Ilumya Resignations before NSM

I’ll eat my stale eggs and get pumped up. In the field we are returning to the days when pharma was great. Reps from other companies are jealous of what we can do and it seems like you have a potato chip on your shoulder. So get off the board and start selling like the rest of us.

Are you serious with this post ? Jealous ? Of what ? Being at 15% of target with a launch brand ? A toxic place where people threaten each other ? ‘Jokes’ about the NSM ?

Wait for the Mumbai management team to demand a room-mate system at NSMs. Also expect that alcohol will be limited. You can bet that these measures are the next steps along with providing 2 cylinder cars for sales calls. Procurement at SUN works 24/7 to lower costs and inconvenience workers.

Rumor is that India will be revising travel policy to limit daily meal spend to $50 per day and removing the two drink limit. One of the other things that just blows my mind is that spend for reps on the field doing lunch and learns is going to be removed and replace with a catering service run by the folks in India that will need sign off from management.

See all you Motherfuckers...pool side running up those Amex cards! Make sure you pack accordingly.

Big Ilumya talker hits the pool! BTW, nes NSM guideline is that only directors or above can use the pool. Based on Ilumya performance, your team needs to go to bed early and study the shitty data. Get ready for daily tests in Orlando.


Any loudmouth from the Ilumya team can be quieted down of their high perch with a water gun, feather duster, or raising their quota goal up to 3 orders.
I make alot more money than you. Just know that. So I have plenty of Sun ruppees to pay my poolside bar bill. Unlike you who will offering to suck off tourists for lint balls in Orlando.

This is what happens when you have a company that can take its pick of a billion people in poverty and treat them like shit as the alternative is so awful tries to replicate its “success” model in the real world ... it won’t work and now the shit show is common knowledge in the market and it’s all over for sun. All they can hire is 3rd rate people. All the 1st rate even 2nd rate who joined to try and make something of it are gone or going. No second chances - sorry. Lights out Abhay bahaaahaaaa

This is what happens when you have a company that can take its pick of a billion people in poverty and treat them like shit as the alternative is so awful tries to replicate its “success” model in the real world ... it won’t work and now the shit show is common knowledge in the market and it’s all over for sun. All they can hire is 3rd rate people. All the 1st rate even 2nd rate who joined to try and make something of it are gone or going. No second chances - sorry. Lights out Abhay bahaaahaaaa

Absolutely 100% correct.

This is what happens when you have a company that can take its pick of a billion people in poverty and treat them like shit as the alternative is so awful tries to replicate its “success” model in the real world ... it won’t work and now the shit show is common knowledge in the market and it’s all over for sun. All they can hire is 3rd rate people. All the 1st rate even 2nd rate who joined to try and make something of it are gone or going. No second chances - sorry. Lights out Abhay bahaaahaaaa

Very pointed and accurate assessment.

This cracks me up. How much profit is in just one Rx of Ilumya vs anything else Sun sell? $13K a pop. Almost all profit vs how much from you? You ain’t carrying shit so shut your undereducated liberal ass.

Here’s a little lesson in Finance you dumb-ass.

First, yes 1 Rx of Ilumya appears to be more profitable, once you get the MD to write it, get coverage and get started. Three. BIG. ifs.
But, what did it take to get that one Rx? A huge payment to Merck to start, a whole infrastructure to support sales and marketing etc.
The bottom line is: you don’t know. It’s a function of price, volume and costs. The only thing you may have a clue on is volume, which to date, it’s ... beyond disbelief.

So net-net, Ilumya is in the RED, big-time.

STFU you dumb-ass.

This cracks me up. How much profit is in just one Rx of Ilumya vs anything else Sun sell? $13K a pop. Almost all profit vs how much from you? You ain’t carrying shit so shut your undereducated liberal ass.

$13K a pop times zero equals zero dollars, Einstein. You are going to the right place in Orlando. You can buy a magic wand at the gift store fairy princess and wish for your Ilumya sales to step above zero. Surely you have enough relatives and a friend or two to move your filled Ilumya orders forward in the HUB?