Impel NeuroPharma

Rigo and Patty are clueless, inept, two-faced and over their heads when it comes to leading a sales organization. They have succeeded only in hiring cheerleader micromangers, driving high turnover and low morale. Interviewing to get out of this cult of losers.

Rigo and Patty are clueless, inept, two-faced and over their heads when it comes to leading a sales organization. They have succeeded only in hiring cheerleader micromangers, driving high turnover and low morale. Interviewing to get out of this cult of losers.

as witnessed by our now 2 months of non growth. These 2 need to go. Let’s see how they lie to Adrian for the earnings call. Tell him there is no iceberg. No water. Some of the recent proposed changes seriously sound like furniture swapping on the promenade deck

Time to call it quits. It can’t be sold in enough volume to justify job.
Think you are correct and today's earnings backed that up. Company is circling the drain. Starting at the top, leadership is clueless...CEO ("Imagine, Imagine" is unimaginative), CCO (Worn out playbook), Market Access (just a weird dude) too. Bridge program is a rickety bridge to nowhere.

Think you are correct and today's earnings backed that up. Company is circling the drain. Starting at the top, leadership is clueless...CEO ("Imagine, Imagine" is unimaginative), CCO (Worn out playbook), Market Access (just a weird dude) too. Bridge program is a rickety bridge to nowhere.
Please STOP referring to these clowns as leaders.

Please STOP referring to these clowns as leaders.
My takeaways from the earnings call, if anyone paid attention.

Prescriptions are flat and 30 new hires are the reason to believe

revenue per rx is half of where it needs to be.

Adrian needs to fire sell this company as he is referencing odd metrics for success.

Adrian will make 20 million regardless of what happens.

referencing 31k rx is incredibly misleading as the 2022 number is 21,000

there is no chance in hell of making 70k rx this year. We already need to b at 2k now to make that.

impel is another AA fraud

I think you missed 1 major point. Having cash until 2024 is tied to hitting our numbers. 97 million cash 25 million spend a quarter doesn’t seem great. That’s the part that I was worried about.