Ilumya $93M sales


Note “ ... globally, in its first full year” 93M.
That’s beyond embarrassing to drop over $100M on DTC, hire a field force of over 100, and add in another $100 in promotion money.
Probably doesn’t include rebates.

Epic failure.


Is that 93M quarterly or annually?

It’s actually reported as 94MUSD in the report for FY2020, ending 3/31/2020, which is months 6-18 post launch.

At this trajectory, pharma models would indicate there’s maybe, maybe 15-20% upside at this point. The trajectory has been set. So we can pretty much bank on Ilumya peaking at 110-115MUSD.

Take out fees, sales, marketing/promotion and general overhead costs, this has to rank as one of the poorest ‘launches’ where over 100MUSD was spent on DTC alone.

Nice job

It’s actually reported as 94MUSD in the report for FY2020, ending 3/31/2020, which is months 6-18 post launch.

At this trajectory, pharma models would indicate there’s maybe, maybe 15-20% upside at this point. The trajectory has been set. So we can pretty much bank on Ilumya peaking at 110-115MUSD.

Take out fees, sales, marketing/promotion and general overhead costs, this has to rank as one of the poorest ‘launches’ where over 100MUSD was spent on DTC alone.

Nice job

You hire gladhanders from JNJ and this is what you get.

Nice job to all involved.

I wonder if PS will put this accomplishment on his resume? That way he can read it to his new employees because as far as being a leader goes that's all he can do. Which went really second place are last in the class little man...biggest fake on earth and I'll bet he's hung like an elevator button..the Florida crew or any newly hired manager can back me up on this because it was a promotion prerequisite.

I wonder if PS will put this accomplishment on his resume? That way he can read it to his new employees because as far as being a leader goes that's all he can do. Which went really second place are last in the class little man...biggest fake on earth and I'll bet he's hung like an elevator button..the Florida crew or any newly hired manager can back me up on this because it was a promotion prerequisite.

Just being objective here, tell me how anyone in a leadership role who has anything to do with Ilumya can still have a job. Abhay and Kyle included.

Good question...because senior leadership wants production or people gone, they are willing to drop the axe to save their ass period, it takes a specific skill set to randomly cut at will and since their skills are limited they go along to save their asses....worst biologic company on the planet period, spills down to managers who from hire begin to set up their employees, no trust, me first, personal agenda at its worst, that’s why

Kyle and Ahbay couldn’t motivate a sales force if they tried, backstabbers and low class degenerates.....hey guys your sales force knows this, good luck going anywhere else

Kyle and Ahbay couldn’t motivate a sales force if they tried, backstabbers and low class degenerates.....hey guys your sales force knows this, good luck going anywhere else

As head of sales and marketing, it’s Kyle’s responsibility to deliver results. Same for Ahbay. In no other organization would these guys still be employed.
You can likely pin Ahbays still having a job bc he fell on the sword and took the settlement on the insider trading situation. Did that deal save others above him ? You make that decision.

As for Kyle, he’s got to know where the skeletons are. That’s why he’s still employed.


First off, stop dissing on Kyle. He was hired by SUN in a marketing position.
The dude before him was fired for whatever reason and Kyle ended up becoming his successor.

The first thing ANY successor needs to do is ask a few simple questions:
“What’s working, what’s not working, and why?” Gather all the information one can, gather the experts in those categories, then strategize. Of course there is much more I’m leaving out, but hopefully “you” reading this can follow along.

Now. The BIGGEST travesty with being in any position of power is to do your due diligence and let your ego get in the way of actually implementing any of the good answers. Or, being pressured to go against your intrinsic intuition by your management.

Personally I loathe the way this division is headed. BIG PHARMA. Why is this happening? Because there are several
big pharma managers in place who don’t know how to, or are not comfortable with looking through a different lens and taking calculated risks.

We need VISIONARIES and RISKS TAKERS leading us. NOT these Big Pharma mentalist who are only here to serve their own egos and are not here to truly invest in SUNs best interest.

Kyle knows who they are. The advice I would give to Kyle? FOCUS on who the real deficits are, then put your power into action to chance course.

First off, stop dissing on Kyle. He was hired by SUN in a marketing position.
The dude before him was fired for whatever reason and Kyle ended up becoming his successor.

The first thing ANY successor needs to do is ask a few simple questions:
“What’s working, what’s not working, and why?” Gather all the information one can, gather the experts in those categories, then strategize. Of course there is much more I’m leaving out, but hopefully “you” reading this can follow along.

Now. The BIGGEST travesty with being in any position of power is to do your due diligence and let your ego get in the way of actually implementing any of the good answers. Or, being pressured to go against your intrinsic intuition by your management.

Personally I loathe the way this division is headed. BIG PHARMA. Why is this happening? Because there are several
big pharma managers in place who don’t know how to, or are not comfortable with looking through a different lens and taking calculated risks.

