Impel NeuroPharma

Oh shut up and grow a pair. This almost always happens with an FDA approval. You ever hear of ‘sell the news’?
No way I’m taking this job with the label. Stock is down due to the warnings and precautions. A cardiovascular evaluation before starting drug??? WTF. No coverage and migranal efficacy in the label. This is some type of a joke. I’ll stay where I am. No one shared this type of data during my interview. They were talking 15 minutes and I don’t see that anywhere. No coverage and off label selling. No thank you

No way I’m taking this job with the label. Stock is down due to the warnings and precautions. A cardiovascular evaluation before starting drug??? WTF. No coverage and migranal efficacy in the label. This is some type of a joke. I’ll stay where I am. No one shared this type of data during my interview. They were talking 15 minutes and I don’t see that anywhere. No coverage and off label selling. No thank you

No way I’m taking this job with the label. Stock is down due to the warnings and precautions. A cardiovascular evaluation before starting drug??? WTF. No coverage and migranal efficacy in the label. This is some type of a joke. I’ll stay where I am. No one shared this type of data during my interview. They were talking 15 minutes and I don’t see that anywhere. No coverage and off label selling. No thank you

I have been "impleded" to not take the job!!!
it will never sell

Hey doc. I have a migranal knock off. Exact same efficacy as migranal but a whole host of new potentially fatal warnings That migranal never had. Oh and we’re not covered but you can push it through a bs hub. Doc what do you think.

doc: F off loser

Hey doc. I have a migranal knock off. Exact same efficacy as migranal but a whole host of new potentially fatal warnings That migranal never had. Oh and we’re not covered but you can push it through a bs hub. Doc what do you think.

doc: F off loser

LOL= That’s Funny! Thinking a doctor would actually waste their time to hear about this migraine treatment wannabe. Pass

Hey doc. I have a migranal knock off. Exact same efficacy as migranal but a whole host of new potentially fatal warnings That migranal never had. Oh and we’re not covered but you can push it through a bs hub. Doc what do you think.

doc: F off loser

please add this one. Oh doc you can’t get this through a regular pharmacy so your patients will need to YouTube how to put together this ridiculous device. Lol

Clearly someone is bitter they got passed over. Using same PI gets it approved quicker. I’ve sold a number of drugs that were the same molecule just different delivery and same thing happened. Goes to the upper nasal space so def does not work the same as generic. Wouldn’t have gotten approved otherwise. Nice try! Much rather go to a pharmacy where they will have the coupon there and aren’t going to try and switch my medication. No Brainer! So much easier than dealing with there pharmacies who don’t want to apply coupons and get paid on generics. Plus give patients false cash price

Clearly someone is bitter they got passed over. Using same PI gets it approved quicker. I’ve sold a number of drugs that were the same molecule just different delivery and same thing happened. Goes to the upper nasal space so def does not work the same as generic. Wouldn’t have gotten approved otherwise. Nice try! Much rather go to a pharmacy where they will have the coupon there and aren’t going to try and switch my medication. No Brainer! So much easier than dealing with there pharmacies who don’t want to apply coupons and get paid on generics. Plus give patients false cash price

and the cv evaluation? . The fact managed care won’t approve based on generic efficacy. So you’ll sell off label? What’s in the label that indicates the nonsensical delivery up the nose even matters? Let’s go wise ass. Prove right here you’ll go off label to max out your 40k unlimited bonus. Abbvie and biohaven are waiting for you to go off label. The press release says it all. I give you 1 quarter with a job

It’s on the generic as well. STOP 301 is the info we will be using to sell the product. Stop posting negative things on here. You clearly haven’t sold a product where molecule isn’t new but delivery/dosage is different. I’m excited to launch this product as well as all their future products using the technology.

You must be some in house stooge. I dont care what your legal does because I will not take this position. During the interview this was never discussed. Its impossible to differentiate from migranal. You can call me an idiot but I do not sell off label and I question the ethics of sales leadership.

Who sells from the PI? You sell from the Sales Aids your are given which go thru a legal process before you can use. My current product I sell the PI actually has a lot on it that isn’t related to my product but they used it for approval. If it’s not a new molecule most companies do this. You must be new to pharma. No one cares if you didn’t take the job

Who sells from the PI? You sell from the Sales Aids your are given which go thru a legal process before you can use. My current product I sell the PI actually has a lot on it that isn’t related to my product but they used it for approval. If it’s not a new molecule most companies do this. You must be new to pharma. No one cares if you didn’t take the job

I have 18 years. So genius. What is the definition of off label? It’s promoting what’s not in your pi. You my friend must be new to pharma

Who sells from the PI? You sell from the Sales Aids your are given which go thru a legal process before you can use. My current product I sell the PI actually has a lot on it that isn’t related to my product but they used it for approval. If it’s not a new molecule most companies do this. You must be new to pharma. No one cares if you didn’t take the job

if the fda didn’t find the new data sufficient to put into the pi, also called the label, why do you think the same fda would allow you to
promote it? Your legal team will not allow it unless the go first amendment and that’s really risky

Oh shut up and grow a pair. This almost always happens with an FDA approval. You ever hear of ‘sell the news’?

Based on this micro managers response I wonder how long before we start being told that they understand “the docs do not want to see you but we still need to show upper management that we are being productive and meeting our reach and frequency targets”. Sure its not about the numbers but make sure you reach your daily call averages. Hop on the micromanagement express which will be regularly monitored and reported.

if the fda didn’t find the new data sufficient to put into the pi, also called the label, why do you think the same fda would allow you to
promote it? Your legal team will not allow it unless the go first amendment and that’s really risky
Why would the FDA even approve the product then if it’s no different!??

Oh shut up and grow a pair. This almost always happens with an FDA approval. You ever hear of ‘sell the news’?

Sell the news is one thing. Bail out of a losing proposition is another. Stock is well below pre approval level and lost another dollar in extended hours today. Grow a pair yourself and admit this is a dog.