If you're a pharm rep and a republican, you're a moron

Why is selling for Forest more noble than collecting tolls or teaching children? Firefighters risk their lives every day. When is the last time someone in pharma lost their lives in the line of duty?

To the last post, no one ever said anything bad about the job itself. What is wrong is for these govt workers to collect enourmous pensions that we all have to work for. Is it really noble to take a 200k pension from the govt ?

At a state agency in Texas, the executive director is receiving a $123,000-a-year salary even as he is drawing a government pension, as he has for the past eight years. In a struggling Michigan school district, 10 administrators retired, started drawing pension checks and returned immediately as contract employees. A school administrator in Illinois makes a combined $409,000 a year in pension payments and salary for overseeing a public boarding school.

Double-dipping—the well-established practice of public workers collecting government pensions and salaries at the same time—has become a hot topic for lawmakers around the country during these times of severely strained budgets and increased focus on the benefits provided to government employees.

Yet even as some states have begun curbing the practice, a review by The Associated Press found tens of thousands of state and public school employees across the country drawing government salaries along with their pensions. In five states alone — California, New York, Texas, Florida and Michigan — at least 66,000 government retirees also receive taxpayer-funded paychecks.

The practice has come under fire not just because of the cost of paying both a pension and a salary to the same person. It also can strain public pension funds because the rehired retirees draw from them but do not contribute while taking the place of workers who otherwise would be paying into the system.

Of particular concern are people who retire early, only to take another government job and draw pension annuities for many more years than they otherwise would.

Pharma never takes advantage of Federal funds? As you would put it YOUR tax dollars(exclamation point repeated 6 time). I hate to advise you that no one is self sustaining. Public money, TAX DOLLARS, built the roads you drive your Lexus on.

Again, no one has argued that there are not legitimate roles of government. The republicans are only the lesser of the two evils right now. The problem is not capitalism, but crony capitalism. When those in charge in Washington D.C. can preferentially stack the deck in favor of some to "outcompete" others then the true market forces aren't driving success or failure. Then you have idiots like the current administration who try to stack the deck in favor of companies like Solyndra and they still can't compete and end up wasting millions of tax payer dollars. At least I can drive on the roads built with my money, what are you getting out of Solyndra? It is a sham being perpetrated on us all. This is what the tea party stands against. It is amazing to me the number of people who blast the tea party who have never once been to an event to see what it is really all about. They see 10 second news clips of some liberal calling them "teabaggers and racists" and they just repeat the mantra without ever investigating. John Stossel did an excellent expose of crony capitalism. Look it up. Become informed before you start spouting your liberal talking points.

Again, no one has argued that there are not legitimate roles of government. The republicans are only the lesser of the two evils right now. The problem is not capitalism, but crony capitalism. When those in charge in Washington D.C. can preferentially stack the deck in favor of some to "outcompete" others then the true market forces aren't driving success or failure. Then you have idiots like the current administration who try to stack the deck in favor of companies like Solyndra and they still can't compete and end up wasting millions of tax payer dollars. At least I can drive on the roads built with my money, what are you getting out of Solyndra? It is a sham being perpetrated on us all. This is what the tea party stands against. It is amazing to me the number of people who blast the tea party who have never once been to an event to see what it is really all about. They see 10 second news clips of some liberal calling them "teabaggers and racists" and they just repeat the mantra without ever investigating. John Stossel did an excellent expose of crony capitalism. Look it up. Become informed before you start spouting your liberal talking points.

This is accurate. Sorry liberals, many of us conservatives want to side with you on some social and ecological issues, however the fiscal irresponsibility and liberal stance on economic issues is absolutely offensive to anyone who has done their research. Perhaps it's time to take a look at what you really believe in? Yes, it IS the lesser of two evils to a certain degree, but ultimately, it is MUCH less. Where's your evidence?

Why can't I get through to you people? It's me, poster of #1, #3 and #9. You guys really do have Stockholm Syndrome. Everybody's suffering in this economy except for the mega rich and the big businesses. This is because we have made it extremely favorable for them with the last three administrations. Since big business and the mega rich are doing better than everyone else it would make sense that big business would spur the economy by keeping or even hiring more employees, right? WRONG! you F'N idiots! Big business has and will always be run like a business. If you're not making them money, you're out. Corporations have posted RECORD profits over the past two years while everyone else has been getting fuct! Even if we slightly raise their taxes, corporations will still be ruthless and cutthroat. And where is this exceptionalism that you republicans are talking about? Try running a small business now. It's impossible because of how the system is structured. You morons want to give more advantages to the corporations?

I know this is difficult for dumb conservatives to understand but just remember this
More money for corporations = less money, QOL for me, you and small businesses.
You can't argue with me on that point.

We also need to eliminate over-time for goverment employees. See? I'm not a liberal.

