Impel NeuroPharma

PB told us last week at our POA that they aren't seeing the growth they thought with the expansion. Expansion was the stupidest decision from our fine leaders.

yes agree with the expectation part “ not the growth we expected”. What I heard this week is we are not growing at all. That has not been the communication here.

Sure, the expansion was stupid and the device is not novel and desired as we were told during the recruitment process but the biggest failure was the hiring of the VP of sales who doesn’t know how to hire leaders. PB hired yes men and women who would say and do anything and be cheerleaders and micro managers. All they do is lie, mislead and demand we say and do anything just to get a single script.

Sure, the expansion was stupid and the device is not novel and desired as we were told during the recruitment process but the biggest failure was the hiring of the VP of sales who doesn’t know how to hire leaders. PB hired yes men and women who would say and do anything and be cheerleaders and micro managers. All they do is lie, mislead and demand we say and do anything just to get a single script.

I don’t think it’s pattis fault. I think RC GP and AA knew who they wanted to hire. Even Len had no say. SP is the newest example.

I don’t think it’s pattis fault. I think RC GP and AA knew who they wanted to hire. Even Len had no say. SP is the newest example.
There’s plenty of finger pointing to go around but Patti hired these manager rejects and its Patti who communicated the marching orders for the field, unless you want to make the case that she is simply a puppet for RC GP and AA. If she’s just a puppet, that makes her a yes she/her/woman and not a VP/Leader. Which is it?