit. It all depends how you present yourself. Both enjoy talking about patient who try to cut their head off, battle scars and patients.

SOme nurses and doctors resent nurses and pharmd who went to pharma, Most dont. Some care about your credentails others dont give a shit. It all depends how you present yourself. Both enjoy talking about patient who try to cut their head off, battle scars and patients.
I would agree that this true. The only problem I have with the nurse in my area is that she does not give a crap about doing the righht thing.
She has no cardiac experience. 3 months in and she keeps getting important safety information wrong, despite several of us politely correcting her. WTF you are nurse and you can't get the drug interactions correct? I am sort of disgusted that I care more about patients than she does. The only good thing is that working on for us she is not caring for people.