"If you're not making them money, you are out." I think I'm quoting you correctly. Now go slow here because apparently you get lost easily. THE PURPOSE OF A BUSINESS IS TO PROVIDE A GOOD OR SERVICE TO MAKE MONEY. it is not to provide you or anyone else with job. Can I be any more clear on that?? Good for them for succeeding and having a good or service that people want. If you are standing in the way then you should be gone. These corporations are succeeding in spite of, not because of, our economic policies. They ship jobs overseas to reduce cost of labor because the cost of doing business in the U.S. is the highest in the world. Do you know who gets the tax dollars for a lot of our corporations?? China, India, Indonesia to name a few. Do you know why??? Because even communist China has a more favorable business environment than we have. I know your bleeding heart thinks that life should be rainbows and lollipops for everyone but that is not how the world works. Like I said before, you are not required to work anywhere for anyone. However, that is your choice. IF you should decide to exercise that choice it should be my right to not have to support you and to let you bear the responsibility for your poor choice.

Go back to the Huffington Post or wherever you get your talking points from and bring it. You will never win the argument because you do not have the facts or logic on your side. You have warm fuzzies and grand delusions for an ideology that does not work.

It is amazing how counterintuitive you libs are... Imagine this conversation going on in the White House:

Obama: I'm getting killed over here, you guys gotta come up with something to help my poll numbers!

Economic adviser #1: Well, let's see, how can we reward folks and give them incentives for being successful?

Adviser #2: I got it, let's raise the tax rates on all of the successful people out there. It isn't fair that they have more money. Let's get them off their high horse - knock 'em down a notch, then we will have more money to redistribute the way that we see fit. Don't you know that if we let people keep the money they earn that doesn't get us any votes next year!!

Adviser #1: So you're saying we take the money away from the minority who have been fortunate enough to be successful and give it to everyone else so that it's more equal, then the majority will vote for us because we gave them money and those with the money will be shit out of luck because they don't have the votes to stop us?

Obama: Brilliant!!!!!!!

Sound about right??? You libs and your class warfare are always the same. This is the funny thing, for all the rich liberals speaking out who say they want Obama to raise their taxes - how many of them paid a penny more than they had to last year??? How many of them have someone that they pay to do their taxes to keep their tax bill as low as possible. It is so damn hypocritical it's maddening!!!!!! You know the government actually has an office designated to accept gifts from anyone who doesn't feel they paid enough in taxes and wants to give more. I tell you what - I will get in line right behind Warren Buffett, Susan Sarandon and Sean Penn and all the other Hollywood "elite" who are just dying to be taxed at a higher rate.

Wow, an ad hominem attack. Let me explain that to you. It means you have no basis for your argument so now you have to rely on personal attacks. That's fine, you can attack me all you want, it still does not break down the validity of my argument. I am not ashamed of my record in the industry or my reasons for moving on to better myself. I spent 5 years with Forest and had 2 top 25% finishes, 2 top 50% finishes, and 1 bottom 50%. I walked away in August ranked in the top 25% and just got a nice $10k bonus check from the quarter that ended in June. I also won President's Club with the company I was with before Forest. Unlike some pathetic people who like to whine and want things handed to them instead of making their own way, I have decided that I can and want to do better. I appreciate what Forest did for me in the past, but I no longer respect management in my region. However, because of my track record of success, I have no personal debt and I have plenty of cash to bankroll my next degree without having to go to Uncle Sam for loans. I'm doing thinks the right way. I have already landed on my feet. I'm not the typical American carrying $20k in credit card debt, driving a new car I can't afford, living in a house that would be forclosed on if I lost my job. I don't have a credit card, a car payment, or an adjustable rate mortgage. I have been on my own since I was 17. I have made some mistakes along the way but I have paid for those and learned from those. I have taken personal responsibility for my failures and my successes. They are because of my hard work and because God has blessed me and allowed me to do it. I get tired of people who think that just because they don't have it as good as someone else it should be handed to them or that the government should take it away from the successful so that everyone can be equal. We are a lazy society of whiners and complainers with an entitlement mentality that everyone should be ashamed of. The fact that republicans have consistently bent to the tax and spend whims of the democrats (remember George Bush and his compassionate conservatism that gave us the biggest entitlement in U.S. history until Obamacare) is lamentable. We need to get back to the conservative principles this country was founded on. It is amazing to me that anyone could look at the austerity measures that are being implemented in Greece and Spain and think that we should continue down a road that makes us more like them. To think we should continue spending money that we don't have on jobs that don't exist in companies and government programs with bad business models that are inefficiently run is just insanity.

I never said I don't have a family. In fact, I take care of my family just fine because I have done things the right way and they support me in what I'm doing because I have always supported them.

For a person that doesn't even work for Forest you sure spend a lot of time on these boards. I am sure that a person as perfect as yourself will have no problem getting a job after school. If you were making real money in pharma you would never have left.

