If you're a pharm rep and a republican, you're a moron

No you are. Probably a bible thumper too. Likes to judge everybody and should fix himself first.

you are probably not a pharma rep , instead you are probably one of those occupy shit people. Here is the deal, you are a loser, you will never amount to shit in your life, you are envious of successful people and want to take them down. you are stupid and listen to commies who have a different agenda but are using YOU to promote their agenda, then they will kick you the curb when they do not need you anymore. You start attacking the bible because you shit people do not have anything else to run on . The economy?? what a joke ! you will never find a job a job because this admin does not want you to find a job. You can only serve these people when you are taking money and food stamps from them.
Futher more, you were so outraged by the wars and guantanamo ,you people are complete hypocrits and shit.

On the contrary, I have a job. I make six figures. I may be your boss. You on the other hand present to me nothing to envy. You use the term "commie". Are you in fact 100 years old? You are the cats meow.

On the contrary, I have a job. I make six figures. I may be your boss. You on the other hand present to me nothing to envy. You use the term "commie". Are you in fact 100 years old? You are the cats meow.


I love this thread so much. Listening to the Right argue conservative talking point proves their idiocy. Trickle down economics!? There are no corporations that pay 35%. They use tax shelters and loopholes and end up paying much less, stupid. Heres a stupid hypothetical, what if the corporations took all sales jobs and outsourced to the phillipines. Now you are unemployed and about to foreclose on your home. The companies stock price goes up, wallsteeet and the CEOs make a killing at the expense of millions of families. Would ask the government for assistance? This is the result of deregulation, companies can do whatever the fuck they want. If you were in this position, wouldn't you want more regulations and govt intervention. This hard for many people, but try looking at things from another perspective

I know this hard for you to comprehend, but no one is forced to do business in this country. The jobs go overseas because the governments and tax structures are more "business friendly". They can create the same products for less because of less regulation. The cost of operating businesses in this country has become oppressive because of all of the regulations that must be complied with. Take into account the hijacking of a number of industries by the unions and it is a wonder that we have any productivity left in this country.

And just to clarify, the jobs do not belong to the people, they belong to the company. If the company moves its operations overseas because the cost of doing business is lower, you are more than welcome to follow. We would probably be better off if you did.

I know this hard for you to comprehend, but no one is forced to do business in this country. The jobs go overseas because the governments and tax structures are more "business friendly". They can create the same products for less because of less regulation. The cost of operating businesses in this country has become oppressive because of all of the regulations that must be complied with. Take into account the hijacking of a number of industries by the unions and it is a wonder that we have any productivity left in this country.

And just to clarify, the jobs do not belong to the people, they belong to the company. If the company moves its operations overseas because the cost of doing business is lower, you are more than welcome to follow. We would probably be better off if you did.

You're right big business can do business anywhere and they will step on the backs of many to make a profit. It's not a fair set up. The Carl Icahn situation with Forest is a perfect example. If Icahn won, how many reps at Forest would have been laid off so that he could make billions by driving up the stock price? Is he legally allowed to do that? Yes. Would it have been fair? No. It's so stupid to vote Republican because you're voting against your own interests. We need to tax the 1% more, give 50% inheritance tax, give tax incentives for companies that keep jobs in the US. Also as consumers, we need to start boycotting products made outside of the US. Just my 2 cents.

You sound like such a cry-baby. I'm tired of the left invoking the word "fair" every time they don't like something. You not liking something does not equal unfair. If the stock price went up because of Icahn's moves it means the investors think the company could be run more efficiently doing it his way. I will repeat myself, the job does not belong to the individual, it belongs to the company. The purpose of the company creating the job is to make money. If the job is not making the company money, then the company has the right to terminate the job. Fairness does not even enter the equation. It is a business decision pure and simple. Do you even understand your own contradictions??? You want to raise taxes yet give tax breaks to companies that keep jobs in the U.S.? How does that increase revenues? How about lower taxes and regulations for all companies to encourage them to keep business in the U.S.? Oh wait that is a conservative, Republican idea!!!!!!!

You're right big business can do business anywhere and they will step on the backs of many to make a profit. It's not a fair set up. The Carl Icahn situation with Forest is a perfect example. If Icahn won, how many reps at Forest would have been laid off so that he could make billions by driving up the stock price? Is he legally allowed to do that? Yes. Would it have been fair? No. It's so stupid to vote Republican because you're voting against your own interests. We need to tax the 1% more, give 50% inheritance tax, give tax incentives for companies that keep jobs in the US. Also as consumers, we need to start boycotting products made outside of the US. Just my 2 cents.

