If you're a pharm rep and a republican, you're a moron


Feel like you still have a voice anymore in pharma? Do you enjoy being harassed after one bad quarter and worrying about your job? Do you like constantly worrying about job security? Love 60hr work weeks? The environment is so pro-corporation it's comical. We continue to take this abuse because we need the job and health insurance for the family. So we take whatever they give us and ask for more because the pendulum has swung in favor of the corporations. Pharma knows the backlog of talent in the job pool and won't hesitate getting rid of you. Republicans want to make to environment more favorable to the corporations, and you're OK with it? In Europe, people work 30hr weeks with 2 months of vacation and free healthcare. I think its time to rethink capitalism swing the balance of power back to the people

WOW!!!!!! What a stunning display of ignorance. In case you haven't been paying attention, Europe is broke. Unlimited social benefit packages sound great in theory, there is just a little problem with implementation. Unemployment is higher in most of Europe than it is in the U.S. so a good number of people aren't working those 30 hour weeks and they are getting a lot more than 2 months of "vacation". The American economy has thrived because of capitalism. I'm substituting capitalism here for "big corporations" because that is what you are really attacking. You hate a system that demands every individual be responsible for themselves. No one requires you to work at a pharmaceutical company or any other big corporation. As a matter of fact, if you think you can run a better company, why don't you start one and show us just how brilliant you are. Quit being a slave to the man and show us how you can give all of your employees unlimited benefits and make them the happiest workers in the world while keeping your costs under control and making a little money for yourself (or maybe you wouldn't want to get paid since you are so giving). The tax and spend democrats and their endless government regulations and the cost of complying with those regulations are why we are in the predicament we are in.

By the way, if Obamacare goes into effect as planned, how long do you think pharm reps will have jobs?????? The tightening of the reigns of the insurance companies by the government has already taken much of the autonomy of medical decision making out of the hands of prescribers. Once the government is making all of those decisions there really won't be much need for you will there?? Seems to me if you are a pharm rep and a democrat (thereby voting yourself out of a job), you are the real moron!

WOW!!!!!! What a stunning display of ignorance. In case you haven't been paying attention, Europe is broke. Unlimited social benefit packages sound great in theory, there is just a little problem with implementation. Unemployment is higher in most of Europe than it is in the U.S. so a good number of people aren't working those 30 hour weeks and they are getting a lot more than 2 months of "vacation". The American economy has thrived because of capitalism. I'm substituting capitalism here for "big corporations" because that is what you are really attacking. You hate a system that demands every individual be responsible for themselves. No one requires you to work at a pharmaceutical company or any other big corporation. As a matter of fact, if you think you can run a better company, why don't you start one and show us just how brilliant you are. Quit being a slave to the man and show us how you can give all of your employees unlimited benefits and make them the happiest workers in the world while keeping your costs under control and making a little money for yourself (or maybe you wouldn't want to get paid since you are so giving). The tax and spend democrats and their endless government regulations and the cost of complying with those regulations are why we are in the predicament we are in.

By the way, if Obamacare goes into effect as planned, how long do you think pharm reps will have jobs?????? The tightening of the reigns of the insurance companies by the government has already taken much of the autonomy of medical decision making out of the hands of prescribers. Once the government is making all of those decisions there really won't be much need for you will there?? Seems to me if you are a pharm rep and a democrat (thereby voting yourself out of a job), you are the real moron!

You've got a serious case of Stockholm Syndrome. Do you think you can really make a career out of Pharma sales? If pharma could outsource your services or downsize you it would. In this economy, everyone's suffering except for the mega rich and the corporations. It's all about the bottom line for these corporations. You're just a number and when your services are no longer needed or cost effective you're gone. Tax rates for big corporates are the lowest they've ever been....Where are the jobs? There aren't any because they are stockpiling cash. This is who you work for and if you think things will get better you're sadly mistaken.

WOW!!!!!! What a stunning display of ignorance. In case you haven't been paying attention, Europe is broke. Unlimited social benefit packages sound great in theory, there is just a little problem with implementation. Unemployment is higher in most of Europe than it is in the U.S. so a good number of people aren't working those 30 hour weeks and they are getting a lot more than 2 months of "vacation". The American economy has thrived because of capitalism. I'm substituting capitalism here for "big corporations" because that is what you are really attacking. You hate a system that demands every individual be responsible for themselves. No one requires you to work at a pharmaceutical company or any other big corporation. As a matter of fact, if you think you can run a better company, why don't you start one and show us just how brilliant you are. Quit being a slave to the man and show us how you can give all of your employees unlimited benefits and make them the happiest workers in the world while keeping your costs under control and making a little money for yourself (or maybe you wouldn't want to get paid since you are so giving). The tax and spend democrats and their endless government regulations and the cost of complying with those regulations are why we are in the predicament we are in.

