Ilumya $93M sales

The TV ad HAS worked and driven many people suffering w PsO into Derm offices asking to be put on Ilumya.
The ad “worked” for you because you in fact, “took action”. You took action to find our CP page and try your best at firing a bullet. HELPFUL HINT: Try a shotgun next time.

For someone who doesn’t actually work for SUN, it certainly sounds like you have done considerable homework on our Biologic. “....50% under already ....forecast. It’s peaked....It’s less than 1/4 of what y’all’s considered dead...”. What do you consider “dead”?
When will SUN fold up its US tent? If you dug a little deeper into our business you would have known SUN was here well before the purchase of Ilumya. We’re not going anywhere.

I’m going to take a guess and say you most likely work for an Ilumya competitor. Most likely in one of the states below the Mason Dixon Line, and no further West than AZ, no further N than KS, and no further E than GA. Anyone else wouldn’t use the word “ain’t” OR know the correct spelling of, “Y’all”. Happy Trails troll.

Success is measured by the number of paid Rx’s. Ilumya performance is dismal.
No one can argue that.

The TV ad HAS worked and driven many people suffering w PsO into Derm offices asking to be put on Ilumya.
The ad “worked” for you because you in fact, “took action”. You took action to find our CP page and try your best at firing a bullet. HELPFUL HINT: Try a shotgun next time.

For someone who doesn’t actually work for SUN, it certainly sounds like you have done considerable homework on our Biologic. “....50% under already ....forecast. It’s peaked....It’s less than 1/4 of what y’all’s considered dead...”. What do you consider “dead”?
When will SUN fold up its US tent? If you dug a little deeper into our business you would have known SUN was here well before the purchase of Ilumya. We’re not going anywhere.

I’m going to take a guess and say you most likely work for an Ilumya competitor. Most likely in one of the states below the Mason Dixon Line, and no further West than AZ, no further N than KS, and no further E than GA. Anyone else wouldn’t use the word “ain’t” OR know the correct spelling of, “Y’all”. Happy Trails troll.

Wow - so your bonus is based on the number of patients who request Ilumya?

How exactly does that work ? Do you ask derms and staff to keep a count for ya ?

Wow - so your bonus is based on the number of patients who request Ilumya?

How exactly does that work ? Do you ask derms and staff to keep a count for ya ?

It doesn't work! Company is just trying to make any excuse to retain a professional sales force. Ship has already sunk. Unfortunately, they hired "experienced" people who before they came to SUN never worked an honest day in their life. Ilumya cannot be successful driven by gladhanders from big pharma.

It doesn't work! Company is just trying to make any excuse to retain a professional sales force. Ship has already sunk. Unfortunately, they hired "experienced" people who before they came to SUN never worked an honest day in their life. Ilumya cannot be successful driven by gladhanders from big pharma.

With no disrespect to anyone, Sun largely hired people who couldn’t get a job elsewhere, and now they still can’t. They’re stuck, and can’t get out. And the home office just can’t figure out what to do - because most of them are in the same situation.

Success is measured by the number of paid Rx’s. Ilumya performance is dismal.
No one can argue that.

“Success” is measured in MANY ways, not simply dollars. For the sake of information purposes only, SUN never entered this Biologic market space with unrealistic expectations from Ilumya. SUNs goal was not to be “the market leader” and that goal remains intact.
While the % rates of EAP patients is higher than anyone would like, those EAP patients were put on Ilumya by an HCP actually WRITING an Ilumya script. If we knew the National NUMBER of EAP patients and made those a #1 priority to move to paid drug, SUN would be OVER it’s original Launch forecast. The Nation has thousands of HCPs writing Ilumya. THAT is also a “success”.

With no disrespect to anyone, Sun largely hired people who couldn’t get a job elsewhere, and now they still can’t. They’re stuck, and can’t get out. And the home office just can’t figure out what to do - because most of them are in the same situation.

We’re “stuck and can’t get out”?
I just looked at my wrist and ankles. There
are no shackles keeping me here, nor are there shackles on anyone else.
I am a proud employee of SUN. I was employed with another company before coming here. If I quit tomorrow, I would have employment before the end of next week. If anyone “can’t get out”, they’re not motivated enough to do so.

The problem is that the ILUMYA leadership is using white privilege and good old boys network. Disgraceful.

“WHITE privilege”??? Are you serious??
You failed to add the word “MALE”.
White. MALE. Privilege.
While I’m no “male-hating-lesbian-feminist” by ANY stretch of the imagination, I can state for a FACT that every single woman in this company could work CIRCLES around any of these men while nursing a baby, performing brain surgery and speed reading War and Peace..... at the same time!!

Most men in this company, not all, are too invested in stroking their own egos with some lame-ass “success story” from another company and kissing each other’s asses than they are trying to make this company more successful. There are also a few very great men in this company
too, to be fair.
And this will come as no surprise: Most men in this company don’t want to HEAR potential solutions to solving issues which could make all the difference in the world! Why do you think that is? Because many of the ideas to solving some of the issues are COMING FROM WOMEN!

