Impel NeuroPharma

$ 0.98 a share, and falling! Congratulations to all the executive leadership on destroying the company from within! What a remarkable accomplishment in a short period of time!

For all interviewing be aware of idiots like Robert W. He brags about connecting with Sarah weekly Seriously? Who calls HR? Says he has Len in his back pocket. He told me names of people leaving. He thinks he’s the CEO, constantly complaining KO is incompetent and the worst manager ever, Sarah is naive and easily manipulated into doing what he wants and Len calls to ask for his opinion sharing his plans to expand and mirror territories. RW - is a weasel with an overinflated ego.
Is he reporting people looking for jobs??

Says the Anonymous “keyboard warrior”. Lol. Its the JOB of Sarah to have a relationship with employees. I work with Rob…hes spot on and a stand up person…helps support the team in any way he can. You sound like an extremely disgruntled employee. Posting at 12:44 on a monday? Well we know YOU DONT WORK! Lol. Have the gaul to call him AND sarah and say it to them DIRECTLY insteading of HIDING…you know..since you “know so much”.