By the way, if Obamacare goes into effect as planned, how long do you think pharm reps will have jobs?????? The tightening of the reigns of the insurance companies by the government has already taken much of the autonomy of medical decision making out of the hands of prescribers. Once the government is making all of those decisions there really won't be much need for you will there?? Seems to me if you are a pharm rep and a democrat (thereby voting yourself out of a job), you are the real moron!

Yes... You are correct

You've got a serious case of Stockholm Syndrome. Do you think you can really make a career out of Pharma sales? If pharma could outsource your services or downsize you it would. In this economy, everyone's suffering except for the mega rich and the corporations. It's all about the bottom line for these corporations. You're just a number and when your services are no longer needed or cost effective you're gone. Tax rates for big corporates are the lowest they've ever been....Where are the jobs? There aren't any because they are stockpiling cash. This is who you work for and if you think things will get better you're sadly mistaken.

You on the other hand.. Are a tool..

Feel like you still have a voice anymore in pharma? Do you enjoy being harassed after one bad quarter and worrying about your job? Do you like constantly worrying about job security? Love 60hr work weeks? The environment is so pro-corporation it's comical. We continue to take this abuse because we need the job and health insurance for the family. So we take whatever they give us and ask for more because the pendulum has swung in favor of the corporations. Pharma knows the backlog of talent in the job pool and won't hesitate getting rid of you. Republicans want to make to environment more favorable to the corporations, and you're OK with it? In Europe, people work 30hr weeks with 2 months of vacation and free healthcare. I think its time to rethink capitalism swing the balance of power back to the people

It's true - Forest has gone from a powerhouse to the outhouse in Pharma.

Yes, if you think your pharma "sales" or sales management job here or in any pharma is a career, you are a damn fool. It's a JOB.

The original poster is also a damn fool, one needs to separate their political views from their jobs and day to day life. They are not connected or aligned for almost everyone, as that is not possible or realistic for most.

If anybody believes either party is always in the right or on their side, they haven't looked at enough eveidence- they haven't done their homework. Your statement about the republicans is ignorant, lacking in substance, and basically irrelevant.
The same goes for feeling you still have a voice. Hahahaha, do you think we did at some point?

To poster #3, why do you think they are stockpiling cash and not creating jobs???? Let me answer that for you because I don't think you have a clue. They are not creating jobs because of the uncertainty this administration brought in with it. They are sitting around wondering what costs and regulations that are going to drive up their costs of doing business they are going to get hit with next. The job of a board of directors of any corporation is to maximize profits and make the business as efficient as possible. IT IS NOT TO CREATE JOBS!!!!!!!!! IT IS NOT TO GIVE YOU A CUSHY PLACE TO WORK WITH GOOD BENEFITS. In case you don't know this, you are not ENTITLED to a job. You do not have to work for Forest or any other company that you do not feel is looking out for your best interests. If the government would quit the overregulation and create a favorable tax environment that didn't penalize corporations for their success, these boards of directors would find it favorable to do more business and create more jobs in the U.S. Corporations are not entities unto themselves. They are made of people. More specifically they are made of people who want to make money. I don't know of any company that doesn't want to hire more people because the need to hire means you business is succeeding. So the question then becomes, why are U.S. businesses not succeeding currently and losing out to foreign competition?

By the way, who the hell do you think you are that you think you, or any other person, is entitled to their stockpile of cash. If they created a business and earned it then it is up to them what they do with it. I left Forest a little over a month ago because I wasn't happy with management. I'm actually back in school and changing my career path because I don't like the direction pharma is going. Do you know how I made it possible to do this???? I stockpiled cash for a rainy day you moron. And no you are not entitled to any of my cash either. And I am not required to run out to McDonald's and spend my cash so that I can "create" a minimum wage job for some high school burger flipper any more than a corporation is required to spend their cash to give you a job. I exercised my right as an individual to not work for a company whose business practices I no longer agreed with. Forest owes me nothing, and they owe you nothing.

You stupid Teabaggers crack me up. You want to deregulate corporations because you hold on to the antiquated "trickle down economics" theory. That theory has been proven wrong. What deregulation has done is give the big corporations a tremendous amount of power and profit. Which gives them great lobbying power to protect their own interests. Why does Forest give you healthcare? Because it was mandated by the government. Why do child labor laws exist? Because of regulation. What dumb teabaggers don't realize is the more we give corporations the more they will take. Look as how pharma has changed over the past 10 yrs. It used to be a great job and now it sucks. Do you know what's a great job? IRS, teaching, firefighter, law enforcement. All government jobs with great job security, benefits , pension. Who doesn't want that?