It’s really NOT THIS HARD, nor does it have to BE this hard.

We’re “stuck and can’t get out”?
I just looked at my wrist and ankles. There
are no shackles keeping me here, nor are there shackles on anyone else.
I am a proud employee of SUN. I was employed with another company before coming here. If I quit tomorrow, I would have employment before the end of next week. If anyone “can’t get out”, they’re not motivated enough to do so.
Shackles? Kinky!

You are, by a LANDSLIDE, THE biggest numbskull on this thread.

Hey numbskull - look back on the thread. The response was to a Sun employee speaking to how the tv ads work so well because patients come in asking for Ilumya. Is that success ? And if so, how do you measure it ? That’s what the post was about.

You’re so exactly where you should be loser.

Hey numbskull - look back on the thread. The response was to a Sun employee speaking to how the tv ads work so well because patients come in asking for Ilumya. Is that success ? And if so, how do you measure it ? That’s what the post was about.

You’re so exactly where you should be loser.

That is not AT ALL what that person....who does NOT work for SUN was saying. And someone else posted about success. Have another cup of coffee.

Otezla sells $ 2 Billion plus a year and their product barely works.

Imagine what you can do if you don't follow the big Pharma playbook.

I really don’t think it’s about the big pharma playbook or not.

This is about a company that’s lacking foresight, vision, culture, trust and the ability to develop sound strategies and then execute on them.

It’s basic stuff.

I really don’t think it’s about the big pharma playbook or not.

This is about a company that’s lacking foresight, vision, culture, trust and the ability to develop sound strategies and then execute on them.

It’s basic stuff.

What I am telling you is that they didn't follow a reach and frequency model. They didn't role play. They didn't do bunches of useless meetings or teleconferences. They provided their IC plan BEFORE the measurement period. BEFORE. Let that sink in. They provides access resources and got out of the way. They let their people sell and held them accountable when they didn't(cut them). They broke the big Pharma mold that is all JNJ, Novartis and Merck know.

We suck.

What I am telling you is that they didn't follow a reach and frequency model. They didn't role play. They didn't do bunches of useless meetings or teleconferences. They provided their IC plan BEFORE the measurement period. BEFORE. Let that sink in. They provides access resources and got out of the way. They let their people sell and held them accountable when they didn't(cut them). They broke the big Pharma mold that is all JNJ, Novartis and Merck know.

We suck.


Otezla sells $ 2 Billion plus a year and their product barely works.

Imagine what you can do if you don't follow the big Pharma playbook.

You’re facetious with that last comment, right?

Think of things this way - if what was said is true that Ilumya ads are driving patients into derms (btw, they’re not asking for Ilumya by name), then Ilumya ads are driving more business for the market leaders than they are for themselves.

You’re facetious with that last comment, right?

Think of things this way - if what was said is true that Ilumya ads are driving patients into derms (btw, they’re not asking for Ilumya by name), then Ilumya ads are driving more business for the market leaders than they are for themselves.

Plus, the Ilumya ads are not saying anything that justifies an expensive specificity agent with no data. They are simply feel good ads with empowered women characters. Sold to SUN by a bad ad agency who has the SUN marketing team's number. Ego over message. Dollars over results. If you took the Ilumya ad and put in Humira, or Skyrizi, or even Halog, the happy, metrosexual attitude would apply. You need a message or you are wasting money. Face the music.

Otezla sells $ 2 Billion plus a year and their product barely works.

Imagine what you can do if you don't follow the big Pharma playbook.

Hey! I could NOT AGREE MORE with the last part of your post.

Regarding the first part. I also agree with Otezla not working as well as Biologics. However, factors contributing to Otezla sales are their OUTSTANDING commercials driving PsO patients who have only been on topicals, etc
into offices asking for it because they think it’s “safer” and does not require

However, think further than “today”. The high percentage of patients who have tried and failed Otezla, will NOT being going BACK to Otezla.
They may be a Billion dollar drug now, but it’s simply not mathematically sustainable. There are only so many PsO patients. Which are ILUMYA’s FOR THE TAKING!!!

Hey! I could NOT AGREE MORE with the last part of your post.

Regarding the first part. I also agree with Otezla not working as well as Biologics. However, factors contributing to Otezla sales are their OUTSTANDING commercials driving PsO patients who have only been on topicals, etc
into offices asking for it because they think it’s “safer” and does not require

However, think further than “today”. The high percentage of patients who have tried and failed Otezla, will NOT being going BACK to Otezla.
They may be a Billion dollar drug now, but it’s simply not mathematically sustainable. There are only so many PsO patients. Which are ILUMYA’s FOR THE TAKING!!!
If your theory was valid, it would have happened by now and Ilumya would be a $400million drug but now.