Impel NeuroPharma

Cafepharma should go away like MySpace and Facebook. If you don’t have live connections you can call to check on a company, you shouldn't be in sales. Cafepharma is a useless site filled with cowards who don’t have the guts to say anything to someone’s face. It’s the same story on every company board.
1. Leadership is useless and clueless
2. Product is a dude and complete flop
3. I can make more and get better benefits somewhere else
4. I don’t work. I fake calls and my manager is too lame to figure it out
5. I have a hot young wife I bang all day

Grow up assholes. No one feels sorry that you have a job where you can make $200K but you’re pathetic and can’t sell so you just bitch about everyone else. Tell me where a privileged piece of shit like you is going to go where everything is perfect? I’m sick of cowards sitting around in their underwear and typing as fast as their Cheeto-dust fingers will allow to spew hate.
Life is hard, your job is hard, you poor fucking baby! You can make fun of my post all you want, You don’t have any true insight and your lazy and not even entertaining with your post, repeating the same themes on every company board - so I’m off this site. Carry on being the victims and keep on being the miserable jerks that you are.

And you?
You are probably an asshole DM

Fair warning.. I hear Richard Creech in NC needs a job. Do not hire.. he is a known embezzler, does not work, and a lazy f*ck!! He should never ever have a job in pharma again!!

Fair warning.. I hear Richard Creech in NC needs a job. Do not hire.. he is a known embezzler, does not work, and a lazy f*ck!! He should never ever have a job in pharma again!!

Me too. Was never less impressed with the two "managers" I interviewed with. It got a bit contentious and I was surprised they were surprised when I said I did not want to move on in the interview process.
If you thought the managers were bad. The senior leadership team is worse. You made the right decision by not moving along in the process.