You liberals are too stupid to realize that the government cannot create jobs!!!! The government provides goods and services only because people who work outside of the government pay taxes. Without the people paying taxes you don't have the nice, cushy jobs with all of the benefits!!! I am paying for every last one of those jobs you moron.

You liberals are too stupid to realize that the government cannot create jobs!!!! The government provides goods and services only because people who work outside of the government pay taxes. Without the people paying taxes you don't have the nice, cushy jobs with all of the benefits!!! I am paying for every last one of those jobs you moron.

First of all, I'm not a liberal. At the same time, I don't believe that we should continue to suck up to the corporations for fear of reprisal. My point that most are having trouble getting is that lowering taxes for corporations is basically just giving them money. It's not an investment and it's not going trickle down to you the employee. It's not going to create more jobs, it's just going into their stockpile. Lowering taxes won't keep your job either. If it's advantageous for the company to downsize you or outsource your services, then they will. Which will raise the stock price and further line the pockets of the shareholders and CEOs. This is why Republicans are morons and vote against their best interest.

I'm not a liberal either, I don't believe in free hand outs or creating a welfare nation. I actually believe in getting rewarded for hard work but that's not the system we have now. You can work you ass off and still get downsized if it affects the corporation's bottom line. Still believe we have a capitalistic society? Try opening your own small business and watch as big business crushes you. The US is now a super corporations. Wake the F up people

First of all, I'm not a liberal. At the same time, I don't believe that we should continue to suck up to the corporations for fear of reprisal. My point that most are having trouble getting is that lowering taxes for corporations is basically just giving them money. It's not an investment and it's not going trickle down to you the employee. It's not going to create more jobs, it's just going into their stockpile. Lowering taxes won't keep your job either. If it's advantageous for the company to downsize you or outsource your services, then they will. Which will raise the stock price and further line the pockets of the shareholders and CEOs. This is why Republicans are morons and vote against their best interest.

I'm not a liberal either, I don't believe in free hand outs or creating a welfare nation. I actually believe in getting rewarded for hard work but that's not the system we have now. You can work you ass off and still get downsized if it affects the corporation's bottom line. Still believe we have a capitalistic society? Try opening your own small business and watch as big business crushes you. The US is now a super corporations. Wake the F up people

You are such as piece of shit communist mother fucker. Where did you post this from? Wall street with the loser protesters?? Go take a shower you piece of shit.

Go to cuba you stupid moron

Feel like you still have a voice anymore in pharma? Do you enjoy being harassed after one bad quarter and worrying about your job? Do you like constantly worrying about job security? Love 60hr work weeks? The environment is so pro-corporation it's comical. We continue to take this abuse because we need the job and health insurance for the family. So we take whatever they give us and ask for more because the pendulum has swung in favor of the corporations. Pharma knows the backlog of talent in the job pool and won't hesitate getting rid of you. Republicans want to make to environment more favorable to the corporations, and you're OK with it? In Europe, people work 30hr weeks with 2 months of vacation and free healthcare. I think its time to rethink capitalism swing the balance of power back to the people

You are such a moron, you dont like Forest , then leave!!!!
You must think people are stupid or what , how many colleagues do you need to see be laid off during the term of this admin?? Where was unemployment during bush?? 4% Where is with this admin, Over 9% and really closer to 20% , just like the Great Depression.

I tell you what will happen if the govt sticks their nose in this businesss, there will be even less jobs. You my friend can always get a job at Star Bucks , i sure you would fit in discussing MArx and other communists. And i am sure your tattatos and peircing would not be a big deal>
Go to wall street and hang out with the losers! Or go live in Venezula or Cuba

Feel like you still have a voice anymore in pharma? Do you enjoy being harassed after one bad quarter and worrying about your job? Do you like constantly worrying about job security? Love 60hr work weeks? The environment is so pro-corporation it's comical. We continue to take this abuse because we need the job and health insurance for the family. So we take whatever they give us and ask for more because the pendulum has swung in favor of the corporations. Pharma knows the backlog of talent in the job pool and won't hesitate getting rid of you. Republicans want to make to environment more favorable to the corporations, and you're OK with it? In Europe, people work 30hr weeks with 2 months of vacation and free healthcare. I think its time to rethink capitalism swing the balance of power back to the people

In Europe unemployment is chronically at 20% ie Spain. IN most European counties young punks like yourself are unemployed through most of your early years and most dont find employment till the 30's.
and many of the 20-40 years live with their parents!! because there is no work or affordable housing .

What a Tool you are!!!

I am amazed at how stupid you are.

