If you're a pharm rep and a republican, you're a moron

Why do you think most business is done by corporations? Because they've squeezed out small businesses. They lobby for favors due to their deep pockets, they've destroyed the American worker and they manipulate their stock pricing. Is that playing fair? They have all of the advantages on their side and we should lower their taxes even more? Makes no sense to me.

No, you are wrong, the corps dominate because they are the only ones that can keep with all the draconian regulations and rules that only a big company can comply with

Why do you think most business is done by corporations? Because they've squeezed out small businesses. They lobby for favors due to their deep pockets, they've destroyed the American worker and they manipulate their stock pricing. Is that playing fair? They have all of the advantages on their side and we should lower their taxes even more? Makes no sense to me.

In case you havenot been following but Obama care just about wipes out most small business owners. They have raised the min wage, so now you have to pay more in wages, umeployment insurance has gone up and this is another expense.
then you top this off with the threat of unions and EPA regualations and the recent recinded bill that required all purchases over 600 to be recored.

Yes, this is why corporations have put most small business owners out of business because only a large compnay can comply with all the regulations

You know you guys are pharma reps not politicians, right? Write advice on how we can make our jobs better. Take care of yourself and everything else will workout. Politics what a load of BS.

You know you guys are pharma reps not politicians, right? Write advice on how we can make our jobs better. Take care of yourself and everything else will workout. Politics what a load of BS.

Great perspective, if we all felt that way our country would be even deeper in the crapper. I guess we should leave all this to the politicians, they know best. It doesn't affect us. Dumbass.

You know you guys are pharma reps not politicians, right? Write advice on how we can make our jobs better. Take care of yourself and everything else will workout. Politics what a load of BS.

Hide your head in the sand?? Are you an idiot?? if we are not involved one day you will wake up and there will be no companies to work for. Everyone will be forced to work for the govt making toys for china!

You know you guys are pharma reps not politicians, right? Write advice on how we can make our jobs better. Take care of yourself and everything else will workout. Politics what a load of BS.

Hard to believe i am reading this from a forest rep!!!!!!! DIDNT THE GOVT JUST TRY TO FORCE HOWARD OUT OF THE COMPANY!!!!! AND THREATENED TO SHUT DOWN 70% OF YOUR BUSINESS!!!!!!


Furthermore, the new Jobs Bill has provisions to reduce the patent life of branded drugs and eliminate the extension for doing further studies. They want to reduce the patent life for biologics from 12 years to 7 years.

So come on, how stupid could any rep be to vote democrat.

Again, the republicans demonstrate their ignorance. Just because I want corporations to pay their fair share doesn't mean I want bigger government, stupid! Besides the government isnt all bad. Don't you think providing companies incentives to keep manufacturing in the US is a good idea? Don't you like the healthcare that comes with your job? Aren't these a result of government regulations? You fools need to understand the broader scope of what's going on. Deregulation is what got us in this mess. The middle class has gotten squeezed as a result of corporations. By the way, how old is the earth assholes?

For you libtards, there is no such thing as fair share! Unless everyone is equal you will not be happy. Guess what??? Some people are better than others. Some are smarter than others. Some are (yes I'm going to say it) luckier than others. How do you begrudge them the success they have? It should make you want to work harder to try to obtain the same level of success, because their success tells you it is possible. We have the highest corporate tax rate in the world so quit it with this, "corporations don't pay their fair share" BS. You are a class warfare monger and that is all. Why don't you go on down to Wall Street with all the other "disenfranchised" 99% and post on Facebook from your iPhone about how bad you have it compared to the rest of the world. I'm so sick of pathetic whiners like you.

Again, no one has said all government functions are bad. What we have is a document called the Constitution that has enumerated powers laid out, really plain for people like you who are obviously too thick to get it any other way. If you would just bother to go as far as to Google "Constitution" there are a few different groups that will provide you with one for free if you think you can read it and understand.

Again, the republicans demonstrate their ignorance. Just because I want corporations to pay their fair share doesn't mean I want bigger government, stupid! Besides the government isnt all bad. Don't you think providing companies incentives to keep manufacturing in the US is a good idea? Don't you like the healthcare that comes with your job? Aren't these a result of government regulations? You fools need to understand the broader scope of what's going on. Deregulation is what got us in this mess. The middle class has gotten squeezed as a result of corporations. By the way, how old is the earth assholes?

