Impel NeuroPharma

Says the Anonymous “keyboard warrior”. Lol. Its the JOB of Sarah to have a relationship with employees. I work with Rob…hes spot on and a stand up person…helps support the team in any way he can. You sound like an extremely disgruntled employee. Posting at 12:44 on a monday? Well we know YOU DONT WORK! Lol. Have the gaul to call him AND sarah and say it to them DIRECTLY insteading of HIDING…you know..since you “know so much”.
Let's just call you anonymous "Billy Bill Balls" since you won't identify yourself. What's with all the CAPITALS, " " and Lols? Where did you get your online diploma? It's GALL not gaul, EINSTEIN.

Now this amused me
Hope no one will be naive enough to hang on to the titanic. The big talkers have a lot less to lose. Please read the writing on the wall and it says “$1.1 or $1.5 is the same as far as doors closing is concerned”

This was the rare company where I pulled my self out of the interview process the more times I spoke with them. Just got a tough guy/micromanager vibe. I also got no sense of actual planning or training.

I had a recruiter call me for an outstanding opportunity at Impel this week… after reading this thread, I’m not too sure…
Recruiters don't get paid unless you take the job. Just take a look at the stock price over the past year. Do you really think these leaders are outstanding or even tolerable after seeing all the entries?

Suspiciously quiet around the office these past weeks... seems everybody is busy working on word documents that have the letters Resume typed in the header. However, just as the band continued to play on the deck of the Titanic, even as the lifeboats where lowered, many in management here know other boats exists for them on the other side of the ship and are waiting just for them. They will be ok, let the 3rd class passengers scramble not knowing their fate...

  • DWD   May 12, 2023 at 09:35: AM
Hmm, loss today...Q1 '23 - $30M, Q1 '22 - $27M. (10% more when R&D was investing in new drug).
Cash on hand 3/31/23 $35M. "The Company believes, based on its current operating plan, that it has sufficient capital to fund operations into Q3 2023".
That burn rate that makes it to about the end of June (Q2 2023). What am I missing?

Hmm, loss today...Q1 '23 - $30M, Q1 '22 - $27M. (10% more when R&D was investing in new drug).
Cash on hand 3/31/23 $35M. "The Company believes, based on its current operating plan, that it has sufficient capital to fund operations into Q3 2023".
That burn rate that makes it to about the end of June (Q2 2023). What am I missing?
You’re missing the power of POD technology. It will propel us forward.

Hmm, loss today...Q1 '23 - $30M, Q1 '22 - $27M. (10% more when R&D was investing in new drug).
Cash on hand 3/31/23 $35M. "The Company believes, based on its current operating plan, that it has sufficient capital to fund operations into Q3 2023".
That burn rate that makes it to about the end of June (Q2 2023). What am I missing?
The plane is now at the end of the runway and about ready to crash - ruining the lives of those still aboard this doomed flight.

The plane is now at the end of the runway and about ready to crash - ruining the lives of those still aboard this doomed flight.
It’s sad really. Really nice, hard working bunch of people up and down the line . Just not a product the hcps want. Bulky, cumbersome, safety warnings. We tried our best to spin it but it’s a relic of a product. Best of luck to everyone