If your happy and you know it...

Eisia, Regeneron and Pfizer have an Ivy League culture and half those jobs are fake. I applied to a bunch and never even got a call for most and I was 100% qualified. My friend who works at Regeneron told me those positions were filled internally. They want an MBA for a Sr Finance Analyst position?? Fake! They are promoting up their own people who’s MBAs they paid for. I interviewed with a recruiter at Eisai and never heard back. I was told the position was filled by a system generated email 6 months later! Recruiter for Pfizer wasted my time and said position was canceled after I hounded him 10x. I changed up my game plan and found a great job working for a Healthcare company. Expand your job criteria to include other industries, especially Finance people. A/R and A/P are translateable. CPAs, Customer Service, can get jobs anywhere. The people on 3rd May have issues moving to another industry but definitely not Finance and CS. Also, try Media industry. If you can do pharma finance, you can work for NBC or CBS. They also have an office in Woodcliff Lake. Eisia, Pfizer and Regeneron are notorious for fake jobs. Just read their reviews. While you wait on pharma fake jobs, good jobs in Media, Healthcare, Luxury, Consumer Goods are getting eaten up! I wish all my former colleagues still stuck at Taro best of luck. I hope you all get out.

Eisia, Regeneron and Pfizer have an Ivy League culture and half those jobs are fake. I applied to a bunch and never even got a call for most and I was 100% qualified. My friend who works at Regeneron told me those positions were filled internally. They want an MBA for a Sr Finance Analyst position?? Fake! They are promoting up their own people who’s MBAs they paid for. I interviewed with a recruiter at Eisai and never heard back. I was told the position was filled by a system generated email 6 months later! Recruiter for Pfizer wasted my time and said position was canceled after I hounded him 10x. I changed up my game plan and found a great job working for a Healthcare company. Expand your job criteria to include other industries, especially Finance people. A/R and A/P are translateable. CPAs, Customer Service, can get jobs anywhere. The people on 3rd May have issues moving to another industry but definitely not Finance and CS. Also, try Media industry. If you can do pharma finance, you can work for NBC or CBS. They also have an office in Woodcliff Lake. Eisia, Pfizer and Regeneron are notorious for fake jobs. Just read their reviews. While you wait on pharma fake jobs, good jobs in Media, Healthcare, Luxury, Consumer Goods are getting eaten up! I wish all my former colleagues still stuck at Taro best of luck. I hope you all get out.
Well, just sharing my experience. Big companies are Great to work for, but yes, it's hard to get on board. Their recruiting process is very slow (it's normal to wait 3-4 month after your 1st interview with them). Because they are so big, both HR and hiring manager are very busy. And yes, there's always competition from the existing employees. Promoting people internally is much cheaper. However, it's still possible to get the job there. Don't stop, keep trying!

I worked in small company with very good environment and I worked in two big corporations with great culture as well. Don't think size matters. It's people who create overall atmosphere at workplace. And there's no place as bad as Taro. Insecure, nasty, jealous managers bully out talented employees and replace them with entry-level dummies. So, if you are good employee, leave asap!

Eisia, Regeneron and Pfizer have an Ivy League culture and half those jobs are fake. I applied to a bunch and never even got a call for most and I was 100% qualified. My friend who works at Regeneron told me those positions were filled internally. They want an MBA for a Sr Finance Analyst position?? Fake! They are promoting up their own people who’s MBAs they paid for. I interviewed with a recruiter at Eisai and never heard back. I was told the position was filled by a system generated email 6 months later! Recruiter for Pfizer wasted my time and said position was canceled after I hounded him 10x. I changed up my game plan and found a great job working for a Healthcare company. Expand your job criteria to include other industries, especially Finance people. A/R and A/P are translateable. CPAs, Customer Service, can get jobs anywhere. The people on 3rd May have issues moving to another industry but definitely not Finance and CS. Also, try Media industry. If you can do pharma finance, you can work for NBC or CBS. They also have an office in Woodcliff Lake. Eisia, Pfizer and Regeneron are notorious for fake jobs. Just read their reviews. While you wait on pharma fake jobs, good jobs in Media, Healthcare, Luxury, Consumer Goods are getting eaten up! I wish all my former colleagues still stuck at Taro best of luck. I hope you all get out.