Why can't I get through to you people? It's me, poster of #1, #3 and #9. You guys really do have Stockholm Syndrome. Everybody's suffering in this economy except for the mega rich and the big businesses. This is because we have made it extremely favorable for them with the last three administrations. Since big business and the mega rich are doing better than everyone else it would make sense that big business would spur the economy by keeping or even hiring more employees, right? WRONG! you F'N idiots! Big business has and will always be run like a business. If you're not making them money, you're out. Corporations have posted RECORD profits over the past two years while everyone else has been getting fuct! Even if we slightly raise their taxes, corporations will still be ruthless and cutthroat. And where is this exceptionalism that you republicans are talking about? Try running a small business now. It's impossible because of how the system is structured. You morons want to give more advantages to the corporations?

I know this is difficult for dumb conservatives to understand but just remember this
More money for corporations = less money, QOL for me, you and small businesses.
You can't argue with me on that point.

We also need to eliminate over-time for goverment employees. See? I'm not a liberal.

If you are so angry at corporations, why dont you down and join the idiots protesting on wall street? you would fit right in and you get free pizza, you would not have to work. Bring a few stupid signs, like pharma reps are overworked and not paid? You can watch the fat man come down to talk to you , michael moore before he takes off on his private jet.

Why can't I get through to you people? It's me, poster of #1, #3 and #9. You guys really do have Stockholm Syndrome. Everybody's suffering in this economy except for the mega rich and the big businesses. This is because we have made it extremely favorable for them with the last three administrations. Since big business and the mega rich are doing better than everyone else it would make sense that big business would spur the economy by keeping or even hiring more employees, right? WRONG! you F'N idiots! Big business has and will always be run like a business. If you're not making them money, you're out. Corporations have posted RECORD profits over the past two years while everyone else has been getting fuct! Even if we slightly raise their taxes, corporations will still be ruthless and cutthroat. And where is this exceptionalism that you republicans are talking about? Try running a small business now. It's impossible because of how the system is structured. You morons want to give more advantages to the corporations?

I know this is difficult for dumb conservatives to understand but just remember this
More money for corporations = less money, QOL for me, you and small businesses.
You can't argue with me on that point.

We also need to eliminate over-time for goverment employees. See? I'm not a liberal.

Companies have posted recored profits because they were compared to 2008 and 2009 , both horrible years for businesses

Feel like you still have a voice anymore in pharma? Do you enjoy being harassed after one bad quarter and worrying about your job? Do you like constantly worrying about job security? Love 60hr work weeks? The environment is so pro-corporation it's comical. We continue to take this abuse because we need the job and health insurance for the family. So we take whatever they give us and ask for more because the pendulum has swung in favor of the corporations. Pharma knows the backlog of talent in the job pool and won't hesitate getting rid of you. Republicans want to make to environment more favorable to the corporations, and you're OK with it? In Europe, people work 30hr weeks with 2 months of vacation and free healthcare. I think its time to rethink capitalism swing the balance of power back to the people

How are republicans making it more favorable for corporations?? US corps stil pay the highest tax rates in the world even more than your utiopian european countries. Thats why most companies do not bring their earnings from overseas to the US. For, example companies like Dell and Cisco are sitting on billions in foreign banks that they could use here but would be hit with a 35% tax. Would you pay that? Mr liberal? Most liberals avoid taxes more than anyone such as john kerry keeping his 90 ft yacht in new hampshire instead of MA to avoid paying the 500k tax. Why dont you get your liberal friends to pay their fair share ? You can also add tim geitner(300k error) and most of the other people in the admin

There's a huge difference between being pro-business and pro-corporation. I'm pro-business, I want to see American entrepreneurs succeed and do well. I believe in creating an environment for small businesses to thrive. I believe in earning what you make and I believe in being rewarded by working hard. Here's the part Republicans have trouble with. Corporations are a perversion of capitalism. Corporations have succeeded by playing dirty. This has hurt the American worker and the American small business owner. I don't get why republicans want more power for the corporations. It's hurts their best interests.

There's a huge difference between being pro-business and pro-corporation. I'm pro-business, I want to see American entrepreneurs succeed and do well. I believe in creating an environment for small businesses to thrive. I believe in earning what you make and I believe in being rewarded by working hard. Here's the part Republicans have trouble with. Corporations are a perversion of capitalism. Corporations have succeeded by playing dirty. This has hurt the American worker and the American small business owner. I don't get why republicans want more power for the corporations. It's hurts their best interests.

Your pro business but anti-corporation ? How could you be probusiness? You are anti-business. Most of the business is done by major corporations. You suposesly work for one, Forest. If you are against Forest, why are you here? where would you be if most corps were eliminated or taken over by govt?? you would be unemployed and getting a mimimal handout

Your pro business but anti-corporation ? How could you be probusiness? You are anti-business. Most of the business is done by major corporations. You suposesly work for one, Forest. If you are against Forest, why are you here? where would you be if most corps were eliminated or taken over by govt?? you would be unemployed and getting a mimimal handout

Why do you think most business is done by corporations? Because they've squeezed out small businesses. They lobby for favors due to their deep pockets, they've destroyed the American worker and they manipulate their stock pricing. Is that playing fair? They have all of the advantages on their side and we should lower their taxes even more? Makes no sense to me.