We need VISIONARIES and RISKS TAKERS leading us. NOT these Big Pharma mentalist who are only here to serve their own egos and are not here to truly invest in SUNs best interest.

Kyle knows who they are. The advice I would give to Kyle? FOCUS on who the real deficits are, then put your power into action to chance course.

First, KF has been the sales leader for 2 1/2 years. Don’t pull this he inherited-a-problem-card. Sun was too cheap to hire a sales VP and so yes, he inherited the role, but has had 2 1/2 years to get it right. It hasn’t happened.
And we’re heading towards being a big pharma company ? Really ? The ‘leaders’ here last worked in big pharma many, many years ago. Get real.

First, KF has been the sales leader for 2 1/2 years. Don’t pull this he inherited-a-problem-card. Sun was too cheap to hire a sales VP and so yes, he inherited the role, but has had 2 1/2 years to get it right. It hasn’t happened.
And we’re heading towards being a big pharma company ? Really ? The ‘leaders’ here last worked in big pharma many, many years ago

Oh, whatever.....

Note “ ... globally, in its first full year” 93M.
That’s beyond embarrassing to drop over $100M on DTC, hire a field force of over 100, and add in another $100 in promotion money.
Probably doesn’t include rebates.

Epic failure.

I don’t work for Sun but I saw an Ilumya ad on TV last night. Hasn’t the nail been in the coffin for a while now ?
You don’t do national TV ads on a small product. That’s a bad business decision.

I don’t work for Sun but I saw an Ilumya ad on TV last night. Hasn’t the nail been in the coffin for a while now ?
You don’t do national TV ads on a small product. That’s a bad business decision.

Interesting comment. You don’t work for SUN, but you happened to see an Ilumya TV ad last night and thought you’d troll our page to inform us of your perceived genius in marketing skills?

The TV ad actually DID work then didn’t it? I mean, YOU saw it, thought about it, then told us what a bad decision it was to run the spot. Moron

What do you mean the “nail in the coffin for awhile?”

Interesting comment. You don’t work for SUN, but you happened to see an Ilumya TV ad last night and thought you’d troll our page to inform us of your perceived genius in marketing skills?

The TV ad actually DID work then didn’t it? I mean, YOU saw it, thought about it, then told us what a bad decision it was to run the spot. Moron

What do you mean the “nail in the coffin for awhile?”

Ilumya is under 50% of an already countless-times reduced forecast. The product is considered dead, it’s peaked, at less than 1/4 of what y’all forecasted.

Why do you say the tv ad worked? Because I saw it? I see many ads, doesn’t mean I took action and purchased the product. That’s when it works, and with $93M in sales, your stuff ain’t working. We’re just laughing ... pour more money in!
The question is: when will sun fold up the US tent ?

Ilumya is under 50% of an already countless-times reduced forecast. The product is considered dead, it’s peaked, at less than 1/4 of what y’all forecasted.

Why do you say the tv ad worked? Because I saw it? I see many ads, doesn’t mean I took action and purchased the product. That’s when it works, and with $93M in sales, your stuff ain’t working. We’re just laughing ... pour more money in!
The question is: when will sun fold up the US tent ?

The TV ad HAS worked and driven many people suffering w PsO into Derm offices asking to be put on Ilumya.
The ad “worked” for you because you in fact, “took action”. You took action to find our CP page and try your best at firing a bullet. HELPFUL HINT: Try a shotgun next time.

For someone who doesn’t actually work for SUN, it certainly sounds like you have done considerable homework on our Biologic. “....50% under already ....forecast. It’s peaked....It’s less than 1/4 of what y’all’s considered dead...”. What do you consider “dead”?
When will SUN fold up its US tent? If you dug a little deeper into our business you would have known SUN was here well before the purchase of Ilumya. We’re not going anywhere.

I’m going to take a guess and say you most likely work for an Ilumya competitor. Most likely in one of the states below the Mason Dixon Line, and no further West than AZ, no further N than KS, and no further E than GA. Anyone else wouldn’t use the word “ain’t” OR know the correct spelling of, “Y’all”. Happy Trails troll.

Ilumya is under 50% of an already countless-times reduced forecast. The product is considered dead, it’s peaked, at less than 1/4 of what y’all forecasted.

Why do you say the tv ad worked? Because I saw it? I see many ads, doesn’t mean I took action and purchased the product. That’s when it works, and with $93M in sales, your stuff ain’t working. We’re just laughing ... pour more money in!
The question is: when will sun fold up the US tent ?

Finished FY20 at under 50% of the revised-revised-revised goal. How can people still have jobs?
From what FL said at launch, we are way under, like 75% under, where we thought we’d be 18 months into this. it’s why I joined, thought this company had something.

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