How much more do you want corps to pay??? 40% . 50%??? The corp rate is 35% among the highest. This is why most companies like Dell, Cisco, intel are sitting on piles of cash over seas that they will not bring to this country to create jobs. Corps have an obligation to be profitable and this pays for union pension plans!!
if the tax rate was less, we have an influx of cash into the US. But nooooooooooooo, you people continue to press with card check and raising taxes, etc come on.

How many jobs will agenda create?? How much confidence will business have after this mob display in NY?? Even Bloomberg-who has sided with the democrats on everything so far, disagrees with the mob(protests)

How much more do you want corps to pay??? 40% . 50%??? The corp rate is 35% among the highest. This is why most companies like Dell, Cisco, intel are sitting on piles of cash over seas that they will not bring to this country to create jobs. Corps have an obligation to be profitable and this pays for union pension plans!!
if the tax rate was less, we have an influx of cash into the US. But nooooooooooooo, you people continue to press with card check and raising taxes, etc come on.

How many jobs will agenda create?? How much confidence will business have after this mob display in NY?? Even Bloomberg-who has sided with the democrats on everything so far, disagrees with the mob(protests)

You dumb bastard! The tax rate is 35% but through loopholes and tax shelters, us corporations often pay the lease comparatively.

This is very difficult for people to comprehend but when government gets too big, corruption happens. Same thing with corporations. When corporations become too big and powerful we need to do something about it.

You dumb bastard! The tax rate is 35% but through loopholes and tax shelters, us corporations often pay the lease comparatively.

This is very difficult for people to comprehend but when government gets too big, corruption happens. Same thing with corporations. When corporations become too big and powerful we need to do something about it.

.... are you kidding me?!? You want to introduce more control through more regulations??!? How 'bout controlling the size of corporations with free trade - think about it dumbass! In a free enterprise system if a company grows to be a giant then it's because the market likes their products; that's the way it should work, not by using more regulations.

You dumb bastard! The tax rate is 35% but through loopholes and tax shelters, us corporations often pay the lease comparatively.

This is very difficult for people to comprehend but when government gets too big, corruption happens. Same thing with corporations. When corporations become too big and powerful we need to do something about it.

Dumb?? Corporations by the lease?? I think you meant to say least!!

How about 47% of the population does not pay any federal tax????? How how easy it to ask for more hand outs when they dont pay!!

You have a problem with loop holes?? how about the one for corporate jets which your party INCLUDED IN THE STIMULUS??

You dumb bastard! The tax rate is 35% but through loopholes and tax shelters, us corporations often pay the lease comparatively.

This is very difficult for people to comprehend but when government gets too big, corruption happens. Same thing with corporations. When corporations become too big and powerful we need to do something about it.

If you think its bad now, wait til morons like you raise taxes!!!!

You dumb bastard! The tax rate is 35% but through loopholes and tax shelters, us corporations often pay the lease comparatively.

This is very difficult for people to comprehend but when government gets too big, corruption happens. Same thing with corporations. When corporations become too big and powerful we need to do something about it.

You didnt read the posting correctly , moron, typical loser liberal!!! you have no facts, so all you can do is attack and call people names. All you will do is continue to chase companies overseas , idiot!
One of the biggest democrat supports, the CEO of Intel , said it would cost one billion more to build a plant in the US rather than anywhere else in the world due to taxes, regulations, osha, unions, and EPA.
What will happen if we increase taxes again?? you can guess mr genious!!!

Oh and we cannot wait for factless response , no substance except a bunch of put downs

You dumb bastard! The tax rate is 35% but through loopholes and tax shelters, us corporations often pay the lease comparatively.

This is very difficult for people to comprehend but when government gets too big, corruption happens. Same thing with corporations. When corporations become too big and powerful we need to do something about it.

Guess what dumb ass, those deductions and loop holes pay for some of your benefits. When you eliminate those deductions say good buy to your company car, health insurance and other perks you get.
What a stupid, mindless idiot fooled by anachists/communists on wall street and the media.