I do agree with some of what you’re saying BUT I disagree job’s are all fake. they are just very slow. I applied and interviewed with Pfizer and wound up accepting a job in a different industry when I didn’t hear back. Months later, Pfizer HR contacted me and I’m happy where I am now so I said no thanks. So I guess the question is “Why stay in pharma?” And if you don’t have a good reason, ask “How much longer can I put up with toxic Taro environment?”

People, if you have solid excel skills, you can move to any Finance dept in any industry. Most people look for lookups, pivot tables and basic formulas. And trust me, it’s a lot easier than pharma.

Eisia, Regeneron and Pfizer have an Ivy League culture and half those jobs are fake. I applied to a bunch and never even got a call for most and I was 100% qualified. My friend who works at Regeneron told me those positions were filled internally. They want an MBA for a Sr Finance Analyst position?? Fake! They are promoting up their own people who’s MBAs they paid for. I interviewed with a recruiter at Eisai and never heard back. I was told the position was filled by a system generated email 6 months later! Recruiter for Pfizer wasted my time and said position was canceled after I hounded him 10x. I changed up my game plan and found a great job working for a Healthcare company. Expand your job criteria to include other industries, especially Finance people. A/R and A/P are translateable. CPAs, Customer Service, can get jobs anywhere. The people on 3rd May have issues moving to another industry but definitely not Finance and CS. Also, try Media industry. If you can do pharma finance, you can work for NBC or CBS. They also have an office in Woodcliff Lake. Eisia, Pfizer and Regeneron are notorious for fake jobs. Just read their reviews. While you wait on pharma fake jobs, good jobs in Media, Healthcare, Luxury, Consumer Goods are getting eaten up! I wish all my former colleagues still stuck at Taro best of luck. I hope you all get out.
Don't loose hope in pharma industry. You don't need to work for a behemoth company to get into good work culture. There's so many smaller and mid-size companies that'll value your experience in pharma industry. Look into CT, NYC, NJ. Also, I noticed, big companies often prefer to use recruiters rather than mess with inflow of resumes directly. Very often, headhunters have personal connections with HR people in big companies which helps them get business. And the more recruiters you work with, the higher are your chances.

I do agree with some of what you’re saying BUT I disagree job’s are all fake. they are just very slow. I applied and interviewed with Pfizer and wound up accepting a job in a different industry when I didn’t hear back. Months later, Pfizer HR contacted me and I’m happy where I am now so I said no thanks. So I guess the question is “Why stay in pharma?” And if you don’t have a good reason, ask “How much longer can I put up with toxic Taro environment?”

People, if you have solid excel skills, you can move to any Finance dept in any industry. Most people look for lookups, pivot tables and basic formulas. And trust me, it’s a lot easier than pharma.

Trump wants to lower generic drug pricing.
Don't stay in pharma and definitely don't stay with Taro.
Now is the time to leave.

And yes, experience and a high skill-set for Excel is at the top of the finance interviewer's list.
Knowing how to export the right SAP spreadsheets from its hundreds of different report options is also a plus.

People, if you have solid excel skills, you can move to any Finance dept in any industry. Most people look for lookups, pivot tables and basic formulas. And trust me, it’s a lot easier than pharma.
I've heard SAP knowledge is big deal too. As well as BI, BW and other crap. Even if our IT never got it to work well, you can still mention it in resume.