I love this thread so much. Listening to the Right argue conservative talking point proves their idiocy. Trickle down economics!? There are no corporations that pay 35%. They use tax shelters and loopholes and end up paying much less, stupid. Heres a stupid hypothetical, what if the corporations took all sales jobs and outsourced to the phillipines. Now you are unemployed and about to foreclose on your home. The companies stock price goes up, wallsteeet and the CEOs make a killing at the expense of millions of families. Would ask the government for assistance? This is the result of deregulation, companies can do whatever the fuck they want. If you were in this position, wouldn't you want more regulations and govt intervention. This hard for many people, but try looking at things from another perspective

For all you liberals who love gov't freebies .....


There was a chemistry professor in a large college that had some exchange students in the class. One day while the class was in the lab, the Prof noticed one young man, an exchange student, who kept rubbing his back and stretching as if his back hurt.

The professor asked the young man what was the matter. The student told him he had a bullet lodged in his back. He had been shot while fighting communists in his native country who were trying to overthrow his country's government and install a new communist regime.

In the midst of his story, he looked at the professor and asked a strange question He asked:

"Do you know how to catch wild pigs?"

The professor thought it was a joke and asked for the punch line. The young man said that it was no joke. You catch wild pigs by finding a suitable place in the woods and putting corn on the ground. The pigs find it and begin to come everyday to eat the free corn. When they are used to coming every day, you put a fence down one side of the place where they are used to coming. When they get used to the fence, they begin to eat the corn again and you put up another side of the fence. They get used to that and start to eat again. You continue until you have all four sides of the fence up with a gate in the last side. The pigs, which are used to the free corn, start to come through the gate to eat that free corn again. You then slam the gate on them and catch the whole herd

Suddenly the wild pigs have lost their freedom. They run around and around inside the fence, but they are caught. Soon they go back to eating the free corn. They are so used to it that they have forgotten how to forage in the woods for themselves, so they accept their captivity.

The young man then told the professor that is exactly what he sees happening in America .. The government keeps pushing us toward Communism/Socialism and keeps
spreading the free corn out in the form of programs such as supplemental income, tax credit for unearned income, tax exemptions, tobacco subsidies, dairy subsidies, payments not to plant crops (CRP), welfare, medicine, drugs, etc. while we continually lose our freedoms, just a little at a time.

One should always remember two truths:

1) There is no such thing as a free lunch, someone is paying for it

2) and when you begin to think that having your government provide for you and make your decisions is ok, realize that you’ve also given up the freedom that goes with making your own choices.

Obama Jobs Bill Could Dry Up 238,000 Pharmaceutical Jobs, Report Says
By Elizabeth Harrington
October 21, 2011
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President Barack Obama speaks about the American Jobs Act, Tuesday, Sept. 13, 2011, at Fort Hayes Arts and Academic High School in Columbus, Ohio. (AP Photo/Tony Dejak)

(CNSNews.com) - President Obama’s jobs bill could result in the loss of as many as 238,000 jobs in the pharmaceutical industry by 2021, says a new study says.
The American Action Forum (AAF), a conservative think tank headed by former Congressional Budget Office Director Douglas Holtz-Eakin, says to help pay for Obama’s American Jobs Act, prescription drug manufacturers would be required to give billions of dollars in rebates to the federal government to have their drugs dispensed to low-income seniors through the Medicare Part D program.

Those rebates would save the federal government $135 billion over ten years, the Office of Management and Budget estimated. But the savings would come at the expense of the pharmaceutical industry:

“At a minimum, these additional rebates would constitute a direct, dollar-for-dollar reduction in revenue to the pharmaceutical industry,” the AAF study said. “Using the historic relationship between revenues and employment, we find that by 2021 the proposal could reduce pharmaceutical and related employment by up to 238,000 jobs.”

"The president and liberals in Congress are pushing proposals they claim would stimulate our economy, but would actually directly destroy American jobs," said Holtz-Eakin. "Mandatory Part D drug rebates would put people out of work, increase costs for seniors and privately-insured patients, and slow research and development for new drugs."

The study says the pharmaceutical industry would absorb the revenue reduction in three ways – by reducing payroll employment, reducing profits, and possibly charging higher prices for other prescription drug buyers.

Moreover, a reduced investment in research and development could slow the process of bringing new drugs to market, which would impose further costs both on patients in need of new treatments and on the industry.

According to the White House, “The purpose of the American Jobs Act is simple: put more people back to work, put more money in the pockets of working Americans, and do so without adding a dime to the deficit.”

