
Rich Adcock is a loser. "Try to sell 9 vials of Anktiva when they get the prior auth for 6. Why not?" You realize that is illegal Rich?
This company will sell 12.5 million in 2024. Way short of what is needed. ImmunityBio only has a runway of 4 months of cashflow to operate this business. By the end of Q1 ImmunityBio will be firing the remaining sales people and closing its doors.
Rich Adcock and Matt Hilman are total losers! ImmunityBio is going to run out of money very soon. It’s over people.
Rich you have to terminate Hilman. The future of Anktiva is at stake. No one will work for the guy. He is persona non grata.
Rich - You are not stupid. You have to be able to see that MH is not going to be an advantage to ImmunityBio either in the short-term or in the long-term. The internet is trying to tell you that you are backing a loser.