Please get rid of the MSL in California. She was a terrible rep before this job and Is driving our office nuts in this new job. She was annoying before and is worse now.
To the Tune of NY NY:Oh shut up and grow a pair. This almost always happens with an FDA approval. You ever hear of ‘sell the news’?
So glad i was rejected by the stupid DM
you did me a favor!!!LOL
I have a pennies jar , maybe i can buy a 100 share with the pennies I have in the jar!!!!
Instant Karma to the asshole DM
I was not a "fit" LOL Yes , I am not a loser so I am not a fit
Enjoy your worthless shares!!!! LOL
Company is dumb as fuck.
Expected to be in all the EMRs -Barely in any.
Can't talk to our specialty Pharmacies - while they try and help. Fucking stupid leaders.
Stupid fucking researchers. Research "how to sell"
Impel is a dumpster fire.I get that the entire market was down again today BUT Impel losing another 10% down to 8.33? Really? That tells me the market analysts are looking at the same data we are which shows MDs aren't interested in simply a new device with no additional benefit and no coverage. Looks like coal in the stocking this year