Impel NeuroPharma

HAHAHA literally ANYONE can post anon on here.
1.If you work here and are spewing this negative BS wtf are you doing? Maybe your negative self is the problem. Leave and good riddance.
2. Maybe you are the competition and are paid to trash Impel.
3. You are short this and a moron. get squeezed. Good luck getting out . Literally nothing to buy when it is on the way up.
4. My name is Arian CEO

HAHAHA literally ANYONE can post anon on here.
1.If you work here and are spewing this negative BS wtf are you doing? Maybe your negative self is the problem. Leave and good riddance.
2. Maybe you are the competition and are paid to trash Impel.
3. You are short this and a moron. get squeezed. Good luck getting out . Literally nothing to buy when it is on the way up.
4. My name is Arian CEO

"You are short this and a moron. get squeezed. Good luck getting out"
In 1 year the stock price has gone from $12 to $4. Ahem, who is the moron?

"You are short this and a moron. get squeezed. Good luck getting out"
In 1 year the stock price has gone from $12 to $4. Ahem, who is the moron?
Actually the stock hit an all time high of $26.13 on approval and has steadily dropped to the stocks lowest point ever at $4.00. Even if this were a novel new treatment this sales management team would have still phucked it up. They are still trying to tell us that the stock doesn't reflect our great sales success.

Actually the stock hit an all time high of $26.13 on approval and has steadily dropped to the stocks lowest point ever at $4.00. Even if this were a novel new treatment this sales management team would have still phucked it up. They are still trying to tell us that the stock doesn't reflect our great sales success.
Another non informative town hall meeting today.

That was a HUGE mistake! Gotta look for solid companies with strong products. Maybe a little less in base but icp is so much better with a bright future. There are the top ranked reps here who have made some great money but the rest not so much! Stock price is now at 4.00….very troubling sign….many of us interviewing….

Actually the stock hit an all time high of $26.13 on approval and has steadily dropped to the stocks lowest point ever at $4.00. Even if this were a novel new treatment this sales management team would have still phucked it up. They are still trying to tell us that the stock doesn't reflect our great sales success.
Think about it. The leadership is taking credit for the bridge program freebies. They like to think they are driving rx. We will maybe have 3.5 -4 million revenue this quarter. This will hurt the stock even more.

Think about it. The leadership is taking credit for the bridge program freebies. They like to think they are driving rx. We will maybe have 3.5 -4 million revenue this quarter. This will hurt the stock even more.
Maybe OK if there is an uptrend ahead and able to wean off the bridge program. Certainly doesn't look that way and the runway is ending. The incompetent sycophants at the top are having to work harder to keep the mirage alive.

Do you think the Q3 revenue will be the wake up call? I do
I've been here over a year now, and will be long term. We are doing quite well in my area. The expansion WILL produce results, and I don't think the whiners that have been putting in less than their best and STILL expecting more will be around to benefit from the added growth. Maybe the problem is just you? You get what you put in. Everyone wants free and easy these days...

I've been here over a year now, and will be long term. We are doing quite well in my area. The expansion WILL produce results, and I don't think the whiners that have been putting in less than their best and STILL expecting more will be around to benefit from the added growth. Maybe the problem is just you? You get what you put in. Everyone wants free and easy these days...
Long term?

Long term?
Yes as in the foreseeable future. Be it years or until management decides otherwise, be it acquisition, sale or what ever comes. Point I was making is I don't understand the complainers on here, sales are tough. Be happy you have a good job, and show you are a valuable asset. It is work to sell a new product, any product. We just entered the market last year. People expect it to be as easy peasy as selling the cure for cancer. I have confidence in the POD technology personally because I suffer from severe migraines. For me it has helped with relief more quickly and longer lasting than what I was on before. Maybe that's why I've been successful.