So the net effect is that Taro has the worst of the worst. Bottom feeders. Any complaints on CP are idle chatter from people who do not know or matter.
You must be one of those "bottom feeders" polluting CP with nonsence.
Agree there's a lot of junk here, but there's also a lot of truth about how things are going at Taro.
Anonymity allows people to write about real existing problems and point to the trouble- making managers without fear of retaliation. And from some posts you could tell that HR people and even some top managers read this forum from time to time. You never know, maybe at some point it'll help get things improved in the company.

I worked in small company with very good environment and I worked in two big corporations with great culture as well. Don't think size matters. It's people who create overall atmosphere at workplace. And there's no place as bad as Taro. Insecure, nasty, jealous managers bully out talented employees and replace them with entry-level dummies. So, if you are good employee, leave asap!
Toxic management members are easy to spot. No one at Taro has cared enough to do anything about it. As a matter of fact, those who have the power to help seem to join in. Instead of putting a stop to the nonsense, they join in to the bull$hit. It's a neverending circle. Everytime a new executive is hired most have hope for change but within a short period, they get caught up in the garbage that's being dished out by managers who shouldn't have jobs at Taro. The hope has been for new CFO to take notice and help put an end to this bully club.

Toxic management members are easy to spot. No one at Taro has cared enough to do anything about it. As a matter of fact, those who have the power to help seem to join in. Instead of putting a stop to the nonsense, they join in to the bull$hit. It's a neverending circle. Everytime a new executive is hired most have hope for change but within a short period, they get caught up in the garbage that's being dished out by managers who shouldn't have jobs at Taro. The hope has been for new CFO to take notice and help put an end to this bully club.

This toxicity will never end for several reasons.
Management won't take any responsibility for it.
The toxic culture cannot be repaired when no one is held accountable for it.

They are in CYA mode and at the same time, they are taking the path of least resistance because they don't want to hear complaints. They are caught up in the toxic environment and just want to do the minimum required to get through the day.

The hope has been for new CFO to take notice and help put an end to this bully club.
Agree. And new executive should care enough and be smart enough to identify the troubled managers because on public they often pretend to be nice people. In Finance, we have one long-time bully and racist who is now coming out of his pants in every meeting to look like a good guy and best friend of Asians, Latinos and all other minorities. Everybody knows who he is but people don't want to mess with it hoping he retires soon.

Agree. And new executive should care enough and be smart enough to identify the troubled managers because on public they often pretend to be nice people. In Finance, we have one long-time bully and racist who is now coming out of his pants in every meeting to look like a good guy and best friend of Asians, Latinos and all other minorities. Everybody knows who he is but people don't want to mess with it hoping he retires soon.

The toxic incompetence, bullying, and other unethical behavior from Sun has spilled over into Taro, so he was right about them. Not terminating a CEO for insider training was the culmination.

Agree. And new executive should care enough and be smart enough to identify the troubled managers because on public they often pretend to be nice people. In Finance, we have one long-time bully and racist who is now coming out of his pants in every meeting to look like a good guy and best friend of Asians, Latinos and all other minorities. Everybody knows who he is but people don't want to mess with it hoping he retires soon.
He's not the only one. You have the lady on 3 who can't hold on to a staff, the fraternity leader on 2 who will only hold on to peeps who are willing to play his games - ya don't even have to work to be on his team, and babytalk on 2, she hates everyone.

He's not the only one. You have the lady on 3 who can't hold on to a staff, the fraternity leader on 2 who will only hold on to peeps who are willing to play his games - ya don't even have to work to be on his team, and babytalk on 2, she hates everyone.

Very true. ClownFO was to worried about nonsense to do anything on 2. DH is addressing.

Agree. And new executive should care enough and be smart enough to identify the troubled managers because on public they often pretend to be nice people. In Finance, we have one long-time bully and racist who is now coming out of his pants in every meeting to look like a good guy and best friend of Asians, Latinos and all other minorities. Everybody knows who he is but people don't want to mess with it hoping he retires soon.
If you mean our treasurer, come o-o-on.. give him some credit. Old rat is just trying to earn his retirement bonus.