Feel like you still have a voice anymore in pharma? Do you enjoy being harassed after one bad quarter and worrying about your job? Do you like constantly worrying about job security? Love 60hr work weeks? The environment is so pro-corporation it's comical. We continue to take this abuse because we need the job and health insurance for the family. So we take whatever they give us and ask for more because the pendulum has swung in favor of the corporations. Pharma knows the backlog of talent in the job pool and won't hesitate getting rid of you. Republicans want to make to environment more favorable to the corporations, and you're OK with it? In Europe, people work 30hr weeks with 2 months of vacation and free healthcare. I think its time to rethink capitalism swing the balance of power back to the people

Oh wow, you just got out of a SEIU convention.
Europe? Oh Really? I heard this shit 10 years ago bud, nobody talks about Europe anymore except to glance at the riots and the impeding collapse of Greece, Spain, Portugal and Italy.
Not even the democrats talk about Europe anymore because it does not work.
I am sorry , if you heard just heard this arguement. but you are too late.

Also, you want one of those job in Spain in which you work 30 hours? Good luck , you willmost likely be unemployed for over 10 years living with your parents! and the only people who get those jobs are the well connected , politically connected! Sorry bud, take up your cause somewhere else

You've got a serious case of Stockholm Syndrome. Do you think you can really make a career out of Pharma sales? If pharma could outsource your services or downsize you it would. In this economy, everyone's suffering except for the mega rich and the corporations. It's all about the bottom line for these corporations. You're just a number and when your services are no longer needed or cost effective you're gone. Tax rates for big corporates are the lowest they've ever been....Where are the jobs? There aren't any because they are stockpiling cash. This is who you work for and if you think things will get better you're sadly mistaken.

No you are wrong! At least in this country , i can do something else besides pharma.
And unemployment is high because of your president implementing anti-jobs agenda

Dodd Frank
Obama Care
Raising the min wage
raising taxes
lettign EPA go wild shutting down all our energy and drilling
loading he labor board with ex-union members
wasting trilliolns on delivering money to govt union workers
Constantly meddling with the ecomony

should i go on??

No , correct title to your blog should be if you are an america and you wote for the democrats you are a moron

You stupid Teabaggers crack me up. You want to deregulate corporations because you hold on to the antiquated "trickle down economics" theory. That theory has been proven wrong. What deregulation has done is give the big corporations a tremendous amount of power and profit. Which gives them great lobbying power to protect their own interests. Why does Forest give you healthcare? Because it was mandated by the government. Why do child labor laws exist? Because of regulation. What dumb teabaggers don't realize is the more we give corporations the more they will take. Look as how pharma has changed over the past 10 yrs. It used to be a great job and now it sucks. Do you know what's a great job? IRS, teaching, firefighter, law enforcement. All government jobs with great job security, benefits , pension. Who doesn't want that?

Yeah , and who do you think pays those teachers and firemen? My taxes you bozo!!! And even more unfair , is these teachers and firemen get hugh pensions that i have to pay for with my tax dollars. Double unfair are the Govt employees who double dip. Reaid today in the paper you clues imbecile. These govt employees are double dipping at our expense! now that is an OUTRAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111 OUTRAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

Now , you have toll booth operators making over 100k in pension benefits!!! A Real outrage!!!

Why is selling for Forest more noble than collecting tolls or teaching children? Firefighters risk their lives every day. When is the last time someone in pharma lost their lives in the line of duty?

the last poster is apparently to thick to get the point. No one has said that it is not noble to be a fireman. Firemen are good, brave people and deserve all the respect in the world. At all levels (local, state, and national) there are certain services that the government it expected to provide and in return for those good and services the citizens pay taxes. When the government gets so big that it forgets where it gets is power it becomes a danger to the people it purports to protect. Our founding fathers knew this and that is why they set limitations on the size and scope of our federal government. Unfortunately too few people today know much about our founding fathers and the vision they had for this great nation. My wife happens to be an elementary school teacher and I hear every day about the decisions made by our government that are making our children more and more stupid, and putting them further and further behind our competitor nations, all in the name of political correctness. We have kids who can't name the state they live in who are having to learn useless facts about useless nations on the other side of the world so they can say they are well-rounded and not so selfish and "American". If we do not believe in our exceptionalism and fight for it, no one else will.

Why is selling for Forest more noble than collecting tolls or teaching children? Firefighters risk their lives every day. When is the last time someone in pharma lost their lives in the line of duty?

Let talk noble then , priests , nuns, rabbis people who really help others. Your reply is not relevant and shows that all you are is an agitator who is against hard working people. Pharma reps may not directly save lives but everyone works , 60 hours a week you even said it bud. i tell you what is noble for all of us, people who work and have self sustaining lives. Not the leeches who dont work, ie the losers rioters on Wall Street.