To pay for the bill “without adding a dime to the deficit,” the president is recommending – among many other things – “modest adjustments in important entitlement programs such as Medicare and Medicaid.”

The White House explains it this way: Under current law, drug manufacturers are required to pay specified rebates for drugs dispensed to Medicaid beneficiaries. In contrast, sponsors of the Medicare Part D (prescription drug) plan negotiate with manufacturers to obtain plan-specific rebates at unspecified levels.

The White House wants Medicare to get the same rebates that Medicaid receives for brand name and generic drugs provided to beneficiaries who receive the Medicare Low-Income Subsidy beginning 2013. *“This option is estimated to save $135 billion over 10 years,” says the White House Office of Management and Budget.

You're right big business can do business anywhere and they will step on the backs of many to make a profit. It's not a fair set up. The Carl Icahn situation with Forest is a perfect example. If Icahn won, how many reps at Forest would have been laid off so that he could make billions by driving up the stock price? Is he legally allowed to do that? Yes. Would it have been fair? No. It's so stupid to vote Republican because you're voting against your own interests. We need to tax the 1% more, give 50% inheritance tax, give tax incentives for companies that keep jobs in the US. Also as consumers, we need to start boycotting products made outside of the US. Just my 2 cents.

Wow! What crazy ideas. Boycott products made outside the US? Are you going go give your iphone?????? If we make it in the states , will you pay $2,000 for one? (steve jobs estimate on the cost to produce in the US?) and so that union people can be given 100k pensions?? What was the biggest financial problem that brought down GM and is in the process of bankrupting American Airlines?? Exhobitant pensions that companies can no longer keep up with.

You're right big business can do business anywhere and they will step on the backs of many to make a profit. It's not a fair set up. The Carl Icahn situation with Forest is a perfect example. If Icahn won, how many reps at Forest would have been laid off so that he could make billions by driving up the stock price? Is he legally allowed to do that? Yes. Would it have been fair? No. It's so stupid to vote Republican because you're voting against your own interests. We need to tax the 1% more, give 50% inheritance tax, give tax incentives for companies that keep jobs in the US. Also as consumers, we need to start boycotting products made outside of the US. Just my 2 cents.

Futhermore, What do you propose that Carl ichan do? Watch the company spend more than it takes in? Could you survive if you spent twice as much as you earned(with the exception of the govt)? You need to understant that "you are not owed a job" you earn your job. When companies can not seperate from their employees effectively , they do not hire. LOOK at spain and other countries with over 20% unemployement due to stringent labor laws. in Italy , most companies do not want to grow their busienss because when reveunes exceed a certain point, draconian labor laws are enforced. So what happens, mr Fairness? you would never have been hired and you would still be living with your parents into your late 30's ,

How can you defend an asshole like Carl Icahn. He screws over thousands of families so that he and his cronies can make an extra billion.

Uh what? He creates stock holder value. Do you know what stock holders are? They own the company last I recall. If a company's stock has no value who would want to own it? Icahn is a genius and I welcome him to Forest with open arms. Hopefully he gets rid of the "Specialty Rep" position ASAP!

Uh what? He creates stock holder value. Do you know what stock holders are? They own the company last I recall. If a company's stock has no value who would want to own it? Icahn is a genius and I welcome him to Forest with open arms. Hopefully he gets rid of the "Specialty Rep" position ASAP!

Agreed!! and hopefully he would replace 99% of all senior and middle management.

Agreed!! and hopefully he would replace 99% of all senior and middle management.

Seriously??? You don't know what you're talking about. Say goodbye to your job if Icahn takes over. He will sell and/or break up the company. Yes, the stock will go up. Do you want a job or to cash in your stock? You won't get both.

How can you defend an asshole like Carl Icahn. He screws over thousands of families so that he and his cronies can make an extra billion.[/QUOTE

I dont like Carl Ichan either but all companies succumb to gravity. When you sales do not cover your expenses , you need to cut your expenses to keep the company going. So , whether Mr Ichan buys the company or whether your sales fall through the floor , the end result is the same; the company has to cut expense , which means some of us will be let go. Only , the post office can afford to pay for salaries of people when costs are not covered because they can print money. So you argument is wrong and foolish. It is your responsibility to make the decisions necessary to not be in that situation. How many people held united stock from 62 to bankruptcy? Stop with the demagoguery about hurt families etc. If you think the company is in trouble, then leave, don't wait and then blame someone else! You are responsible for yourself and your family, no one else is.