WOW!!!!!! What a stunning display of ignorance. In case you haven't been paying attention, Europe is broke. Unlimited social benefit packages sound great in theory, there is just a little problem with implementation. Unemployment is higher in most of Europe than it is in the U.S. so a good number of people aren't working those 30 hour weeks and they are getting a lot more than 2 months of "vacation". The American economy has thrived because of capitalism. I'm substituting capitalism here for "big corporations" because that is what you are really attacking. You hate a system that demands every individual be responsible for themselves. No one requires you to work at a pharmaceutical company or any other big corporation. As a matter of fact, if you think you can run a better company, why don't you start one and show us just how brilliant you are. Quit being a slave to the man and show us how you can give all of your employees unlimited benefits and make them the happiest workers in the world while keeping your costs under control and making a little money for yourself (or maybe you wouldn't want to get paid since you are so giving). The tax and spend democrats and their endless government regulations and the cost of complying with those regulations are why we are in the predicament we are in.
By the way, if Obamacare goes into effect as planned, how long do you think pharm reps will have jobs?????? The tightening of the reigns of the insurance companies by the government has already taken much of the autonomy of medical decision making out of the hands of prescribers. Once the government is making all of those decisions there really won't be much need for you will there?? Seems to me if you are a pharm rep and a democrat (thereby voting yourself out of a job), you are the real moron!